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message for gary johnson


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mr.johnson, the comment you made in your match report....." if we get promotion, then this result will be long forgotten" . are you in cloud cuckoo land ?? maybe you are only used to your little Yeovil v Exeter derbies. if we cant score 1 goal , or should i say create a couple of chances against a poor side in 180 mins of football, you ought to be as ashamed as i sadly am. those 2 performances and result will be shoved down my throat by gas heads for years, long forgotten, "my arse"

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How are they going to be able to shove it down our throats from two leagues below us?

Like everyone else I was gutted to witness such a display, but its a paint pot competition and as with all cup games, they rarely go according to form.

Get over it and support the boys for promotion to the promised land.

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Agree completely.

Whilst promotion is good blah blah blah, this is a derby...our first in 5 years.

Read today that their victory was their first against us at the Minimal Ground.

I really cant believe how GJ has taken this so lightly, the players should have bust a gut to win that game for us, if not themselves.

Like you say we will hear about this for years, or at least until we get our revenge.


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mr.johnson, the comment you made in your match report....." if we get promotion, then this result will be long forgotten" . are you in cloud cuckoo land ?? maybe you are only used to your little Yeovil v Exeter derbies. if we cant score 1 goal , or should i say create a couple of chances against a poor side in 180 mins of football, you ought to be as ashamed as i sadly am. those 2 performances and result will be shoved down my throat by gas heads for years, long forgotten, "my arse"

I completely agree with Johnson. If a Rovers fan tries ramming it down your throat then ask them their league position and don't rise to it.

Would you rather have beaten Rovers and been mid table now?? This is about Bristol City not anything else. Let them have their 5 minutes. If we go up then we might be travelling to West Ham whilst they are home to Boston.

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I completely agree with Johnson. If a Rovers fan tries ramming it down your throat then ask them their league position and don't rise to it.

Would you rather have beaten Rovers and been mid table now?? This is about Bristol City not anything else. Let them have their 5 minutes. If we go up then we might be travelling to West Ham whilst they are home to Boston.

its all about the league. its the atitude of 'I don't care how we do in the league as long as we win the Bristol derby' that is the reason for Bristol to have one average team and a very poor one(the gas).

If we go up I will have forgotten this debacle

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mr.johnson, the comment you made in your match report....." if we get promotion, then this result will be long forgotten" . are you in cloud cuckoo land ?? maybe you are only used to your little Yeovil v Exeter derbies. if we cant score 1 goal , or should i say create a couple of chances against a poor side in 180 mins of football, you ought to be as ashamed as i sadly am. those 2 performances and result will be shoved down my throat by gas heads for years, long forgotten, "my arse"

madness, personally agree wholey with Johnson if we get promoted the JPT games will be forgotten and rovers fans could moan all they like that they beat us, if we are a Championship team and the are still League 2........well they will have nothing to say

despite yestersday after match events I do feel alot of the anti-rovers feeling has died in the last few years, in alot of peoples minds Rovers are soo bad these days that they don't even consider them rivals anymore, personally despites losing to them, I'm not really bothered.......yes losing to rovers is a bit depressing, but personally after the final whistle and the 10min chat about the game on the way back to the car, all my attention is fully focused on Promotion,

if last night was our last even game in the JPT I will be a VERY HAPPY MAN........as for Rovers, they can hold on to the fact they beat us, won't bother me

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madness, personally agree wholey with Johnson if we get promoted the JPT games will be forgotten and rovers fans could moan all they like that they beat us, if we are a Championship team and the are still League 2........well they will have nothing to say

despite yestersday after match events I do feel alot of the anti-rovers feeling has died in the last few years, in alot of peoples minds Rovers are soo bad these days that they don't even consider them rivals anymore, personally despites losing to them, I'm not really bothered.......yes losing to rovers is a bit depressing, but personally after the final whistle and the 10min chat about the game on the way back to the car, all my attention is fully focused on Promotion,

if last night was our last even game in the JPT I will be a VERY HAPPY MAN........as for Rovers, they can hold on to the fact they beat us, won't bother me

Agree. Some people place far more emphasis on this derby than they really should. No-one outside of Bristol and the local area cares who won, but if we're in the Championship next year we'll get a shedload more plaudits, pride etc than from beating the Sagheads.

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How are they going to be able to shove it down our throats from two leagues below us?

Hmmm.... do we have to wait for actual fixtures to remind you of the result? As North Bristolians are generally more intelligent, successful and prosperous than their southern counterparts, I am sure we can rub it in every time you:

- Sign on

- Meet with your SUPERIORS at work

- Are cautioned by a police officer

- Are sentenced by a judge or magistrate

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Hmmm.... do we have to wait for actual fixtures to remind you of the result? As North Bristolians are generally more intelligent, successful and prosperous than their southern counterparts, I am sure we can rub it in every time you:

- Sign on

- Meet with your SUPERIORS at work

- Are cautioned by a police officer

- Are sentenced by a judge or magistrate

Don't forget you won, we're the one's who are supposed to sound bitter. But i don't suppose your called the bitter blues for nothing.

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Hmmm.... do we have to wait for actual fixtures to remind you of the result? As North Bristolians are generally more intelligent, successful and prosperous than their southern counterparts, I am sure we can rub it in every time you:

- Sign on

- Meet with your SUPERIORS at work

- Are cautioned by a police officer

- Are sentenced by a judge or magistrate

You also have more caravan parks :disapointed2se:

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Think you're all talking nonsense IMO.

Just what you'd expect to hear from the losing team.

If we were midtable in our division I'd be far more upset than I am now. But the biggest thing in our season isn't beating Rovers, it's getting promotion. We've got a lot of things to be optimistic about in the weeks ahead.

Yes, it's what I'm expected to say, but what else is there to say? I don't think it's right get this defeat out of proportion, but then I live in Exeter away from the dirty sagheads so maybe I can't grasp what abuse the rest of you have to put up with.

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If we were midtable in our division I'd be far more upset than I am now. But the biggest thing in our season isn't beating Rovers, it's getting promotion. We've got a lot of things to be optimistic about in the weeks ahead.

Yes, it's what I'm expected to say, but what else is there to say? I don't think it's right get this defeat out of proportion, but then I live in Exeter away from the dirty sagheads so maybe I can't grasp what abuse the rest of you have to put up with.

Come on!

If we're serious about competing in the Championship we should be able to dispose of Rovers home and away no problem, and enjoy it as a bonus to go with promotion!

You're making it sound like an 'either or' situation, fact is, beating Rovers should have been done over 2 legs, not necessarily comfortably...but done.

I don't want to lose to them, whether we're 1st or 24th.

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Hmmm.... do we have to wait for actual fixtures to remind you of the result? As North Bristolians are generally more intelligent, successful and prosperous than their southern counterparts, I am sure we can rub it in every time you:

- Sign on

- Meet with your SUPERIORS at work

- Are cautioned by a police officer

- Are sentenced by a judge or magistrate

that is so rich coming from somaliville :ph34r:

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If we are out of this division by May i don't give a rats ass if they beat us. Ok the performances were poor, and it was dissapinting,but at the end of the day, promotion is our aim. If we were in the same league and they beat us it would be a different matter. ( no 3 pts) Dez, as we beat coventry and drew with boro,twice, does that mean they don't deserve to be in their respective divisions? No course it doesnt! :doh:

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I'm prepared to be slated for this comment but;

I really couldn't care less that we lost to the gas. So we lost one-nil on a shit pitch in shit weather in a tin pot cup, big ****in' deal. I know history blah blah bah.

*sits back and waits for abuse*

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I'm prepared to be slated for this comment but;

I really couldn't care less that we lost to the gas. So we lost one-nil on a shit pitch in shit weather in a tin pot cup, big ****in' deal. I know history blah blah bah.

*sits back and waits for abuse*

I agree with you lets just forget about this and move on, hopefully we can do this with 3 points on saturday!!

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I'm prepared to be slated for this comment but;

I really couldn't care less that we lost to the gas. So we lost one-nil on a shit pitch in shit weather in a tin pot cup, big ****in' deal. I know history blah blah bah.

*sits back and waits for abuse*

Spot on Jelly.

Think back to January. How many fans were posting that we should lose to Coventry as we didn't want cup matches distracting from our only aim this season -promotion? The same when we had Middlesbrough in the next round. Frankly, I would have been happy if we'd been knocked out of the JPT at Forest ( as I expected we would be) and the FA Cup before Christmas as the cup matches have caused distraction, increased risk of injury and suspension and players becoming more tired.

However, I think the biggest impact of the cup matches has been the disruption it has caused GJ in team selection. Don't get me wrong, the cup results were greatand must have boosted morale with strong perfromances against so called better teams but we had enough disruption before Christams due to injury suspension and "unavailality", but instead of getting a settled team in the New Year GJ has had to having to change team selection around game after game due to cup tied signings and this has done nothing to help our constancy in the league.

Hopefuly, we have all the players available and can get back to GJ picking his best side and sticking with it and if so then we still have a great chance of promotion.

P.S. Re losing to Rovers. Are Man U fans beating themselves up and doubting Fergy's ability after losing to Southend in the League Cup, as they contemplate winning the Premiership and aiming for the later stages of the Champions League and the FA Cup? It just depends where your priorities lie.

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Agree completely.

Whilst promotion is good blah blah blah, this is a derby...our first in 5 years.

Read today that their victory was their first against us at the Minimal Ground.

I really cant believe how GJ has taken this so lightly, the players should have bust a gut to win that game for us, if not themselves.

I believe GJ's words were 'bitterly disappointed' when discussing the result. What do you want him to say?

Like you say we will hear about this for years, or at least until we get our revenge.


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We lost. End of story. We cant keep going on about it, and let it get us down because we have a great chance for promotion...possibly the best chance we've ever had!! Games in hand over Forest and Yeovil, and they both still have to come to the Gate. Its totally in our hands people and the players will need our full support.

Do you really think Rovers will still be bragging next season if we are entertaining West Ham and Sunderland whilst they are travelling to Dagenham & Redbridge and Darlington?

Some of you seem to think that the result against Rovers was the be all and end all. Lets look at the bigger picture, they are still a club going nowhere. So lets take defeat like men, and look forward to bigger and better things.

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I'm gutted that we lost, and will be for years (or at least until we play them).

But if i had a choice... beat rovers or gain promotion, it would have to be promotion.

We might have lost against the gas, because there players were up for it more, BUT we are the better team in bristol and rovers know it - thats why they acted like they won the cup.

I'm depressed, gutted & shocked, but the season isnt over.....

no promotion and losing to the gas - now that is a disaster!

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Lets face it on April 2nd this will all be forgotten at rovers. They would have lost and their fans will be saying how their season is now over and they have to look at yet another season in the basement league. Our players need to look at them think were lucky to be where we are we may have played poorly against our rivals but we have a real chance of getting out of this league. SUrely looking at rovers is enough to spur them on to getting out of this league. They know they let us down now lets look forward to the next 13 matches get behind the team and get us into the championship!

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I completely agree with Johnson. If a Rovers fan tries ramming it down your throat then ask them their league position and don't rise to it.

Would you rather have beaten Rovers and been mid table now?? This is about Bristol City not anything else. Let them have their 5 minutes. If we go up then we might be travelling to West Ham whilst they are home to Boston.

I don't know about you but I'd rather have both. Promotion and the JPT final.

Let's face it. It was two s**t games contested between two s**t sides

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Come on!

If we're serious about competing in the Championship we should be able to dispose of Rovers home and away no problem, and enjoy it as a bonus to go with promotion!

You're making it sound like an 'either or' situation, fact is, beating Rovers should have been done over 2 legs, not necessarily comfortably...but done.

I don't want to lose to them, whether we're 1st or 24th.


It appears that, to many on here, it was "either/or" when in reality it should have been BOTH. Johnson is too fond of brushing the failures under the carpet and crowing when we get a good result.

The fact is, he's responsible for ALL results and his indifference to the DERBY (not the fact it was the JPT) is an insult and a slap in the face to many red-sided Bristolians, including myself.

On paper, we were the superior side and it should have been almost a formality. The fact that it wasn't speaks volumes about the consistency of the team, the strength in depth of the squad and the jaded performances we've seen lately.

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his indifference to the DERBY (not the fact it was the JPT) is an insult and a slap in the face to many red-sided Bristolians, including myself.

really because alot of us feel exactly the same? personally speaking I've forgotten about Rovers long ago, they don't really bother me as a team and as a derby match it was poor overall,

personally I'm glad we don't have a Cardiff final to look forward to as we can totally focus on what matters most........Acheiving Championship football.

if it had been down to me, we would have lost in the 1st round against Orient, the tournement has been a nightmare to us for years, we keep doing well in it and then suffer hangovers after the "finals" in both the Stoke/Wembley game and Carlise/Cardiff game if we hadn't had those finals we wouldn't have had players more concerned about the cup and dropped points in the league.

We lost to Rovers, so what.............we stand a REAL chance of auto promotion this season and at least the play-offs

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It appears that, to many on here, it was "either/or" when in reality it should have been BOTH. Johnson is too fond of brushing the failures under the carpet and crowing when we get a good result.

The fact is, he's responsible for ALL results and his indifference to the DERBY (not the fact it was the JPT) is an insult and a slap in the face to many red-sided Bristolians, including myself.

On paper, we were the superior side and it should have been almost a formality. The fact that it wasn't speaks volumes about the consistency of the team, the strength in depth of the squad and the jaded performances we've seen lately.

how dare Johnson try to look at the positivies of the season and try to keep the players in a positive frame of mind!.........christ how awful it must be for him with his current league position.

The Rovers games have been dealt with now and there is no point going on and on about them, so he won't.........personally not bothered by the result of the rovers tie, shame we lost, but we can now hopefully get some points on the board with these games in hand and get back to a settled team and Push hard for Auto promtion

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how dare Johnson try to look at the positivies of the season and try to keep the players in a positive frame of mind!.........christ how awful it must be for him with his current league position.

The Rovers games have been dealt with now and there is no point going on and on about them, so he won't.........personally not bothered by the result of the rovers tie, shame we lost, but we can now hopefully get some points on the board with these games in hand and get back to a settled team and Push hard for Auto promtion

Well said, OMT.

GJ has to keep his team focused. I agree they were two poor performances but the only constructive thing to do now is to learn any lessons that need learning, concentrate on the main goal of the season and keep the players in a confident frame of mind. What matters is Northampton on Saturday, not the Gas last Tuesday.

Frankly if we get promotion then this disappointment wil be dwarfed, if not forgotten, by the pride and excitement of promotion. Ask the Gas if they'd rather have their trip to Cardiff or Championship football, and while I agree it is not an 'either/or' situation, the answer might at least help get things into a bit of perspective.

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