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On a serious note

Andy Horsman

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I was not at the game last night, as I had to work, but was kindly kept abreast of things by my good friend Dave.Having read the posts this morning from so many reliable forum members, I think it is vitally important that supporters do not sit back and wait for Bristol City FC to act (if they will act at all)

I think the Trust and Supporters Club as recognized bodies representing City Fans should ask some harsh questions and demand full answers from Bristol Rovers re their stewarding, and Avon and Somerset police, who it would appear were at best heavy handed, and at worst abusing their powers.

If no such action is taken, there will undoubtably be repercussions further down the line for peaceable fans at away matches.

Your thoughts, please

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City fans did react at the end, BUT rightly so!

we were treated like prisoners, while gasheads ran on the pitch without being challenged!

something needs to be done, but i get the feeling your efforts wont make any difference.....

good luck to you though

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Totally agree mate!

Get something done about it and act quickly, don't be soft and let these animals get away with this.

I'm sure plenty of people have evidence on phones to!

Sorry if it does sound a bit churlish, but arent the sags still on a warning from the last furore? i noticed that droppedabollock or smithers what ever you want to call him believe thegas can now close the gap on the play off place approximate 12 points away, which is roughly what the top relegation place is as well. As they have been fined before, and stockport have complained abot them, it is more possible that they could be docked points this time (although still fairly unlikely) so the more organised the protest/action, the better the possibilty of a sting in the tail for the stigs

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The Trust board are trying to discuss this situation at the moment & see how we can help with this situation. Bearing in mind that we all work full time, we can't just jump when asked but will try to react quickly. Give us a short time to put our heads together, consider fans thoughts & opinions etc. We'll also see what the Club intend to do as well. Whilst we aim to help represent fans, we prefer to use a structured & composed approach that is likely to achieve positive results.

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City fans did react at the end, BUT rightly so!

we were treated like prisoners, while gasheads ran on the pitch without being challenged!

something needs to be done, but i get the feeling your efforts wont make any difference.....

good luck to you though

I was at the game last night and apart from when the Gas invaded the pitch at the end I saw no other real problems.I was in the XXXX stand along with many other City fans and thought the police and stewarding was fine. They reacted swifly to the pitch invasion by the gas (which they were expecting) and kept them from getting too close the City fans.It was because of them that real trouble was avoided.Had they not reacted as they did then a serious riot would have ensued.

I witnessed no 'heavy' handed tactics from the police even when the few City 'fans' launched their own pointles pitch invasion.I'm not saying that there weren't any heavy handed tactics. I was right at the front of the stand throughout and I know that one policeman sprayed CS gas without any obvious reason and another used his baton to whack someone over the hand but I didn't see either incident.

The gas fans were kept in at AG after last weeks game to keep them away form the City fans as the stadium emptied and the police did the same thing at the Mem last night.It annoying I know and I didn't get home till after 11pm but thats the way it is at potentially volatile games.

At the end of the day it will be the gas that will get any punishments - after all it was their responsibility to secure the stadium and thier own fans let them down.

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The Trust board are trying to discuss this situation at the moment & see how we can help with this situation. Bearing in mind that we all work full time, we can't just jump when asked but will try to react quickly. Give us a short time to put our heads together, consider fans thoughts & opinions etc. We'll also see what the Club intend to do as well. Whilst we aim to help represent fans, we prefer to use a structured & composed approach that is likely to achieve positive results.

Good on you guys Jay. As I said in another post, I have been watching the trust from a distance and have been impressed (not joined yet, but thinking about it). You/they seem to have done a lot of good things.

However, I see no more important thing than the safety of the supporters/public.

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I was at the game last night and apart from when the Gas invaded the pitch at the end I saw no other real problems.I was in the XXXX stand along with many other City fans and thought the police and stewarding was fine. They reacted swifly to the pitch invasion by the gas (which they were expecting) and kept them from getting too close the City fans.It was because of them that real trouble was avoided.Had they not reacted as they did then a serious riot would have ensued.

I witnessed no 'heavy' handed tactics from the police even when the few City 'fans' launched their own pointles pitch invasion.I'm not saying that there weren't any heavy handed tactics. I was right at the front of the stand throughout and I know that one policeman sprayed CS gas without any obvious reason and another used his baton to whack someone over the hand but I didn't see either incident.

The gas fans were kept in at AG after last weeks game to keep them away form the City fans as the stadium emptied and the police did the same thing at the Mem last night.It annoying I know and I didn't get home till after 11pm but thats the way it is at potentially volatile games.

At the end of the day it will be the gas that will get any punishments - after all it was their responsibility to secure the stadium and thier own fans let them down.

Sorry but being threatened with the batons cos I was complaining that they were pushing us down Muller Road when I wanted to go up it as that's where I was parked is what I call heavy handed.
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I was at the game last night and apart from when the Gas invaded the pitch at the end I saw no other real problems.I was in the XXXX stand along with many other City fans and thought the police and stewarding was fine. They reacted swifly to the pitch invasion by the gas (which they were expecting) and kept them from getting too close the City fans.It was because of them that real trouble was avoided.Had they not reacted as they did then a serious riot would have ensued.

I witnessed no 'heavy' handed tactics from the police even when the few City 'fans' launched their own pointles pitch invasion.I'm not saying that there weren't any heavy handed tactics. I was right at the front of the stand throughout and I know that one policeman sprayed CS gas without any obvious reason and another used his baton to whack someone over the hand but I didn't see either incident.

The gas fans were kept in at AG after last weeks game to keep them away form the City fans as the stadium emptied and the police did the same thing at the Mem last night.It annoying I know and I didn't get home till after 11pm but thats the way it is at potentially volatile games.

At the end of the day it will be the gas that will get any punishments - after all it was their responsibility to secure the stadium and thier own fans let them down.

I saw the policeman/woman hit the City Fan on the fench in the head with her/hisbaton more than once.

If this helps I would ask the following questions:

1.At the end of the game you have a choice, let all the fans on the pitch (Bad Idea) Let 4/5ths of them (Not as bad, yet still daft) Let no one on (Very Sensible)Why was option 2 allowed?

2.Why was a pepper spray/gas used in a situation when a:It could not be directed at the intended recipient and b:When there was high risk of collaterall inhalation and damage to woan & children.

3.Why were some, not all, officers masked with scarves covering their face inside their visors, under their helmets?

4.Why were identification numbers not visibly displayed.

5.Why did officers find it necessary to exchange insults with City Fans leaving the stadium " F off home and watch East Enders" I was personally asked why I'd "brought my son"------Quite what the reasons were for this, I don't know, as I don't have a son......well, I don't think he was mine anyway :blush:

6.Why did the officer I have spoken about find it necessary to thrash at a fans head with a baton?

If I think of anymore I'll let you know.

I had no issue with the Rovers stewards in that area behind the goal.

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I was not at the game last night, as I had to work, but was kindly kept abreast of things by my good friend Dave.Having read the posts this morning from so many reliable forum members, I think it is vitally important that supporters do not sit back and wait for Bristol City FC to act (if they will act at all)

I think the Trust and Supporters Club as recognized bodies representing City Fans should ask some harsh questions and demand full answers from Bristol Rovers re their stewarding, and Avon and Somerset police, who it would appear were at best heavy handed, and at worst abusing their powers.

If no such action is taken, there will undoubtably be repercussions further down the line for peaceable fans at away matches.

Your thoughts, please

I don't see that it is either the Trusts or Supporters Club responsibility to ask questions of Bristol Rovers directly. To me, the correct approach would be top contact BCFC and air our grievences and request the club take relevent action via the FA.

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I can answer Q3 for you. One of the officers explained to us during a lull in the chaos that they wore scarves over the bottom of their faces not to disguise their identity but to protect themselves against petrol bombs. I make no comment on this, I merely pass on what one officer said to us during a chat.

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I can answer Q3 for you. One of the officers explained to us during a lull in the chaos that they wore scarves over the bottom of their faces not to disguise their identity but to protect themselves against petrol bombs. I make no comment on this, I merely pass on what one officer said to us during a chat.


Oh excuse me while i die laughing!!!!

Petrol bombs inside the ground, with all the security and cctv!!! :rofl2br:

How many brain cells do you need to be a copper nowadays?? It must be at least double figures!!!!!! :blink:

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I can answer Q3 for you. One of the officers explained to us during a lull in the chaos that they wore scarves over the bottom of their faces not to disguise their identity but to protect themselves against petrol bombs. I make no comment on this, I merely pass on what one officer said to us during a chat.

If you were some twelve year old, numpty wannabe, I'd be laughing - your not and I'm seriously concerned.....

There were many officers who had no numbers on show and the general attitude of them was OTT, I have been going to City games, home and away since the sixties, this was one of the most incompetently policed games I have ever attended.

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Am I only person to read this thread who attended the Hartlepool play off game? Jubilant home fans spill onto the pitch, A&S Constabulary overseeing law and order, a few nobheads congregate in front of away fans to gloat. The difference? Away fans didn't retaliate and kick down gates to break out of the ground. I have to say that I have a great deal of respect for the way real sheeeds have reacted to the result but let's not kid ourselves. You have a sizeable minority of idiots who are a disgrace to our fair city.

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I can answer Q3 for you. One of the officers explained to us during a lull in the chaos that they wore scarves over the bottom of their faces not to disguise their identity but to protect themselves against petrol bombs. I make no comment on this, I merely pass on what one officer said to us during a chat.

So after you got up after falling about laughing, what did he say then. :rofl2br::rofl2br:

Quick supplementary:

If that answer is factually correct:

a.Why were only a limited number of officers wearing said scarves (masks)

b.Where in Gods Green Earth was I or anybody else going to hide a petrol bomb in order to smuggle it in to the Ground whilst being searched.

And they wonder why public confidence in them is at an all time low, coupled with respect.

YE GODS :disapointed2se:

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Am I only person to read this thread who attended the Hartlepool play off game? Jubilant home fans spill onto the pitch, A&S Constabulary overseeing law and order, a few nobheads congregate in front of away fans to gloat. The difference? Away fans didn't retaliate and kick down gates to break out of the ground. I have to say that I have a great deal of respect for the way real sheeeds have reacted to the result but let's not kid ourselves. You have a sizeable minority of idiots who are a disgrace to our fair city.

And you clearly don't, based on the goading little herberts who WERE ALLOWED onto the pitch and headed for who?

Their triumphant players?

The players tunnell?

Each other?

No mate.

Towards us.....and who did a police officer attack and who were the police officers facing in full riot gear?

The people who stayed in their allocated part of the Ground-Don't you find that even a tad odd or are we that bl00dy frightening??

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Towards us.....and who did a police officer attack and who were the police officers facing in full riot gear?

The people who stayed in their allocated part of the Ground-Don't you find that even a tad odd or are we that bl00dy frightening??

Thats exactly the point. We were where we were supposed to be it was the rovers lot tearing up their pitch, and meant our players had to leg it down the tunnel, and werent able to come and say thankyou to us. (which they bloody well should have done after that performance)

Rovers werent running around in jubilation, they were running straight for us, and still the police did nothing.

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The Trust board are trying to discuss this situation at the moment & see how we can help with this situation. Bearing in mind that we all work full time, we can't just jump when asked but will try to react quickly. Give us a short time to put our heads together, consider fans thoughts & opinions etc. We'll also see what the Club intend to do as well. Whilst we aim to help represent fans, we prefer to use a structured & composed approach that is likely to achieve positive results.

Thanks very much for a helpful response.I did not post the original message for any other reason, than to ensure that responsible representatives of the vast majority of law abiding City fans, are the people asking the questions on behalf of those fans who may have been mis-treated for watching a game of football.

I think the ST are a breath of fresh air generally, so thanks again for the reply

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just thought id tell you that i have written a complaint to avon and somerset police regarding there heavy handed tactics. if you go on there website there is a complaints page there. not sure they will do anything but oh well. i have described the other useage of pepper spray and battons, and how young children and women were caught up in this. also how i saw a girl get caught up in the pushing outside the ground, and she got injured as a result, could have caused a stampede!!

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just thought id tell you that i have written a complaint to avon and somerset police regarding there heavy handed tactics. if you go on there website there is a complaints page there. not sure they will do anything but oh well. i have described the other useage of pepper spray and battons, and how young children and women were caught up in this. also how i saw a girl get caught up in the pushing outside the ground, and she got injured as a result, could have caused a stampede!!

For anyone else interested, details of how to contact Avon and Somerset police can be found here.

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I can answer Q3 for you. One of the officers explained to us during a lull in the chaos that they wore scarves over the bottom of their faces not to disguise their identity but to protect themselves against petrol bombs. I make no comment on this, I merely pass on what one officer said to us during a chat.

Like others I don't doubt you but am amazed by that answer.

How on earth is a scarf going to save you from a petrol bomb?! If he had told you it was worn as they were likely to use their gas/spray, and it was to protect themselves, that would have been more credible.

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For those of you who expressed surprise at the reason given for the police covering their faces, all I can really say is that that was genuinely the reason given. After finally being released from the terracing and then pushed into a wall of police outside who ignored the fact that we were helplessly being forced forward and chose to batter us back with their shields and crush us further, I had managed to squeeze out to one side and was standing by one of the buses with Percy Parrot. I also bumped into Dolly Marie and Jay there. We were talking to a couple of the riot police, having a reasonable and friendly conversation, all things considered. I think the conversation about the masks began Percy suggested to one of them that they wore the black scarves around their faces to look intimidating. The guy said no, they were protection against petrol bombs, not to hide their identity, and he said to prove it he would pull his down, which he did. I had no reason to disbelieve his explanation, though like many of you I was surprised that they considered it a threat. Perhaps it was another symptom of their poor understanding of the crowd at the game - the same understanding that meant they thought it would be better to keep in City fans at the end while Rovers fans celebrated, then let them out at the same time, rather than allow us to get away from the ground straight away and leave the Gas to their deserved celebrations.

As I've said, lessons need to be learned. If it weren't for the vermin who call themselves City and Rovers fans and attach themselves to our clubs like leeches, then police would not be needed at football games. But in the real world, they are, and while the problem persists the sooner Avon and Somerset Police learn to control crowds properly rather than actively create and fuel potentially dangerous situations, the better. What I suspect will happen, and what I have already seen beginning to an extent when I read quotes from the police in the newspapers about the incident, is that they are congratulating themselves on a job well done. Frightening - and if that persists then it will bring the day when an innocent football fan dies or is seriously injured at a City or Rovers match closer.

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My big concern was that the PA system didn't work in the XXXX - how were we suppose to know what was happening, how long we'd be kept back, that the stadium manger was asking Rovers supporters to clear the pitch?

If the PA system worked, I'm sure a lot of people would have been more relaxed about the whole thing.

I don't know if the lack-of-PA is a H&S issue (most other things are these day!!) - But I think that this is something that needs to be raised.

The comments on the thisisbristol website include Rovers fans complaining that the PA system wasn't working in one of their stands either.

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My big concern was that the PA system didn't work in the XXXX - how were we suppose to know what was happening, how long we'd be kept back, that the stadium manger was asking Rovers supporters to clear the pitch?

If the PA system worked, I'm sure a lot of people would have been more relaxed about the whole thing.

I don't know if the lack-of-PA is a H&S issue (most other things are these day!!) - But I think that this is something that needs to be raised.

The comments on the thisisbristol website include Rovers fans complaining that the PA system wasn't working in one of their stands either.

that strange, Pre match it worked fine with them playing out that stupid Irene song over and over but when the game started it seemed to stop working.
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