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Barrs Court Red

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Nah just trying to waste time till' 8.

If you cant understand my jibe, probably due to Blonde hair, you like Lee Johnson, he is a midget!


Blonde and proud my little wingnut. Yeah, I like LJ, he's a beautiful looking man though a little on the short side but I can work with that!

What's happening at 8? Bedtime? :laugh:

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My friend had nightmares about this for the whole 9 months too. They now have 3 children and each one is really blond.

I really, really wanted a ginger, and got one sort of auburn and one light brown.

I LOVE gingers!!!!!!


You love everybody RedM ...............God bless yer!

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Well I did feel stupid for a while but I got drunk that night and forgot all about it until the next day when I died it again. I have a good friend who is a red head and she looks incredible. All the men flock to her when we're out together.

to be fair most red heads that ive seen are quite stunning. but there is a difference between a redhead and a ginger

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There were a family on GMTV the other morning (all ginger)

complaining about how they have been kicked out of home after home because they are ginger apparently, although while they were on their a neighbour was saying they are to55ers and that is why. ah well

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There were a family on GMTV the other morning (all ginger)

complaining about how they have been kicked out of home after home because they are ginger apparently, although while they were on their a neighbour was saying they are to55ers and that is why. ah well

People always want to line up in a majority and have a go at people who are different. Legislation means doing this because of race or religion is pretty much illegal. So it now targets others, typically Welsh or Ginger. Which is all very humorous and funny unless you happen to be in one of those groups as you can really suffer as the above case shows. I doubt they're laughing.

Anyone remember Ann Robinson merrily slagging all Welsh people on Room 101? Very funny unless you happen to be Welsh. And the BBC repeated it. Yet Ron Atkinson practically lost his broadcasting career for slagging one black footballer, to himself when he thought the mikes were off.

Double standards? You bet.

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