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Now i love the east end and I'm not posting this as having ago at the east end its more to do with what are we aloud to do at football.

As around me today in the east end there was 3 blokes arrested for swearing/swearing gestures, now most our songs have swearing in so what are we meant to do just sit down and be quite .I wish i was told before i spent £400 on a season ticket what and what i cant do at a football match.

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Wasn't there but I find it hard to believe that people got nicked just for swearing.

I was disappointed to see some mucking fuppets running along the front to pretend to try and get at the QPR fans when Basso was injured. That sort of shit is why it was closed, it needs to be cut out and if that means pulling a few people out harshly in the first game to make a point then so be it. At least it's open.

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Wasn't there but I find it hard to believe that people got nicked just for swearing.

I was disappointed to see some mucking fuppets running along the front to pretend to try and get at the QPR fans when Basso was injured. That sort of shit is why it was closed, it needs to be cut out and if that means pulling a few people out harshly in the first game to make a point then so be it. At least it's open.

I agree with the part about the people running, bit of a shame really that some people carnt sing there hearts out at a football match without trying to fight with other fans.

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Wasn't there but I find it hard to believe that people got nicked just for swearing.

I was disappointed to see some mucking fuppets running along the front to pretend to try and get at the QPR fans when Basso was injured. That sort of shit is why it was closed, it needs to be cut out and if that means pulling a few people out harshly in the first game to make a point then so be it. At least it's open.

Yes i said maybe there just nicking them just to make a point to other people, but it was definitely for swearing as i was warned twice and a friend was also warned if we swear again we would be arrested

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Wasn't there but I find it hard to believe that people got nicked just for swearing.

I was disappointed to see some mucking fuppets running along the front to pretend to try and get at the QPR fans when Basso was injured. That sort of shit is why it was closed, it needs to be cut out and if that means pulling a few people out harshly in the first game to make a point then so be it. At least it's open.

No trust me one bloke did get arrested for swearing. We were all bemused. QPR GK took a goal keeper and as usual I sang you fat bastard but on my own, The Policeman told me if I did that again I would be arrested and banned from Ashton Gate.

Today was a total police overkill IMHO.

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Wasn't there but I find it hard to believe that people got nicked just for swearing.

I was disappointed to see some mucking fuppets running along the front to pretend to try and get at the QPR fans when Basso was injured. That sort of shit is why it was closed, it needs to be cut out and if that means pulling a few people out harshly in the first game to make a point then so be it. At least it's open.

yeah, F ** K 'EM... :)

Root out any trouble-makers asap, grass 'em up (not just for bad language though, but if they get threatening etc).. self police the East End as promised, & long live the East End & all East Enders that love it.

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The problem surely is a lack of understanding between the police and football fans. Maybe if there was more understanding between them then things like this wouldnt happen. For example, if a group of City fans had a proper conversation with the Police about the East End some agreements could be met resulting in a much more enjoyable day for all.

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The problem surely is a lack of understanding between the police and football fans. Maybe if there was more understanding between them then things like this wouldnt happen. For example, if a group of City fans had a proper conversation with the Police about the East End some agreements could be met resulting in a much more enjoyable day for all.
Deaf ears mate, We asked what sort of language is acceptable and was told say it and you will find out.

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No trust me one bloke did get arrested for swearing. We were all bemused. QPR GK took a goal keeper and as usual I sang you fat bastard but on my own, The Policeman told me if I did that again I would be arrested and banned from Ashton Gate.

Today was a total police overkill IMHO.

Well, if the old bill are going to try nicking people for swearing then the response should be several thousand people singing "My ole man" so they can't pick anyone out. They need to get a clue and find the right balance and should be encouraged to by the stewards. Noone in the EE was expecting to not hear a swear word all day so that's just stupid.

However, the people who worked long and hard to get that End open won't have a leg to stand on if the small proportion of morons carry on like they did today when Basso was injured and ruin it for everyone else.

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Well, if the old bill are going to try nicking people for swearing then the response should be several thousand people singing "My ole man" so they can't pick anyone out. They need to get a clue and find the right balance and should be encouraged to by the stewards. Noone in the EE was expecting to not hear a swear word all day so that's just stupid.

However, the people who worked long and hard to get that End open won't have a leg to stand on if the small proportion of morons carry on like they did today when Basso was injured and ruin it for everyone else.

Yeah its wrong for people to run over to the away fans giving it the all big one but the arrest over swearing there was no need for it

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From what I saw of it, it was just a few idiots causing trouble. They need to be sorted out and banned so that everyone else can enjoy it. Saying that, I don't think the police and stewards helped things today as they basically left a gap between the two sets of fans with no - one policing that gap to stop them getting too close to each other until it was too late.

I cannot see the point of going to the gate (or any other stadium for that matter) just for aggro - its pathetic.

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From what I saw of it, it was just a few idiots causing trouble. They need to be sorted out and banned so that everyone else can enjoy it. Saying that, I don't think the police and stewards helped things today as they basically left a gap between the two sets of fans with no - one policing that gap to stop them getting too close to each other until it was too late.

I cannot see the point of going to the gate (or any other stadium for that matter) just for aggro - its pathetic.

Hear Hear I agree entirely... Maybe its a phase that some teenagers have to go through - although I didn't.

Please let's make sure its nipped in the bud and everybody can enjoy the game.

In light of today is ther any chance of a meeting between stewards, fans and police or wouldn't it be constructive!!

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I don't condemn what the idiots done running over to the qpr fans but the fans i saw get arrested were arrested for swearing its a football game for god sake surly swearing should be allowed

Yeah mate we get your point now, but there were plently of other idiots in there today.

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I don't condemn what the idiots done running over to the qpr fans but the fans i saw get arrested were arrested for swearing its a football game for god sake surly swearing should be allowed

Got no problem with swearing mate, just the plonkers who go just to cause trouble. If they do it too often then the East Ed will be closed again and we are all back to square one. Perhaps a few of the decent supporters need to bombard the club and police with emails asking for a meeting to discuss what is and isnt acceptable, and let them know that there is only a small minority of prats out there that seem to want to cause trouble.. If we can police it ourselves somehow and get rid of the idiots then it will make things better for everyone.

And it will also stop something else I saw earlier happening again - a family with two small kids (both kids in City shirts) being escorted out of the east end and into another stand cos it wasnt safe for them! We cant drive families away from the club cos they don't feel safe, it isnt right.

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HHmm I have very mixed feelings about this one.. In one instance a bit unfair on the people swearing as i bet 15,000 others were using the same sort of language and nothing happend but on the other side swearing is a public order offence and the police are well within there rights..I'm guessing the Police probably saw these city fans swearing around kids and familys and fairly issued these people a warning, the fans chose to ignore the warning so were rightfully arrested..

All I would say is that families wih kids who got tickets for the eastend today should have known what the language was going to be like, maybee they should have sat in the Williams or block A of the ateo where the language is a bit lighter..

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From what I saw of it, it was just a few idiots causing trouble. They need to be sorted out and banned so that everyone else can enjoy it. Saying that, I don't think the police and stewards helped things today as they basically left a gap between the two sets of fans with no - one policing that gap to stop them getting too close to each other until it was too late.

I cannot see the point of going to the gate (or any other stadium for that matter) just for aggro - its pathetic.

By any chance, would the idiots you refer to be aged roughly around 12-16 and overloaded on E numbers ? When this sort of thing has happened in the past, in my experience the perpatrators tend to fall into this category. Personally, I reckon the police should allow them to get on with it, and watch them shit themselves the second somebody retaliates.

Re the swearing thing, I agree that it is a ridiculous situation, but I would imagine that the police and stewards have been instructed by the club to lay down the law from the start, to serve as a warning that they'll be very quick to intervene should problems persist. I get the impression that the club has never been particularly receptive to the idea of having the East End open, and will use the slightest excuse to get it shut again.

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By any chance, would the idiots you refer to be aged roughly around 12-16 and overloaded on E numbers ? When this sort of thing has happened in the past, in my experience the perpatrators tend to fall into this category. Personally, I reckon the police should allow them to get on with it, and watch them shit themselves the second somebody retaliates.

Re the swearing thing, I agree that it is a ridiculous situation, but I would imagine that the police and stewards have been instructed by the club to lay down the law from the start, to serve as a warning that they'll be very quick to intervene should problems persist. I get the impression that the club has never been particularly receptive to the idea of having the East End open, and will use the slightest excuse to get it shut again.

Yes - it was mainly kids, but also a few who appeared just abit intoxicated...


Follow the link above if you want to arrange a meet with the police.. It may work if they are prepared to listen..

I for one just want the enjoy Championship footie at Ashton Gate this season, and also on our travels to some decent grounds..

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By any chance, would the idiots you refer to be aged roughly around 12-16 and overloaded on E numbers ? When this sort of thing has happened in the past, in my experience the perpatrators tend to fall into this category. Personally, I reckon the police should allow them to get on with it, and watch them shit themselves the second somebody retaliates.

Re the swearing thing, I agree that it is a ridiculous situation, but I would imagine that the police and stewards have been instructed by the club to lay down the law from the start, to serve as a warning that they'll be very quick to intervene should problems persist. I get the impression that the club has never been particularly receptive to the idea of having the East End open, and will use the slightest excuse to get it shut again.

what a wa l nker you really are.i've added the l just to gett it past the harsh encription on here. If any of you muppets knew what the east end actually stood for back in the day, you'd be welcoming this type of behaviour. but no, violence at football is bad. lets make fortress ashton gate with big foam hands and lots of clapping eh? get your heads out of your arses, we're a football club, at last we've given our end back to our fans, they didn't actually cause any trouble, did they? so where's the harm in a little intimidation? Because that's all it is at the end of the day.

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Bit of a nothing topic. Old Bill have nicked people before and will do again for swearing. Not saying I agree with it but it does happen. Before the game was just banter. Neither side is stupid enough to do something on CCTV.

If your going to highlight things, highlight the positive. East End was full and loud today; and long may it continue.

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Being arrested for swearing is a load of Bo##ocks in itself. Just makes you wonder if some of theboys in blue are actually human, do they spend a whole evening in the officers bar witout an expletive crossin at least one of their kips? I think not. However, just out of interest, what was going on before kick off? Was sat there looking down toward sthe EE and saw some of the qpr guys giving 2 or 3 stewards some hassle then 1 guy pushed/lashed out at one of them and sent him tumbling into the netting over the seats. What was going on? It looked like the fault was more on their side of the netting but just curious.

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Bit of a nothing topic. Old Bill have nicked people before and will do again for swearing. Not saying I agree with it but it does happen. Before the game was just banter. Neither side is stupid enough to do something on CCTV.

If your going to highlight things, highlight the positive. East End was full and loud today; and long may it continue.

As one of the regulars in there, you are well placed to comment. hoever some brain-deads will try and cause trouble no matter what, cos its a crack innit. The fact they aint a patch on the real city hard core is hardly the point. theyre trying to make a name for themselves, and aint got the brains to see that they are f u ckin it up for all of you. sadly.

the REAL EE'r did a cracking job today-no complaints from me on that score. Dyckeheads will always be dyckeheads.

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