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Nightmares and Dreamscapes

Portishead Puffin

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I usually avoid speculating on future results and the "must win" "biggest game of the season" type posts, but I do think we have reached the part of the season where our destiny is decided.

Although there are some different scenarios that have less effect there are two that can make or break us.

Dream scenario: -

24th March. A win for City against Donny and anything less than a win for Forest

31st March. City beat Forest.

This would make us all but up, in my opinion.

Nightmare scenario: -

24th March. City slip at Donny, Forest get three points from the City Old Boys

31st March. Forest turn us over at the gate (Agogo scoring the winner for added effect!)

Not only would we have lost our advantage but the knock to the teams confidence could be severe enough to affect the rest of the season and subsequent play off games.

Like I said anything between those two scenarios, (three draws for example) would keep everyone in the hunt, but by 31st March this forum could make interesting reading one way or the other......

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I usually avoid speculating on future results and the "must win" "biggest game of the season" type posts, but I do think we have reached the part of the season where our destiny is decided.

Although there are some different scenarios that have less effect there are two that can make or break us.

Dream scenario: -

24th March. A win for City against Donny and anything less than a win for Forest

31st March. City beat Forest.

This would make us all but up, in my opinion.

Nightmare scenario: -

24th March. City slip at Donny, Forest get three points from the City Old Boys

31st March. Forest turn us over at the gate (Agogo scoring the winner for added effect!)

Not only would we have lost our advantage but the knock to the teams confidence could be severe enough to affect the rest of the season and subsequent play off games.

Like I said anything between those two scenarios, (three draws for example) would keep everyone in the hunt, but by 31st March this forum could make interesting reading one way or the other......

Good point, but lets hope City don't slip up on sat, irrespective of how Forest get on!!!!

They will have more pressure on theirselves than City, as a draw will be ok

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I usually avoid speculating on future results and the "must win" "biggest game of the season" type posts, but I do think we have reached the part of the season where our destiny is decided.

Although there are some different scenarios that have less effect there are two that can make or break us.

Dream scenario: -

24th March. A win for City against Donny and anything less than a win for Forest

31st March. City beat Forest.

This would make us all but up, in my opinion.

Nightmare scenario: -

24th March. City slip at Donny, Forest get three points from the City Old Boys

31st March. Forest turn us over at the gate (Agogo scoring the winner for added effect!)

Not only would we have lost our advantage but the knock to the teams confidence could be severe enough to affect the rest of the season and subsequent play off games.

Like I said anything between those two scenarios, (three draws for example) would keep everyone in the hunt, but by 31st March this forum could make interesting reading one way or the other......

I reckon most City fans will have looked at the possibilty of losing the next two games and quickly thought about something else! I know I have.

Its natural that we should all be fretting about what might hapen.So near and yet so far.....

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Of course if the dreamscape should occur, next season could see a real congruity. City travel to Colchester in the Championship whilst Forest play Leeds in a League 1 match.

Expanding the dreamscape; City up auto, Yeovil up through play offs and Chetenham stay up.

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If City win on Sat...and Forest draw/lose..

Then we beat Forest...

That may well be best moment of supporting BCFC since 1-0 V Plymouth/QPR in 03/04.

Could well be the best day of my year!

Yes, but I recall beating Plymouth from a wonderfully executed goal by Lee Peacock, then travelling to Kenilworth Road, only to lose 3-2, with the last kick of the match.

City had surged back from 0-2 and the atmosphere when Goodfellow nudged in our leveller was absolutely fantastic. We lost out to free-kick pumped into the six yard box which wasn't cleared, a habit that's been mostly erased by consistent defending and a bloody gert centre-back!

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Yes, but I recall beating Plymouth from a wonderfully executed goal by Lee Peacock, then travelling to Kenilworth Road, only to lose 3-2, with the last kick of the match.

City had surged back from 0-2 and the atmosphere when Goodfellow nudged in our leveller was absolutely fantastic. We lost out to free-kick pumped into the six yard box which wasn't cleared, a habit that's been mostly erased by consistent defending and a bloody gert centre-back!

That match was, well, hysterical now I remember.

Seemed everytime Luton punted it upfield they somehow scored.

Well happy after Freezer nudged it in after Coles' bullet header, then the bastards just smashed it up and it went in!

Cant help but laugh. So pathetic at the time.

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Yes, but I recall beating Plymouth from a wonderfully executed goal by Lee Peacock, then travelling to Kenilworth Road, only to lose 3-2, with the last kick of the match.

City had surged back from 0-2 and the atmosphere when Goodfellow nudged in our leveller was absolutely fantastic. We lost out to free-kick pumped into the six yard box which wasn't cleared, a habit that's been mostly erased by consistent defending and a bloody gert centre-back!

I was there that day...losing in that fashion to a mid table side considering what was at stake at the time, was utterly pathetic. I was so angry after that match. Luckily this team is made of stronger stuff now.

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If we lose the next two games at worst we'll be 2 points behind 2nd place with 6 games left. Life goes on, and within one weekend we could turn that around.

Hopefully the players will be able to keep a kind of perspective on the situation that I know for certain the majority of fans won't.

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