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The East End


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I know this is a discussion that has gone on for some time, and no doubt there will always be a minority who refuse to give the thought the time of day simply because they're settling on the fact that we'll apparently never get it back.

We all know that given a run in the eastend, with the correct publicity and word of mouth etc. we'll attract a decent amount of fans in there, create a decent level of noise, and hopefully go some way to improving the currently non-existent atmosphere at Ashton Gate.

That aside, there's another point to look at...

On Saturday I brought a mate to the Luton game. The guy that usually comes with me couldn't make it, and so he borrowed his season ticket to save a seat going to waste. I was pretty embarrassed about the performance on the pitch to be honest, but even more embarrassed about the lack of atmosphere. This guys a Newcastle fan, he's used to being in amongst thousands of Geordies making a hell of a lot of noise.

Admitaddly, we haven't got a fan base anything like Newcastle, but it made me realise just how quiet we are at home. It made me think, if the team is performing poorly and we're playing boring, predictable football, why an earth would people come to Ashton Gate? It's not exactly a 'fun' experience is it? And I know for a fact he won't want to return to Ashton Gate in a hurry.

The point I'm trying to make is, the East End shouldn't just be about improving the atmosphere, enabling us to make more noise and support the players more as a result.

It should be about putting the fun back into going to Ashton Gate. I can see a whole generation of youngsters aged anything between 14-20 screaming out for a chance to go to watch a decent level of football, and not only be entertained, but be able to entertain themselves by having a good laugh and shouting their heads off.

It might sound kind of simple, but I know alot of people that would probably love to have the oppertunity to have an excuse to throw endless amounts of abuse at a group of people (ie. The opposition and their fans), dance around and make lot's of noise, without anyone else batting an eyelid.

There is a whole audience screaming to be tapped into. Should common sense prevail, obviously you'll know that more fans = more money for the club.

The prospect of a return to the East End will not only bring noise and atmosphere back to Ashton Gate, but it will bring the perfect oppertunity to youngsters who want to go out and have a good time with their mates on a Saturday afternoon. I know that if I went to Ashton Gate for the first time over the last couple of months, I wouldn't exactly be desperate for more.

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The view is very poor with supporting pillars in the way and the salient is too shallow.It compares very poorly to the Atyeo Stand which is where away fans would have to go if the City fans were re-instated.I'll bet many of the currant Atyeo ST holders would be reluctant to move to a poorer quality view.

The only advantage is the sound factor.

I can`t see it happening.

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:Sleep12: :Sleep15:

How many more times have we got to see requests for the East End? I used to stand in the East End regularly and have no desire to go back.

The lack of atmosphere has nothing to do with which stand we're in and everything to do with all-seater, family friendly stadia.

Not so long ago people were complaining about the lack of atmosphere at Old Trafford. And they get 60000 every week!!

The atmosphere these days will not be as volatile as a decade ago. Get over it.

:Sleep12: :Sleep15:

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The view is very poor with supporting pillars in the way and the salient is too shallow.It compares very poorly to the Atyeo Stand which is where away fans would have to go if the City fans were re-instated.I'll bet many of the currant Atyeo ST holders would be reluctant to move to a poorer quality view.

The only advantage is the sound factor.

I can`t see it happening.

Totally agree, that just about sums up the whole situation, its not going to happen.

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and everything to do with all-seater, family friendly stadia.

Well done Chivs, that is it in a nut shell. I've stated before, that Taylor Reort not only was charged with making grounds safer, but also with "gentryfication of the game".

Official thinking:- Hooligans stand on terraces and taunt each other with songs and chants, so let's make every one sit down and we'll have cracked hooliganism.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Yeah but thats the whole thing - Isn't it about time we started reclaiming our national game back from politicions and started seperating the issue of hooliganism from crowd participation. The whole hooligan thing is used to crack down on all football fans, not just the minority few who spoil things. How many times have some of you been kept waiting at train stations ect just for going to a football match - Soon someone will sue the police and maybe then we wont get treated worse than asylum seekers do. Can you imagine the outcry if they marched a bunch that had just got off a lorry down to the local nick in the pouring rain? So why do we have to be hearded like cattle, OVER crowded into pubs and generaly have our rights taken from us?

I couldn't care less about some muppet who probably never stood on the terraces in his life and what his views were on how to improve football like taylor.

But thats not my real gripe - Its the bloody health & safety exec that really do it for me - Making people sit down, and god only knows what else they instruct the club to do. How long before they get stuck into how to celerbraight a goal? Just let us get on with it for christ sake


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Guest WillsbridgeRed

"being unable to spell"- A net forum, bothered

"promoting racist views" - I take it you're a liberal then? calling everyone racist who actually don't think we should bend over backwards for economic migrants is what's causing the rise of the BNP. FACT asylum seekers are pointed toward proccessing centres and let on there way. do we get that option at football?

"promoting sectarian views" Really? when? where?

"being anti christian etc" Care to explain?

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Have the club not thought of this possible scenario...

If they continue to dig their heels in, and appear non-willing to reach a solution or compromise, and as I read it there is fair size support for a return by a section of our supporters

One day some City supporters will lose patience and MAY go in anyway?

Now surely that has the potential for major problems. I am not suggesting they should or indeed will do it, but the club might be behaving with a little shortsightedness here and not fully appreciate the amount of feeling this issue raises.

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Guest city slicker 71

In all the time I,ve been coming on here regarding the East End never have I read such drivel as that propounded by Spanish Fly who besides making a lame attempt to belittle what is a marvellous example of CLUB solidarity does it under a cheap guise of an educated person?

Spelling? Words and sentences are not the same as truth and meaning oh wise one, neither is a reference to christianity in relation to handing back that what does not belong, one glance at Red Indian history will tell you that a whole people were violently swept aside in the name of that dogma.

That you are not passionatly involved therefore comes as no suprise, might I suggest a change of tag in respect of Spanish Fly? A beetle in dry form = one of 'yer' lower myriad life forms! Very appropriate indeed.

LONG LIVE THE EAST END ( though not for men in suits or ,creepie crawlies,). :D

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Guest **ENGLAND**

I think it was Chivs who mentioned Man Utd.

i know they get 60000 a week, but they have set a great example of how to produce an atmosphere.

Firstly, i believe all singers congregated into 1 area, which we must do

secondly, they decided to print all songs in a fanzine almost like a song sheet

any club can do this no matter what the size

its up 2 US to create an atmosphere

Not the players, not the stand we 'sit' in


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