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Smoking Ban

Barrs Court Red

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not sure if this is true but i heard recently that the club oceana in bristol, the one full of muppets, are pumping the smell of curry into one of their rooms to mask the smell of stale beer and urine. The clubs not worth visiting so i haven't had this confirmed. anyone know whether it's true?

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Overall, as a drinker but non-smoker, I love the ban, but I have to agree that a few pubs do seem a bit smellier than they used to be ... The food and drink tastes nicer without smoke. Of course, you do get MORE people smoking outside, so the beer garden tends to be a no-go area for us non-fag lovers, and if you walk a mile down any street in the centre of London you probably breathe in a couple of cigarettes' worth of smoke from the junkies huddled in the doorways of every pub.

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Guest Eamer

It hasn't made a difference to me as I don't go to pubs or restaurants. I have gone in the bar at University before but not since the ban so can't say how that's affected it. It's made a difference walking around some places though and there's a huge row of people smoking so need to cross the road to avoid walking through it all.

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It hasn't made a difference to me as I don't go to pubs or restaurants. I have gone in the bar at University before but not since the ban so can't say how that's affected it. It's made a difference walking around some places though and there's a huge row of people smoking so need to cross the road to avoid walking through it all.

You don't go in pubs, well i be damned :surrender:

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Pubs smell of piss.

........ and sweat, perfume and scented candles. :grr:

Went to the Tobacco Factory for the first time since the ban the other night, thought it was very quiet, half empty with little atmosphere.

Decided to try the outside seating at the back for the 2nd pint - huge area, every seat taken, most people smoking and a proper pub atmosphere.

When the colder weather comes most of those people will stay at home.

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........ and sweat, perfume and scented candles. :grr:

Went to the Tobacco Factory for the first time since the ban the other night, thought it was very quiet, half empty with little atmosphere.

Decided to try the outside seating at the back for the 2nd pint - huge area, every seat taken, most people smoking and a proper pub atmosphere.

When the colder weather comes most of those people will stay at home.

Yes but the middle class anti smoking nazis who never went to pubs anyway will be happy so every cloud has a silver lining eh?

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Yes but the middle class anti smoking nazis who never went to pubs anyway will be happy so every cloud has a silver lining eh?

I take great exception to that. Yes, I am middle class. Yes, I am anti smoking. Yes I am a Nazi. But I DO go in pubs, I did before the ban and I still do, and I'm very, very happy.

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Went to the Tobacco Factory for the first time since the ban the other night, thought it was very quiet, half empty with little atmosphere.

Decided to try the outside seating at the back for the 2nd pint - huge area, every seat taken, most people smoking and a proper pub atmosphere.

When the colder weather comes most of those people will stay at home.

Most places with a garden would be pretty empty inside on a summers evening.My local is the same.Nothing at all to do with the smoking ban. Its nice to have a pint or two 'al fresco'.

Lots of the guys that use my local who are smokers say that their smoking has decreased significantly as a consequence.Two of them have quit so far. Thats good news imo (as a non-smoker)

In other places where smoking bans have been implemented there was an intial decrease in pub use but gradually figures return to pre-bam levels.

You also need to remember that some people didn't visit pubs because of the smoking - my ex-wife was one. Since the ban she goes to pubs far more than ever before. There must be many like her all over the country. It could be argued that because of the ban pub use will increase.

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Most places with a garden would be pretty empty inside on a summers evening.My local is the same.Nothing at all to do with the smoking ban. Its nice to have a pint or two 'al fresco'.

Maybe something in that, although it wasn't particularly warm. The people outside were animated, those inside soporific. As i said, the majority outside were smoking, and probably chose to go outside either because they could smoke there or to join in the much more lively atmosphere that the smokers created. Something definitely missing inside and i don't just mean the smoke.

In other places where smoking bans have been implemented there was an intial decrease in pub use but gradually figures return to pre-bam levels.

Don't think so. In Ireland 600 pubs closed down in the first year. In a much larger country like England the number will be massive.

There must be many like her all over the country. It could be argued that because of the ban pub use will increase.

Maybe in some "pubs", by women and those who go mainly to eat. Traditional pub goers are already voting with their feet, as was reported in the EP yesterday and the Nationals last week.

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For me, its the best thing that could of happend. I could never give up smoking before because as soon as i was in a pub i would be smoking again due to the effects of drink ( loss of willpower) and all the smoke around me.

Now i find i can drink and even though i might have an urge to smoke, i can control it due to not having smokers all around me.

So for me its been a good thing.

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not sure if this is true but i heard recently that the club oceana in bristol, the one full of muppets, are pumping the smell of curry into one of their rooms to mask the smell of stale beer and urine. The clubs not worth visiting so i haven't had this confirmed. anyone know whether it's true?

I went in Oceana the week after the smoking ban came into place and it stank of stale beer, sweaty feet, BO and farting. It was disgusting - yet another reason not to go in there! I only went in cause I had free entry and a free drink.

Apparently in nightclubs in Scotland they pump in air-freshener into the rooms to mask these smells and they were planning on doing this in Oceana aswell.

But I definately won't be venturing back inside any time soon to find out if they've actually bothered.

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It's great. These days I am an occasional pub goer (two times a month usually - Ron would approve) but it is definitely a more pleasant experience.

Lunchtime pint today at a country inn was just that bit more civilised. No stale smoke drifting around and my suit didn't stink of smoke when I got back to the office.

I've no problem whatsoever with people smoking as long as their smoke doesn't waft all over me. Now it doesn't.

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Smoking ban, pfft.. we'll see.

No one tells me when and where i can smoke, this is one liberty too far imo, and its broke my camels back, i needed my camel. :angry:

It just cracks me up when there are people getting stabbed every day, mugged, raped , murdered, and this is just in our own country!! what about Iraq?!?, do you think they would give a fly 5h1t about a smoking ban? no becuase they have serious things to deal with like not gettin blown up every hour!

Seriously, this country is so screwed up, and i mean seriously, seriously FUBAR.

I despise the new middle class snobs that clogs this country, expecially in politics, its almost a frickin disease.

For a breif nano second I can understand why some Muslims what to eradicate the West, we suck!

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Smoking ban, pfft.. we'll see.

No one tells me when and where i can smoke, this is one liberty too far imo, and its broke my camels back, i needed my camel. :angry:

It just cracks me up when there are people getting stabbed every day, mugged, raped , murdered, and this is just in our own country!! what about Iraq?!?, do you think they would give a fly 5h1t about a smoking ban? no becuase they have serious things to deal with like not gettin blown up every hour!

Seriously, this country is so screwed up, and i mean seriously, seriously FUBAR.

I despise the new middle class snobs that clogs this country, expecially in politics, its almost a frickin disease.

For a breif nano second I can understand why some Muslims what to eradicate the West, we suck!

Your post has caused me stress. I demand compensation. I can never work again. £10,000,000 should cover it.

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Your post has caused me stress. I demand compensation. I can never work again. £10,000,000 should cover it.

Claim culture.., don't get me started :(

Lawyers should all be rounded up and burned, simple.

Only in todays weird Capitalist society can you get compensation for being a complete and utter imbecile. how does that encourage positive micro evolution? what would Darwin say?

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Seems this is going to hit more than smokers. Local pubs are already suffering as they may only clear 150k a year in sales and any drop in profit threatens their existence. Their dropping by quite a bit already and it will get worse through winter. Don't smoke but summer has been sureal with everybody stood in the garden.

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what would Darwin say?

"Kill all gingers!!"

Nogbad I to listen to 5 live, and I too remember the angry callers telling all and sundry the world is doomed unless the evil of smoking in pubs was banned.

"What about my right to clean air" they stammered. WHat about it indeed. Surely you know a pub will be smokey, why go in? It's not like there has been a time in their lives when smoking didnt exist in pubs.

It'll be interesting to see how many of these people who told us all that they didnt visit pubs because of the smoke, now would. We have seen one example on this thread, but there clearly hasn't been a flood of non-smokers visiting pubs, if there had been I'm sure the Evil Post would have a big story about it, rather than focus on one pub "The Cornubia"

What makes me laugh now, is that people are whining about smokers smoking outside of pubs. "I dare not go into the pub garden, people are smoking out there". All this, AND the compensation culture is purely down to the me me me culture of today. One where no one cares about others, as long as their wants and views are met.

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"What about my right to clean air" they stammered. WHat about it indeed. Surely you know a pub will be smokey, why go in? It's not like there has been a time in their lives when smoking didnt exist in pubs.

I think your're missing the point here Moomin.

The choice about smoking is an individual one.I used to poison myself but now haven't smoked for 23 years.I don't have any arguement with those who choose to smoke but I do have an arguement with having my lungs attacked by other people's smoke.

The right to clean air is a perfect arguement. I used pubs regularly and before the ban and chose to put up with the smoke that invaded my lungs. Now going into my local is a far more enjoyable experience as I no longer have my clothes smelling like a tobacco factory.

Its about choice - if someome chooses to smoke then thats fine my me but it has never been morally acceptable for non-smokers to be poisoned by those that do smoke.

Do you remember Roy Castle? other people's smoke killed him.

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Do you remember Roy Castle? other people's smoke killed him.

Agree with the rest, though nothing there makes a complete ban necessary however this bit about Roy Castle is b***ocks.

Roy Castle died from lung cancer. You can actually get lung cancer without smoking or being exposed to second hand smoke. Many, many people do sadly.

Since his death, many anti-smoking nazis have perpetuated an urban myth that he blamed his illness on second hand smoking when playing the trumpet in jazz clubs.

It's completely made up crap. If it wasn't, you'd be able to find an attributed quote of him saying so. There isn't one. All you see is "it is believed" etc.

Still it's another arrow in the quiver for people who like banning everything. I see the topic of increasing alcohol prices was again in the news this week, shock horror the nazis are moving onto the next thing on the list.

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I think your're missing the point here Moomin.

The choice about smoking is an individual one.I used to poison myself but now haven't smoked for 23 years.I don't have any arguement with those who choose to smoke but I do have an arguement with having my lungs attacked by other people's smoke.

The right to clean air is a perfect arguement. I used pubs regularly and before the ban and chose to put up with the smoke that invaded my lungs. Now going into my local is a far more enjoyable experience as I no longer have my clothes smelling like a tobacco factory.

Its about choice - if someome chooses to smoke then thats fine my me but it has never been morally acceptable for non-smokers to be poisoned by those that do smoke.

Do you remember Roy Castle? other people's smoke killed him.

You use the word choice but where is there choice to maintain what has been an acceptable part of life for millions. These people who hated smoking so much are not flocking to my locals all of which are experciencing serious loss in trade with one already looking like it is going to go bust.

I don't smoke and i certainly do not think it is right to affect the fabric of soceity for people who would not even enter my world anyway.

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