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Re: Supporters Trust Thread

Muddy Funster

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Oh for gods sake, what a load of tedious point scoring shit this is.

People like Tom don't deserve this kind of crap, he's here to do his job and more likely goes beyond doing his job just to keep this forum running smoothly, if you want to make complaints and make your feelings known to the ST about issues you have with them, take it away from here and post it on their site or even e-mail one of them and follow it through from that.

What other forums is this going to be dragged onto and bored to death, please tell me in advance so we can all avoid it.

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Oh for gods sake, what a load of tedious point scoring shit this is.

People like Tom don't deserve this kind of crap, he's here to do his job and more likely goes beyond doing his job just to keep this forum running smoothly, if you want to make complaints and make your feelings known to the ST about issues you have with them, take it away from here and post it on their site or even e-mail one of them and follow it through from that.

What other forums is this going to be dragged onto and bored to death, please tell me in advance so we can all avoid it.

Too true!

It seems that the posts, except those asking for Tom to reconsider, on this (non) subject are exactly that. A little game of one upmanship.

I think most people are bored of it all.

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Honestly some people on here are a load of **** (yes mods you can edit this bit!)

I belong to a few other forums and the mods can't win in any situation. At the end of the day it's down to the users to be self policing and act responsibly.

I have no idea what is going on as I've not been very active on here for the last year or so but it seems to me that there are too many people on here with different agendas and people like Tom_F and Madger get caught up in the middle of it it trying to be the NATO peace keeping force.

Grow up some of you as you are turning into KEYBOARD WARRIORS

Up the City

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Cheap shot, nobody complained on the thread and everything that was said was more than relevant to the issue raised by the orignal poster.

Tom hasn't reacted in the way he has because of Orj.

Just to agree with CheshireRed for a change, Tom hasn't reached the end of his teather because of Orj, other people are involved in this,

either way, I've been a posting on this forum, rivals and the old City/Rovers forum in it's many different guises and for ......well to long now and remember back to the early days when the forum was of poor quality to look at but the discussions we excellent and it was an interesting place to be and there was good banter.

Over the last 5 or so years, since the Internet became more easily accessable I've been of the view that the quality has generally being going down hill gradually until it hit the point of Steve Lansdown the Club actually Dis-owning the forum, since then it has gradually got worse and has very much in my eyes become a breeding ground of hatred, evil and negativity towards the club and anything that it does or doesn't do, we are also in a situation where the actual manager also actually dislikes the place.

There are some good people on here, whose names stick in the mind andt here are just as many who have now disapeered into the sunset, the problem is there is now even more who are just as many who are either plain stupid or feel the constant need to massage their ego's, fact that one of them is now calling it a day on here TomF is a great shame, but I honestly can't blame him

finally this isn't a pop at the ST who now finance it, just a view that this place isn't the forum it used to be and I don't think there is any going back to the good old days.


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OTIB going downhill, that's been said for years.

Personally I think the problem is that nearly every concevable argument and debate there is to be had, has been had.

I don't thiink it's the fault of the users as such, just one of those things.

I reckon it might pick up when we start playing football again. They'll be alot of talking points next season I'm sure.

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OTIB going downhill, that's been said for years.

Personally I think the problem is that nearly every concevable argument and debate there is to be had, has been had.

I don't thiink it's the fault of the users as such, just one of those things.

I reckon it might pick up when we start playing football again. They'll be alot of talking points next season I'm sure.

Absolutely. I've been on City fora since the mid 90s; starting with Rob Fernandez's pre-rivals Net Centre and Ian Cole's City and Rovers board (btinernet something).

At times they are entertaining, other times they become dull or just plain nasty. When this happens rather than moan about it "going downhill" or publicly leaving the board the sensible thing to do is dip out or keep a low profile and then come back in a few weeks.

There has never been a golden age.

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in my eyes become a breeding ground of hatred, evil and negativity towards the club and anything that it does or doesn't do, we are also in a situation where the actual manager also actually dislikes the place.

Amen to that.

A select group of troublemakers have gradually eroded the quality of this place over the last year. And I'd be amazed if 90% of regulars couldn't rattle off a list of "troublemakers" similar to mine.

Trouble is, no-one will come out and stand up to them for fear getting lynched by this unsilent minority.

Some of the criticism leveled at the ST on here is appalling. And while the ST spend ages writing the excellently crafted, party-line responses you'd expect, I wish these idiots got the kind of response that their pathetic posts actually deserve - "get back under the rock you crawled out from" springs to mind.

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Amen to that.

A select group of troublemakers have gradually eroded the quality of this place over the last year. And I'd be amazed if 90% of regulars couldn't rattle off a list of "troublemakers" similar to mine.

Trouble is, no-one will come out and stand up to them for fear getting lynched by this unsilent minority.

Some of the criticism leveled at the ST on here is appalling. And while the ST spend ages writing the excellently crafted, party-line responses you'd expect, I wish these idiots got the kind of response that their pathetic posts actually deserve - "get back under the rock you crawled out from" springs to mind.

the thing is though, in this case in particular, the poster in question (Orj) isn't one of those mindless "troublemakers" that I'm refering to and has got a valid point, the ST although do do some very good work, must also be held accountable for what they do and if someone has a valid question which others might be interested in getting an answer to, it shouldn't be removed from public viewing because of someone questioning their methods.

This particular case isn't about an idiot posting crap, it's about someone with a decent question looking for an answer, but is being denied freedom of speech in these circumstances and having postings removed, unfortunatly the Admin of the site is the one who has to take the brunt of it.

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the thing is though, in this case in particular, the poster in question (Orj) isn't one of those mindless "troublemakers" that I'm refering to and has got a valid point, the ST although do do some very good work, must also be held accountable for what they do and if someone has a valid question which others might be interested in getting an answer to, it shouldn't be removed from public viewing because of someone questioning their methods.

But it's already been established that it wasn't removed at the request of the Supporters Trust, or because of anyone "questioning their methods".

RIP Tom. This forum won't live long without you.

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I enjoy using otib, it's a great source of info on BCFC, it passes the time at work and sometimes the debate can be interesting. I think most people who use it do as well.

The mods here, most of whom aren't in the ST or connected with it, do a demanding and largely thankless task. That's the same on most if not all forums as people like ciderhead and chesire_red will know. Users really should think twice before making the mods' job harder for no good reason.

TomF is a bloke who puts far more hours into not just moderating but also administrating and maintaining otib. Far more hours than Clik get paid for or he gets paid for. He does so at silly o'clock in his own time often enough and he has been essential to running this site for so long, as well as helping some of the people who run other sites. Without his support this forum and some of the others might very well not be here, and Clik (which I believe is owned/run by Scott Davidson?) certainly don't run otib at anything like a profit.

The forum we use every day exists solely on the goodwill of others who give their time freely. Why piss them off unnecessarily?

And frankly... what the bloody hell are people doing whinging about libel and arguing about private mesages on a sodding anonymous internet forum anyway? It's unquestionably pathetic and childish.

The basic question that this furore arose around is a simple and reasonable one that can be answered clearly. The people that can do so should do it without spin or secrecy, the people that asked the question should accept the answer like adults and then all sides should apologise for this b***ocks and move on.

Tom, if you can be persuaded to change your mind then that would be great. If not then my thanks to you and the mods for your hard work over many years. It's appreciated even if it may not seem like it sometimes.

Absolutely spot on, Nibor.

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  • Admin
OTIB going downhill, that's been said for years.

Personally I think the problem is that nearly every concevable argument and debate there is to be had, has been had.

I don't thiink it's the fault of the users as such, just one of those things.

I reckon it might pick up when we start playing football again. They'll be alot of talking points next season I'm sure.

Personally I believe people are naturally guilty of having selective memory.

We remember all the good posters in years past but who wants to remember the real idiots? However each era of this forum has had them.

Even in recent times when it has been in vogue to slag off otib there are still a sizeable number of posters who I know when they have replied to a thread it will be worth reading.

There's even the suggestion that the forum is at its worst during the Summer months but there are still decent threads to be read for those who enjoy speculating over who will/won't be joining us as it's the longest period of the transfer window being open.

In short, I still enjoy otib and I think the vast majority still do too else why don't they find something else to do with their time?

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There's even the suggestion that the forum is at its worst during the Summer months but there are still decent threads to be read for those who enjoy speculating over who will/won't be joining us as it's the longest period of the transfer window being open.

In short, I still enjoy otib and I think the vast majority still do too else why don't they find something else to do with their time?

Ah yes, but the problem is every thread containing speculation is normally jumped upon mid flow, breaking it up.

There will always be an ebb and flow. A harsher stance on off topic posts and users who refuse to add to threads, only starting there own might make it more stimulating.

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Ah yes, but the problem is every thread containing speculation is normally jumped upon mid flow, breaking it up.

There will always be an ebb and flow. A harsher stance on off topic posts and users who refuse to add to threads, only starting there own might make it more stimulating.

You raise a good point but from experience getting that "balance" right is key, too often when we do this we get accused of "over-modding". Maybe (as Mods) we should just get tougher skins and tell you all to "tow our line or else" ;)

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You raise a good point but from experience getting that "balance" right is key, too often when we do this we get accused of "over-modding". Maybe (as Mods) we should just get tougher skins and tell you all to "tow our line or else" ;)

Personally I would like this forum to be run like TFF. I think it works well.

I dodn't see why mods should except b***ocks, if people don't like it go elsewhere, simle as. Certainly easier to keep things to a better standard.

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Personally I would like this forum to be run like TFF. I think it works well.

I dodn't see why mods should except b***ocks, if people don't like it go elsewhere, simle as. Certainly easier to keep things to a better standard.

exactly theres freedom of speech but the personal abuse gets my goat. Which is why I don't get involved in so many debates on here. Lifes to short to squabble. Do it in the pub over a few beers instead.

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I dunno, the forums ok really.

As long as you try to be responsible, use the search button, spell everything correctly, don't hijack threads, don't spam, don't be Eamer or Ashtonyate or be from Swindon/Plymouth/Gas/Brighton/Cardiff and especially BARNSLEY!! and don't criticise Steve Brooker, Tommy Doherty, Youtube or Scottish Football you don't tend to get any abuse...

Oh and thanks Tompo, just wanted to see that in writing!

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Personally I would like this forum to be run like TFF. I think it works well.

I dodn't see why mods should except b***ocks, if people don't like it go elsewhere, simle as. Certainly easier to keep things to a better standard.

Agree with that and I've said the same thing in the past.

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You raise a good point but from experience getting that "balance" right is key, too often when we do this we get accused of "over-modding". Maybe (as Mods) we should just get tougher skins and tell you all to "tow our line or else" ;)

Too right Madger, don't be afraid to crack the old whip when its warranted :devil:

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Agree with that and I've said the same thing in the past.

Something I've been considering and have put it to the other admin/mods for discussion. There are those who are ready to jump on us for being overly strict, those who complain that we aren't, its very difficult to try and get the right balance.

Personally, I'd like to see the modding become somewhat nearer to that on TFF, keeping posts on topic, but also there are times when taking posts off at a tangent leads to a more interesting debate, than the original post intended.

I try to let a lot of things go, but perhaps the posts that contain personal abuse (ie attacking the poster, not the post) should be censored more. I relaxed the swear filters, but personally wouldn't like to see OTIB become like the subbers site, (which I use, mod and feel has a place, the forums can work alongside each other, with different feels and styles, no need to have two the same). Rivals is a different style again, having a much larger input from the wider football commumity, rather than mainly City fans. What stops me from using it more often is the bloody awful software, I usually have to battle for ages to log in, then often it doesn't recognise the log in details.

I introduced the City Social forum, as I was fed up with the posts about players cars, number plates etc etc, I think it has workrd as the main forum can be kept to current playing and club matters (our summer lieniency obviously does away with this).

It would be interesting to see the consensus of opinion by posters on here, as to the direction and form they'd like to see OTIB moving in.

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Something I've been considering and have put it to the other admin/mods for discussion. There are those who are ready to jump on us for being overly strict, those who complain that we aren't, its very difficult to try and get the right balance.

I think as long as it's a conscious decision that people are informed about they would just have to get used to it and in the main they would and otib would be a better forum for it.

The difficulty is that you can't really force a "culture" (I can't think of a better word) on a community.

Personally, I'd like to see the modding become somewhat nearer to that on TFF, keeping posts on topic, but also there are times when taking posts off at a tangent leads to a more interesting debate, than the original post intended.

Yeah there's a judgement to be made and someone's always going to disagree with it. That's not easy but to be honest I'd rather we were a bit stricter about threads staying on a topic and not having many saying the same thing even if that means getting it wrong occasionally.

What stops me from using it more often isthe bloody awful software, I usually have to battle for ages to log in, then often it doesn't recognise the log in details.

Rivals software is about 10 years old and it heartily sucks ass. It's a pity really because if you can filter our the troll crap on there some of the points are interesting.

Maybe a poll is a good way of finding out what users in the main think?

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Apart from the odd more sophisticated thread like the recent Trust one what you read on this forum is absolutely no different from what you'll hear in pretty much any bar or pub where City fans congregate.

You'll meet 'fans' who do nothing but slag off and critise the football club no matter whats happening on the pitch or on the transfer front.You'll also meet fans who are upbeat and positive about all things City.You'll even meet those that have a balanced view :shocking:

The bottom line is that virtually all of us have opinions and its far easier for some to express them as keybord warrior and hide behind the anonimity of a computer screen that express them face to face.Some people lack courage and don't even fill out thier profiles.

Imo this forum - like it or not - is a true pro-rata reflection of what City fans think.

It does surprise me that some take it so seriously as to talk about 'libel and 'slander'.To me if I'm talking verbally to someone about the City and I don't agree with them I would try to make my view clearer but and the end of the day if we saw thing differently I wouldn't lose any sleep over the matter.I take the same view on here.

Maybe thats sound advice.

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Oi get back on topic you lot. :preacher:

I could never understand the hoo haa about Mods, simple rule, do as you would have done by others, mods should not have to answer to anyone other than their own colleagues. I've moaned about threads being moved in the past, sometimes successfully other times not so, put up or shut up.

Says me banning Gasheads, Queers Rangers and Plymuff on the netcentre daily these days.

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Personally I would like this forum to be run like TFF. I think it works well.

I dodn't see why mods should except b***ocks, if people don't like it go elsewhere, simle as. Certainly easier to keep things to a better standard.

God, there would be warfare if that were to happen. I think the modding on here is fine yet people complain about it's harshness, on TFF it's "My way or the highway", regardless of the rules. It's not quite a dictatorship...Actually, yes, it is.

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