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Four Four Two Magazine (merged)


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"Thought it was a bit harsh when they said the strikers aren't good enough for Division 1, let alone the Championship."

Most City fans would agree with that statement.

A fit Brooker might hold his own in the CCC but the fact is City have no strikers that are proven higher up.Even the signing of Trundle doesn't change that.

What will hopefully be different from last season will be the supply.Johnson has signed two decent wingers and if they start to perform the likes of Trundle Showumni and Jevons will benefit.

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Interesting to resurrect this thread a year on!

Anyway, Four Four Two released today has us down as finishing in 10th place for the 2008/09 season.

Let's hope we can beat this prediction once more.

They have their top six as:

1. Birmingham City

2. Crystal Palace

3. Charlton

4. Reading

5. Derby County

6. QPR

Replace Charlton with us and I think they may be about right!

EDIT: Just to confirm that 442 went to press BEFORE the signing of Maynard. (Same as last season with Trundle and Elliott)

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Interesting to resurrect this thread a year on!

Anyway, Four Four Two released today has us down as finishing in 10th place for the 2008/09 season.

Let's hope we can beat this prediction once more.

They have their top six as:

1. Birmingham City

2. Crystal Palace

3. Charlton

4. Reading

5. Derby County

6. QPR

Replace Charlton with us and I think they may be about right!

EDIT: Just to confirm that 442 went to press BEFORE the signing of Maynard. (Same as last season with Trundle and Elliott)

Palace and Charlton definitely won't be in the top 6 and I'd be surprised if Derby (too many signings + #### manager) or QPR (terrible manager) are.

Sheff Utd and Norwich will be up there with Birmingham and Reading. We might too.

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They have their top six as:

1. Birmingham City

2. Crystal Palace

3. Charlton

4. Reading

5. Derby County

6. QPR

Wow, they're really sticking their necks on the line with that aren't they :noexpression:

I rekon Doncaster will be up there as well as Sheffield United but I can't see QPR being that high as for all their money they weren't actually that good at the end of last year. Though I do agree Birmingham should walk this league with Phillips, Bent, Mcfadden and Jerome up front

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I rekon Doncaster will be up there as well

There's sticking your neck out then there's predicting Donny will be up there...

I really can't see them doing anything other than being 24th. But hey it's the championship, anything can happen, but Byfield, Heffenan and Hayter up front = doomed to failure IMO

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this thread has made me realise how many good teams there actually are in this league!!

This is forgotting the big clubs that you might say are underachieving aswell

you ipswich, norwich, preston, coventry, sheff u, sheff wed

going to be a great season

16 former Premier League clubs to be precise.

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Interesting to resurrect this thread a year on!

Anyway, Four Four Two released today has us down as finishing in 10th place for the 2008/09 season.

Let's hope we can beat this prediction once more.

So if their predictions are as accurate as last season, when they said we'd finish 19th and we ended up 4th ..... by my reckoning we will finish 5th bottom of the Premier League.


Que sera sera.

Whatever will be will be.

The futures not ours to see.

Que sera sera.

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The Times have us 11th;

1 Birmingham City

2 Derby County


4 Reading

5 Sheffield United

6 Burnley

All these predictions are rather lazy and most comments fatuous.

All the relegated teams are predicted to go up and all the promoted teams to go down. Money for old rope.

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I'm sure it didnt go on sale today as I bought mine from WH Smiths, Newquay High St. last Wednesday!!!

Any idea who did our fans bit? Most it of seemed pretty straight on if my memory serves me right (havnt got the magazine in front of me now) but when it asked of the opposition player secretly admired he responded with 'Paul Scholes'!!!! When will Man Utd be our opposition this season?! By flook a cup game? One thing I did find quite funny was in the Rovers fans bit the opposition player he secretly admired was....................NICKY MAYNARD!!!

Still, right now I'd be happy with finishing 10th or above. I'm certainly not banking on another playoff final thats for sure, but if it happens then of course I'd be delighted.

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Any idea who did our fans bit? Most it of seemed pretty straight on if my memory serves me right (havnt got the magazine in front of me now) but when it asked of the opposition player secretly admired he responded with 'Paul Scholes'!!!!

I think it may have been me Rich - I was asked to do it months ago as part of an agreement with http://www.bristolcity.vitalfootball.co.uk/ - The original question was, "Which player do you most admire?", the "opposition" and "secretly" have been added since I completed the survey. You see how the press can so easily twist your words? Shocking. Nice to think that you consider me "straight on", can I quote you on that? :noexpression:

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