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"with Great Power Comes Great Responsibility"

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Re watching the original Spiderman movie last night trying mot to think about tomorrows game, that quote struck a chord with me. Apparently adapted from a quote in the bible......

"For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more."

~Luke, chapter 12, verse 48

Why have I brought this up?

Well it seems to me that the crowd tomorrow should not only have great power in it's ability to sway the result of the game but also needs to exercise great responsibility in the way that power is used.

As hard as it will be for all of us if we are not 3-0 up with 5 minutes to go, it will be imperative that the encouragement necessary does not spill over into the kind of negative vitriol that we all know the City crowd is capable of.

Every moan will be amplified by not only the numbers but the almost exclusive nature of the crowd and the tension that will cause on the pitch, will also be greater than any of the players will have experienced.

I know it's unlikely to happen if things are not going according to plan, but we need to stay positive for 90+ minutes and hope the lads feel that positivity.

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As hard as it will be for all of us if we are not 3-0 up with 5 minutes to go, it will be imperative that the encouragement necessary does not spill over into the kind of negative vitriol that we all know the City crowd is capable of.

Every moan will be amplified by not only the numbers but the almost exclusive nature of the crowd and the tension that will cause on the pitch, will also be greater than any of the players will have experienced.

I know it's unlikely to happen if things are not going according to plan, but we need to stay positive for 90+ minutes and hope the lads feel that positivity.

Spot on - and lets hope that the faithfull will remain faithfull and maintain the positive vibes for the whole 90mins.

Hopefully it will all be over by half-time! :fingerscrossed:

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It has to be said I thought the crowd were pretty wonderful yesterday. They used their "power" to great effect.

As SL said after, the team helped by scoring at all the right times, but even so the positivity from all sides of the ground was almost unanimous.

I say almost because even at 3-0 the guy behind me still managed to have his usual whines. :disapointed2se:

As someone who has watched the City for 40 odd years myself and managed remained positive all season, I find it a bit galling to have this guy saying "after 40 years of watching this lot I'll only be positive at the final whistle.

What a ####### he is, I love sitting where I am along with greenun, robins72, dolly et al, but a couple of the people behind almost have me considering a change.

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Re watching the original Spiderman movie last night trying mot to think about tomorrows game, that quote struck a chord with me. Apparently adapted from a quote in the bible......

"For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more."

~Luke, chapter 12, verse 48

Why have I brought this up?

Well it seems to me that the crowd tomorrow should not only have great power in it's ability to sway the result of the game but also needs to exercise great responsibility in the way that power is used.

As hard as it will be for all of us if we are not 3-0 up with 5 minutes to go, it will be imperative that the encouragement necessary does not spill over into the kind of negative vitriol that we all know the City crowd is capable of.

Every moan will be amplified by not only the numbers but the almost exclusive nature of the crowd and the tension that will cause on the pitch, will also be greater than any of the players will have experienced.

I know it's unlikely to happen if things are not going according to plan, but we need to stay positive for 90+ minutes and hope the lads feel that positivity.

Hope you bought a lottery ticket yesterday! Except for a bit of switchin off at the back it would have been 3-0 :fingerscrossed:

And also at 3-1 with about 5 minutes left the bloke next to me was still saying "I'm so nervous, ill be happier if we get another or we're going to throw this away" Some people must watch a completely different game

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Hope you bought a lottery ticket yesterday! Except for a bit of switchin off at the back it would have been 3-0 :fingerscrossed:

And also at 3-1 with about 5 minutes left the bloke next to me was still saying "I'm so nervous, ill be happier if we get another or we're going to throw this away" Some people must watch a completely different game

The lad in front of me had 55-1 Noble to score first and City win 2-0, At half time I think he was counting his winnings!

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