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Your Country - Or City?


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Over the last few seasons I would tut about fans from (for example) Liverpool or Chelski or ManUre who would put their team before the Country (in my case England but could be any National side) - possibly becasue we never had anyone close to England call up

After the defeat in Russia the other week I was gutted (as I plan to go to Euro 2008 and would prefer England to be there) but it just did not hurt as much as City losing. And then an awful thought dawned on me - if Carey was good enough for England would I want him to play and risk injury and then lose him as a City Player for 2 - 4 weeks (or whatever) - and I have to say I don't think I would. City losing hurts me more than England losing.

We have a couple of players who may play for their Countries this weekend - and it is great to see them - but if we were on the fringe of another promotion or fighting a last chance relegation battle - it seems to be that all this time I have criticised supporters from clubs who do have a Club v Country issue - if it came to the crunch in Football Terms - City do come first and I would want them playing for City not, in my case England.

This is not to decry the players the chance to play and I am sure Carey (as my example) would show more passion than some of those that do play - but I guess the fact is for me City are the priority - or am I getting this wrong? :englandsmile4wf:

(meanwhile if we had a couple of key players in the Israel side I might make an exception for tonight!)

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Ah...this old chestnut

Personally I couldn't give a monkeys about England. I would always pick City over England.

In my opinion, England is too political. For me supporting England means sweeping everything I don't like about the place under the carpet and maintaining the pretense that we're all one big happy family.

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Its not a question that I ever consider.

Its City every time.

The only thing that interests me about England is when the World Cup or European Championships are on - simply because it gives me some football to watch in the summer break.

Even if England aren't playing in the Euro's next summer I'll still watch most of the various matches on TV.

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City every time.

England bore the hell out of me and, unless it's a major competition, struggle in getting behind them. You cant pick which country you support whilst you CAN choose which club you support - so surely club is going to win every time?

Any of us could have (God forbid!) chose the blue filth, or Liverpool/Arsenal/ManUtd/Chelsea/Spurs etc etc instead of City to support, and it wouldnt have caused that much conflict (unless of course you're from a big City family and choose to follow the blue filth!). But because you are born in England you HAVE to follow England football team. I personally always had more of an affinity with the Welsh team than our own - more passion and even after so many defeats, to a man, they are still gutted whenever they lose! But I always go the pub with the boys and cheer on England anyway cos being English born that's what you do.

The England team always has far too few Ince's or Terry Butchers who have pride in pulling on the shirt - and I for one find it so frustrating to watch and so difficult to be proud of being English when the over paid #######s we are watching don't show any pride in being one of the chosen 11. And before anyone suggests it - yes I would say all of our current City team have pride in being City players, GJ dosn't sign them unless they do.

The day England play passionate football is the day I would CONSIDER putting country before club.

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the modern day england team have no real interest to me,

City without doubt.

England is missing a leader at the moment, we don't have the players that are good enough, where is the Terry Butcher/Stuart Pearce/Paul Ince/Bryan Robson's of the modern day, John Terry is the closest but isn't a patch on him, the closest player we have him is Gary Neville and his international career is close to over.

Probably the most alike player we have is Jamie Carragher and despite being one of the only players in the squad to have won the top competition in club football, he is deemed not good enough for his country and got stuck between the likes of Rio Ferdinand and Wes Brown.


not qualifiying will be the kick up the backside the country needs, unfortunatly it will be the manager that will get the blame, despite it being the players fault.

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Ok, Ive been sat here for about 15 minutes trying to work out what to write. I like everyone on here love to watch my beloved Bristol City run out on a Saturday (Wednesday, Sunday, Monday or Friday due to sky) and would never swap that for the world.

I can consider myself lucky enough to be able to watch England home and Away during the qualifers and through various other tournements and could say that I also love doing that!!!! I'm very proud to be English, maybe not so proud of the way my country is going, but proud to be English. But thinking about it deeper my England trips always in some way stem back to Bristol City..... Whether that be the joy of meeting other league and club fans and proudly talking about who I support, Drapping the St Georges Flag over the advertising haudings or just simply wearing wearing my City shirt to England games.

I'm really not sure what I'm trying to say, but In my heart of hearts I think I love both in the same way!!! Its like loving a Mum and Dad I suppose!?!? I love them both the same, but in different ways.... But even with England and supporting them as much as I'm fortunate to be able to do, that bit of me always takes City along on my journey.

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CITY :farmer:


I am a huge England fan, but am just getting fed up with them

I watch City and feel quite proud of the performances, the attitude, the manager, the pride etc....

England, oh dear -

I'm going on Wednesday so am hoping for a favour today

otherwise its just a big p*ss up in london wednesday

actually that still sounds good

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Ah...this old chestnut

Personally I couldn't give a monkeys about England. I would always pick City over England.

In my opinion, England is too political. For me supporting England means sweeping everything I don't like about the place under the carpet and maintaining the pretense that we're all one big happy family.

Spot on what the hell most of these over-paid #######s give back to most everyday working or not fans is beyond me,there is too much wrong with this country for me to get gung-ho about how great we once were. One big happy family don't think so,rather City won 100 times than england once.

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I completely agree with "formerly known as ivan". I couldn't care about England and am hoping they don't qualify to be honest. It'll knock them back down to Earth which is exactly what they need.

City every time.

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The lack of national pride on this thread is simply embarrassing to read, and almost unbelievable, this is why England's future is going down the toilet, not enough people interested by the sound of it.

City first, but England a very close second - Born in Bristol, and Born in England, and proud of both.

And by supporting England, you do not necessarily have to follow the players, it is infact the name of our country on the line, and our reputation as a nation. Why would you turn your backs on your country?

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The lack of national pride on this thread is simply embarrassing to read, and almost unbelievable, this is why England's future is going down the toilet, not enough people interested by the sound of it.

City first, but England a very close second - Born in Bristol, and Born in England, and proud of both.

And by supporting England, you do not necessarily have to follow the players, it is infact the name of our country on the line, and our reputation as a nation. Why would you turn your backs on your country?

Well said

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The lack of national pride on this thread is simply embarrassing to read, and almost unbelievable, this is why England's future is going down the toilet, not enough people interested by the sound of it.

City first, but England a very close second - Born in Bristol, and Born in England, and proud of both.

And by supporting England, you do not necessarily have to follow the players, it is infact the name of our country on the line, and our reputation as a nation. Why would you turn your backs on your country?

The England players have no passion, why should we?

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They do have passion - their just inhibited at the moment by our lack of top class strikers and confidence.

But the main point is, you shouldn't give up on your country just because you don't have faith or respect in the 11 players presently appearing for the national team; the concept of England is far deeper then the players that wear the shirts, it is your heritage, patrioism and national pride that should drive you to support the cause!

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I can remember the days when the normal man in the street could relate to the players, there was a genuine bond but these days the top Premiership footballers think there nothing short of royalty and give the impression their doing us all a favour!

England means very little to me now, if their playing of course I'll watch but it does not excite me anymore? Ive got to say I'm not even that bothered if England qualify for the Euro 2008. Look at it this way, at least if they're not there we may be able to sit back enjoy the tournament rather than waiting for McClaren and his over hyped players to stumble at the first stage.

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The lack of national pride on this thread is simply embarrassing to read, and almost unbelievable, this is why England's future is going down the toilet, not enough people interested by the sound of it.

City first, but England a very close second - Born in Bristol, and Born in England, and proud of both.

And by supporting England, you do not necessarily have to follow the players, it is infact the name of our country on the line, and our reputation as a nation. Why would you turn your backs on your country?

Thats how I started the thread - for me it is City first - England close second - but my question based on this was despite the loyalty to England - I don't think I would want City players risking injury by playing for England (something in the past I always said I would not do) - I feel a bit guilty about it but that seems to be the way most feel?

Come on Israel :englandflag:

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