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Re: Supporters Trust Thread

Muddy Funster

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I read with interest the thread referring to the supporters trust, and noticed its removal. Not knowing the whole story behind this, i was wondering whether we are witnessing a form of censorship on OTIB? If this is so, it will be a downward spiral into what can only be described as a dictatorship ran by Supporters trust sympathising Mods, I hope this is not going to be the case. I believe it is vital to the fans that there is an open forum in which we can say exercise our rights to free speech.

I would like to draw attention to something posted by Milo before the Trust took over the running of OTIB from the club:


in particular the following statement:

"I believe we have this forum affiliated to the official site because it

allows the club to apply 'news management'. The club have some control if

its under their wing and there are different ways in which we can be


Anger at 'news management'

Just a thought....

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It was a good idea to pull it. It was a conversation that should have been had down the pub rather than on record and an agreement reached. People seemed to be unfairly trying to catch others out by recounting the detail of previously private conversations.

There's nothing wrong with the ST having a private document; it needs less review and discussion than a public one. They are volunteers not civil servants and there's no conspiracy going on.

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I did try earlier today to post a summary of what happened to the original thread and why it was pulled but the explanation itself was soon pulled - without any reason being given, publicly or privately.

I daren't try again to explain why it was pulled for fear of getting this thread pulled too.

I would be grateful if somebody would let me know why my thread from earlier today was pulled, however.

Note to mods: If for some reason you feel the need to remove this post, please don't feel the need remove this entire thread - it seems silly to me for others to have their posts removed as a side effect of my posts being somehow contentious.

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Do you know what. I no longer care about this forum.

Someone else can be an admin. After 5 years I've just about reached the limit where I can take no more.

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Do you know what. I no longer care about this forum.

Someone else can be an admin. After 5 years I've just about reached the limit where I can take no more.

I know I rarely post on here and to be honest I've got no clue what this thread's about, but I'd like to say that I think you do a sterling job there Tom in the face of some fairly childish posting. get yourself a mojito.

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Just want to add that it seems that we are damned if we do and damned if we don't.

I can fully appreciate how Tom feels and wouldn't blame him at all if he walked away, and then surely that's the end.

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  • Admin

I don't think anyone will mind me stating that I understand the original thread has been removed from public sight whilst the Clik "higher ups" investigate claims of potentially libellous material being made that could hurt the reputation of one or more of this forum's membership.

Depending on the outcome of this investigation, the thread will/will not be reinstated.

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I think if an announcement had been made about the removal of this thread, ie potential libellous material, there would of been no questioning about the threads removal. There was to much secrecy about it, that was the main issue, nothing more, nothing less. i regret to see the admin leave, and honestly hope he reconciders his decision.

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  • SC&T Board Members
What does clik (in relation to the forum etc) do? Out of intrest.

Clik do this: Clik website

They're based at the Tobacco Factory in Bedminster. As I understand it, they host a few football fan forums as a bit of a sideline, mainly 'cos several of the key people there are footy - City - fans. Tom F being the guy who is most hands-on day to day.

They are paid a fee for hosting and supervising the forum, in the case of OTIB previously by the club and, since they decided not to do so any more, by the ST. I don't believe it's a huge amount and wouldn't be missed by Clik if overseeing the forum became more hassle than it was worth.

So if you feel you've been making life difficult for the likes of Tom recently, give them a break! It would be a shame to see Clik and/or the ST decide it was all just too much like a pain in the behind and pull the plug.

It's a forum ... there's supposed to be a bit of banter ... but within limits!

Speech over.

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Clik do this: Clik website

They're based at the Tobacco Factory in Bedminster. As I understand, they host a few football fan forums as a bit of a sideline, mainly 'cos several of the key people there are footy - City - fans. Tom F being the guy who is most hands-on day to day.

They are paid a fee for hosting and supervising the forum, in the case of OTIB previously by the club and, since they decided not to do so any more, by the ST. I don't believe it's a huge amount and wouldn't be missed by Clik if overseeing the forum became more hassle than it was worth.

So if you feel you've been making life difficult for the likes of Tom recently, give them a break! It would be a shame to see Clik and/or the ST decide it was all just too much like a pain in the behind and pull the plug.

It's a forum ... there's supposed to be a bit of banter ... but within limits!

Speech over.

Every forum attracts a minority of unbalanced pedants who will moan about anything and drag everybody down to their petty level. Don't try and be fair to them, don't try and please everybody, JUST BAN THEM.

Not me you understand, perfectly balanced pedant, honest.

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I enjoy using otib, it's a great source of info on BCFC, it passes the time at work and sometimes the debate can be interesting. I think most people who use it do as well.

The mods here, most of whom aren't in the ST or connected with it, do a demanding and largely thankless task. That's the same on most if not all forums as people like ciderhead and chesire_red will know. Users really should think twice before making the mods' job harder for no good reason.

TomF is a bloke who puts far more hours into not just moderating but also administrating and maintaining otib. Far more hours than Clik get paid for or he gets paid for. He does so at silly o'clock in his own time often enough and he has been essential to running this site for so long, as well as helping some of the people who run other sites. Without his support this forum and some of the others might very well not be here, and Clik (which I believe is owned/run by Scott Davidson?) certainly don't run otib at anything like a profit.

The forum we use every day exists solely on the goodwill of others who give their time freely. Why piss them off unnecessarily?

And frankly... what the bloody hell are people doing whinging about libel and arguing about private mesages on a sodding anonymous internet forum anyway? It's unquestionably pathetic and childish.

The basic question that this furore arose around is a simple and reasonable one that can be answered clearly. The people that can do so should do it without spin or secrecy, the people that asked the question should accept the answer like adults and then all sides should apologise for this b***ocks and move on.

Tom, if you can be persuaded to change your mind then that would be great. If not then my thanks to you and the mods for your hard work over many years. It's appreciated even if it may not seem like it sometimes.

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I enjoy using otib, it's a great source of info on BCFC, it passes the time at work and sometimes the debate can be interesting. I think most people who use it do as well.

The mods here, most of whom aren't in the ST or connected with it, do a demanding and largely thankless task. That's the same on most if not all forums as people like ciderhead and chesire_red will know. Users really should think twice before making the mods' job harder for no good reason.

TomF is a bloke who puts far more hours into not just moderating but also administrating and maintaining otib. Far more hours than Clik get paid for or he gets paid for. He does so at silly o'clock in his own time often enough and he has been essential to running this site for so long, as well as helping some of the people who run other sites. Without his support this forum and some of the others might very well not be here, and Clik (which I believe is owned/run by Scott Davidson?) certainly don't run otib at anything like a profit.

The forum we use every day exists solely on the goodwill of others who give their time freely. Why piss them off unnecessarily?

And frankly... what the bloody hell are people doing whinging about libel and arguing about private mesages on a sodding anonymous internet forum anyway? It's unquestionably pathetic and childish.

The basic question that this furore arose around is a simple and reasonable one that can be answered clearly. The people that can do so should do it without spin or secrecy, the people that asked the question should accept the answer like adults and then all sides should apologise for this b***ocks and move on.

Tom, if you can be persuaded to change your mind then that would be great. If not then my thanks to you and the mods for your hard work over many years. It's appreciated even if it may not seem like it sometimes.

Superb post, Nibor. There was no need for that discussion to be published on the forum.

Hopefully Tom will reconsider after the summer is over. :fingerscrossed:

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Otib is without doubt one of the best club websites in the country. Without it we would have to use the Rivals and/or subbers sites, or perhaps a new site produced to fill the void.

The numbers on line, give an indication of how popular the site is. Add to that the information available, usually days ahead of the newspapers or the main BCFC site.

In todays world, legal issues raise their head at an ever increasing rate. That is the sad point, and it is a plain and simple fact that many unthinking or irrisponsible posters shoot from the hip with little thought of their words or possible legalities.

In the past couple of years there have been posts about players and other players wives, and of course the Tinnion/Wilson saga. Peoples lives, marriages and careers are at stake so there have to be levels of responsibility.

I for one would miss the Otib forum.

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Superb post, Nibor. There was no need for that discussion to be published on the forum.

Hopefully Tom will reconsider after the summer is over. :fingerscrossed:

Spot on :clap:

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