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What A Disgrace - Booing Stewart.


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I was very disapointed to hear the abuse that Stewart got today - after all what did he do to deserve that stick that he got?

The only problem Stewart had when he was at City was with the manager - not the club or the fans.He is after all a City fan man and boy and that alone should have afforded some slack.

I couldn't see the point in booing a player who had no choice but leave City when he did.

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I was very disapointed to hear the abuse that Stewart got today - after all what did he do to deserve that stick that he got?

The only problem Stewart had when he was at City was with the manager - not the club or the fans.He is after all a City fan man and boy and that alone should have afforded some slack.

I couldn't see the point in booing a player who had no choice but leave City when he did.

Every club has a minority of supporters who havent got a clue. I guarantee that if ANY of the City team that played today were to be sold and come back to play for another team at Ashton Gate THE SAME PEOPLE WOULD BOO THEM :disapointed2se: .and you know i'm right :fish:

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Every club has a minority of supporters who havent got a clue. I guarantee that if ANY of the City team that played today were to be sold and come back to play for another team at Ashton Gate THE SAME PEOPLE WOULD BOO THEM :disapointed2se: .and you know i'm right :fish:

Most fans in the Atyeo clapped him off before the game which he responded positively to. He didn't help himself with his recent "don't care about City speech" - strange words for a so called life-long fan!?

Ultimately, the fans pay their money and are entitled to their respective opinions...

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I was very disapointed to hear the abuse that Stewart got today - after all what did he do to deserve that stick that he got?

The only problem Stewart had when he was at City was with the manager - not the club or the fans.He is after all a City fan man and boy and that alone should have afforded some slack.

I couldn't see the point in booing a player who had no choice but leave City when he did.

Care to share what led to his problems with the Manager

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Every club has a minority of supporters who havent got a clue. I guarantee that if ANY of the City team that played today were to be sold and come back to play for another team at Ashton Gate THE SAME PEOPLE WOULD BOO THEM :disapointed2se: .and you know i'm right :fish:

I see your point but look at someone like Mickey Bell who got a good reception. He even got clapped by a lot of people when he scored against us!!! At the end of the day he did not do much for us, so if people boo him fair enough.

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He deserves all he gets, no grace in how he's handled himself. Afterall, he "doesnt care about City" so why should he get a standing ovation?

Always best get rid of folk like him, and maybe those morons who saw fit to lable Johnson "A conference manager" could go the same way.

Totally agree.

This is the way I see it.

When Scott Brown came to play against us he got a great reception. Why? Because he always gave his 100% all for Bristol City and never once said a bad word about us.

Stewart on the other hand ....

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why is there still a stewart thread on here.

he came, he done nothing, he left.

end off

we all(including himself) wanted him to be a big success, he wasnt, theres no doubting is quality but sometimes it just don't work out.

you may say, he actualy tried to hard, i like him as a bloke but hes a yeovil player now and a rival, he wont get any special treatment from me.

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why is there still a stewart thread on here.

he came, he done nothing, he left.

end off

we all(including himself) wanted him to be a big success, he wasnt, theres no doubting is quality but sometimes it just don't work out.

you may say, he actualy tried to hard, i like him as a bloke but hes a yeovil player now and a rival, he wont get any special treatment from me.

Spot on agree 100% i liked him when he was here but not now hes a rival

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I was very disapointed to hear the abuse that Stewart got today - after all what did he do to deserve that stick that he got?

What did he do to deserve that stick? He didn't do anything. Nowt. Diddly Squat. Sweet FA.

And that was the problem. Every game he played for us he did nothing etc etc....

The only problem Stewart had when he was at City was with the manager - not the club or the fans.He is after all a City fan man and boy and that alone should have afforded some slack.

This fan had a problem with him. See above. Good bye; good riddance. For a City fan, man and boy, he sure has a funny way of supporting us.

I couldn't see the point in booing a player who had no choice but leave City when he did.

Why are you so pro-Stewart? Is there something you want to tell us?

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I was very disapointed to hear the abuse that Stewart got today - after all what did he do to deserve that stick that he got?

The only problem Stewart had when he was at City was with the manager - not the club or the fans.He is after all a City fan man and boy and that alone should have afforded some slack.

I couldn't see the point in booing a player who had no choice but leave City when he did.


After all he was only disrespectful to a conference manager was'nt he, My heart bleeds.

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Of course he deserved the stick you numpty!

He's an ex gashead, who fleeced a load of money out of us, couldn't give a damn when he was here and plays for the opposition!! Every reason to boo him!

Horrible bloke, glad his career is almost over. Johnson wins yet again.

Gary Johnson's Cider Army!!

E i e i e i o.....

EDIT: Also, for all those who thought we should have kept him, hopefully his woeful performance today will finally shut you up!!

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Of course he deserved the stick you numpty!

He's an ex gashead, who fleeced a load of money out of us, couldn't give a damn when he was here and plays for the opposition!! Every reason to boo him!

Horrible bloke, glad his career is almost over. Johnson wins yet again.

Gary Johnson's Cider Army!!

E i e i e i o.....

EDIT: Also, for all those who thought we should have kept him, hopefully his woeful performance today will finally shut you up!!

I don't like him as a person but i personally thought he was their best player by a mile!

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got the stick he deserved.

many past players have had similar treatment, his comments in the media have said everything really about him as a person and his "love" for Bristol City

Bristol City are better off without him - FACT

plus it wasn't a minority that boo'd him today, more like a large majority

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The only problem Stewart had when he was at City was with the manager - not the club or the fans.He is after all a City fan man and boy and that alone should have afforded some slack.

I'd find it a lot easier to believe that he's a City fan if he'd actually bothered to put some effort in when he was allegedly playing for us.

All he did was pick up a fat pay check every week for doing nothing. That's not the behaviour of someone who loves the club. It's the behaviour of a lazy, over the hill mercenary. Tony Thorpe was a better servant of Bristol City.

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thought his was reception today was as to be expected.

any player that is at the club on big wages such as his and put in such inept performances that gets bombed out after a 18mths would get boo'd on his return, Marcus Stewart got exactly that.

The fact that he is supposedly a Bristol City fan is an even bigger disgrace any real fan would work their backside off for their club, the only thing he ever loved was himself, the nightlife and his nice big salary

once it turned sour and he wasn't allowed to get away with underperforming he fell out with the manager

he is in no position to have a pop at Gary Johnson, Johnson has been a success so far at Bristol City, Marcus Stewart did nothing, any past player who has a problem with the manager who is on the verge of getting my team promoted has a problem with me and will rightly get abuse.

personally I though the stick he got was rather tame today.

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I see your point but look at someone like Mickey Bell who got a good reception. He even got clapped by a lot of people when he scored against us!!! At the end of the day he did not do much for us, so if people boo him fair enough.

mickey bell gave this club most of his career and to say he did nothing for us is utter rubbish. stewart gave us nothing even under tinnion he gave us nothing. Mickey bell handled himself in a proper manor when he left the club aswell, that is why he got a standing ovation.

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I was very disapointed to hear the abuse that Stewart got today - after all what did he do to deserve that stick that he got?

The only problem Stewart had when he was at City was with the manager - not the club or the fans.He is after all a City fan man and boy and that alone should have afforded some slack.

I couldn't see the point in booing a player who had no choice but leave City when he did.

To be honest I don't really care.

He and other footballers get paid enough to take a bit of stick (its part of the game).

What did he do for the club (Other than Rinse it)??

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I was very disapointed to hear the abuse that Stewart got today - after all what did he do to deserve that stick that he got?

The only problem Stewart had when he was at City was with the manager - not the club or the fans.He is after all a City fan man and boy and that alone should have afforded some slack.

I couldn't see the point in booing a player who had no choice but leave City when he did.

Why shouldn't a overpayed failure get booed?

MS did sweet FA for my beloved club but got given pockets full of cash!

Any ex player who gave 100% while at City always gets a good response, Any wasters like MS get what they deserve too.

What point does the fact he is a 'City fan' come into it, He wasn't any good for BCFC was he?

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