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How Fickle This Forum Is.


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Thats my point exactly.Lots of fans simply don't think any further than the last result.Now thats either stupid or fickle or maybe both but when the more balanced posters point out anything thats not upbeat or positive they get slated.

Generally most of us would say that we are very happy with the FC overall. Things are pretty good all round.We are playing in the CCC and watching good football almost every week.The club is in good hands with Lansdown/Dawe as majority share holders. Plans are afoot to either expand AG or build a new staduim and our media profile has increased.We have a decent and some would say media friendly manager who has taken the team into fourth place.

No, actually the only point you were trying to make with this thread is TOLD YOU SO!

If you want to sit feeling all smug with yourself behind your keyboard, then please do. But there's no reason to share your smugness with the rest of us.

It's a bit sad that you're feeling so pleased with yourself due to City losing a couple of games, don't you think?

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No, actually the only point you were trying to make with this thread is TOLD YOU SO!

If you want to sit feeling all smug with yourself behind your keyboard, then please do. But there's no reason to share your smugness with the rest of us.

It's a bit sad that you're feeling so pleased with yourself due to City losing a couple of games, don't you think?

He got this one right. But I think most of us knew there was a bad run only just round the corner....

But he didnt get this one right


How 'fickle' was this?

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It's a bit sad that you're feeling so pleased with yourself due to City losing a couple of games, don't you think?

You must be in need of a reality check.

No true fan will be pleased that City lost a couple of games particularly by the margin of the last one.

The point of this thread is not to say 'I told you so' but to remind people that they should look beyond the obvious like the league table and look at the performances on the pitch more analytically instead of being fickle and alternating between praise and critism at the end of each game.

People should try to understand what others are saying instead of being reactionary.We would have much more decent debate about all things City if that were the case.

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The point of this thread is not to say 'I told you so' but to remind people that they should look beyond the obvious like the league table and look at the performances on the pitch more analytically instead of being fickle and alternating between praise and critism at the end of each game.

People should try to understand what others are saying instead of being reactionary.We would have much more decent debate about all things City if that were the case.

I'm surprised the overwhelming feeling of hypocrisy you must have felt whilst writing this didn't make you feint.

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What Cheese was saying - and using Luton as an example - was that virtually any team can fall away after a good start.Cardiff did the same last season but stayed up unlike Luton. Those with 'rose-tinted spectacles' simply weren't able to expand their minds enough to see that it could happen to City.All they were doing was looking at the league table and concluding that all is well.

And (as I said in my original response to your post) no one argued that we could not fall away. What was up for debate was why, considering the significant differences between the states of the two clubs at the time, was Luton chosen as an example over, say, Birmingham City? No one on that thread said anything about us being unable to fall away; you are simply making stuff up! There is nothing in that thread that suggests we will defiantly be top 4 at the end of the season or anything like that, to be totally honest it's really just a debate over semantics and nothing all to do with the "fickle" nature of some fans!

Some replies to that thread were ridiculous which refelects the fickleness of this forum. Your jibe (old though it is) about the conference manager thread of mine is another example.

Please, point these posts out (quotes please). I would like to see what you consider "ridiculous" and "fickle" about the responses. A little petty maybe (and I've already admitted it ended up being so) but neither side of the argument was being "fickle" (cheese stuck to his (or her) guns as much as anyone else, fair play to him (or her)), thus making your use of it as an example a bit odd.

And, for the record, I was engaging you in debate and don't consider defending myself from your baseless lies about my posting by pointing out the fact you have been known to overact in the past a "jibe". All I was doing was trying to point out we all can make knee jerk reactions sometimes. By you now saying that everyone is being "fickle" yet taking umbrage at people pointing out you too have done the same in the past actually makes you as guilty of "rose tinting" past situations. Why not cut others some slack rather than try and be all high and mighty?

At the time of posting that thread Johnson had yet to turn things around.Plus it wasn't just me that had concerns about his ability to do the job.As it turned out we were wrong.In other words I and others were too hasty in judgeing the situation. You could say the same thing about those who think the current league position suggests that everything is hunky dory and slate those who might suggest otherwise.

You are quite right on every point, but what got to me was your use of a thread with little or nothing to do with any of this to illustrate your point. Personally, I have never said we will do anything other than stay up this season and resent being called "fickle" for posting about something wholly unconnected with this debate. You used that thread as evidence in your case against "fickle" fans although it had nothing to do with it. That is not on.

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All Winstons wanna chill if you ask me.

So what if people post a load of bollox? What fkn difference does it make to anything? Robbored, if you're so keen for high quality debate on all things Bristol City why don't you exclusively get into debate with those who can provide it and ignore those who simply feel the need to abuse you?

Main problem with 'freedom of speech' are the number of petty little arguments it creates.

What is the fkn matter with people? Too much male pride if you ask me, no need for the aloofness. Football is a highly subjective matter, there is no right or wrong and at the end of the day; IT DOESN'T FKN MATTER !!!

sit's back to wait for some smart arse to critically assess my every word and form a case against me

...and yes I do see the irony and the hypocracy but sometimes to get a message through you have to speak the correct language.

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Robbored, if you're so keen for high quality debate on all things Bristol City why don't you exclusively get into debate with those who can provide it and ignore those who simply feel the need to abuse you?

Its irritating when some posters make very astute observations and post interesting threads - only for them to be slagged off by those who don't have the wit to see the point.Invariably they resort to abuse.

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Its irritating

That's the admission required. Sorry what with being 20 years your junior telling you this but you ain't going to change the World or this forum (well maybe your little corner of it) but neither do you need to join it.

Jus' do ya ting, man!

edit: ''if you can't beat it, join it'' is a saying I don't particularly prescribe too!

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Its irritating when some posters make very astute observations and post interesting threads - only for them to be slagged off by those who don't have the wit to see the point.Invariably they resort to abuse.

So your 'conference manager' jibe was astute and interesting.

And still waiting to be pointed to your apology posts.

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Just three or four games ago I replied to a post by saying that I was concerened about City's strength in depth and what would happen if both Elliot and Carey were out at the same time. On another post I asked questions about our million pound player and whether he was up to it.

On both occaissions I got slated and accussed of being 'negative' and 'always trying to put City down'.Some numpty even sent me an abusive pm.Some one else said 'get on yer bike'

But..... take a look now at the threads over this last week or so.

Serious questions that I hinted at back a while are now being asked.Threads like 'how are we fourth?' and comments like 'we only have four good players'.

How quickly people get sucked in by the league position - its as if thats the only thing that the team should be judged on.When City were grinding out results how many fans looked at how those results were being achieved? Not many is the answer.

Cheese posted a thread recently comparing City this a season to Luton last season.He took some fearfull stick but I actually though that is was a perfectly appropriate comparison and a well thought out post.Those with rose tinted spectacles didn't agree.

Truth is that City have played well in the odd match but haven't managed to perform consistantly well for a sequence of games.Good results were achieved at Coventry and against Sheffield United but apart from those two games City have spent lots of time defending for dear life.How City hung on against Southampton for 45 mins was nothing much short of a miracle.The City net has had a charmed life in lots of games.Unfortunately those charms went awol at Ipswich.

My point is that fans should try to keep a balanced view and look beyond the results.

How fickle this forum is? It's fickle as ######, always is and always will be. Why you need to write an essay on that is beyond me. You must be bored shitless Rob-Bored.

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So your 'conference manager' jibe was astute and interesting.

And still waiting to be pointed to your apology posts.

To be fair to Robbored, I don't agree with a some of what he comes out with, (however I see and completely agree with the points he's made here), but would everyone stop bringing up the conference manager thread... With the exception of labelling GJ as a Conference Manager, alot of the points he made in that original post were actually quite accurate AT THAT TIME. Yes GJ has now turned it around, but there was a point where we were heading for relegation and there was a lot of discontent.

It's also interesting to note that although Rob made the original CM point, several people agreed with him in that thread and don't get anything like the level of abuse that he does, nor do they have it rammed down their throats every two minutes. Couldn't be anything to do with the whole Gas at Wembley thing, could it....?

All I'm really trying to say is if we're adding to this thread, can we at least make something other than references to a comment that was made almost two years ago!!! :fingerscrossed:

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I wouldn't say this forum is fickle, I think it just provides a record of how grouped opinions change over time. The result is obviously a problem, given that thoughts are still visible days/weeks after an opinion could have changed, or gone out of fashion.

For example, I can remember when myself and Robbored seemed to be the only ones on here who thought Phillips wasn't a great keeper. Years later most people would now say we have one better in Basso. At the time the consensus was he was the best we could get. Sometimes, this swing can happen in days, and perhaps why it's called being "fickle". Football is a reactive sport, we all know how 1 result and performance can change everything.

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To be fair to Robbored, I don't agree with a some of what he comes out with, (however I see and completely agree with the points he's made here), but would everyone stop bringing up the conference manager thread...

I only bring it up because look at the title of the thread.... its hypocritical!!

Robbored = fickle.

There are probabaly many examples of this, but i'm not going to search through for them. The conference manager thread just says it all really

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To be fair to Robbored, I don't agree with a some of what he comes out with, (however I see and completely agree with the points he's made here), but would everyone stop bringing up the conference manager thread... With the exception of labelling GJ as a Conference Manager, alot of the points he made in that original post were actually quite accurate AT THAT TIME. Yes GJ has now turned it around, but there was a point where we were heading for relegation and there was a lot of discontent.

It's also interesting to note that although Rob made the original CM point, several people agreed with him in that thread and don't get anything like the level of abuse that he does, nor do they have it rammed down their throats every two minutes. Couldn't be anything to do with the whole Gas at Wembley thing, could it....?

All I'm really trying to say is if we're adding to this thread, can we at least make something other than references to a comment that was made almost two years ago!!! :fingerscrossed:

it was a nasty, snide, backstabbing comment made in the hope that GJ would fall on his arse and why, cos his drinking 'legend' buddy had been given the bullet and although apparently he has posted 'I was wrong' posts (which nobody seems to be able to find) even now many of his posts tend to undermine the achievements of GJ, like the recent thread about team spirit and inter action with the crowd.

Unfortunately at the time of his post there was only one truth, the players were a disgraceful spineless bunch of overpaid, under performing, under achieving, boozing, trouble making, totally unfit pub team, founded by Wilson and endorsed by Tinnion and when these pussies were told some home truths and made to train and follow some rules laid down by the manager, reacted in a pathetic way and were rightly moved on and virtually without exception have found their true levels, but even the hand grenade did'nt appear to work with several players who still needed the wake up call of arrest and prison before the penny dropped.

The truth is pre-GJ our club was a joke, a disgrace, A RETIREMENT HOME/DRINKING CLUB for WASTERS, it was rotten to the core and nothing or nobody should be allowed to bring the playing side of our club to this state ever again, the grenade was correct, the public way it was done was correct and the proof is 2 years further down the line.............promotion, holding our own in the championship, a fit, happy and talented squad of players who now know the boundaries and what is expected.


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Unfortunately at the time of his post there was only one truth, the players were a disgraceful spineless bunch of overpaid, under performing, under achieving, boozing, trouble making, totally unfit pub team, founded by Wilson and endorsed by Tinnion and when these pussies were told some home truths and made to train and follow some rules laid down by the manager, reacted in a pathetic way and were rightly moved on and virtually without exception have found their true levels, but even the hand grenade did'nt appear to work with several players who still needed the wake up call of arrest and prison before the penny dropped.

The truth is pre-GJ our club was a joke, a disgrace, A RETIREMENT HOME/DRINKING CLUB for WASTERS, it was rotten to the core and nothing or nobody should be allowed to bring the playing side of our club to this state ever again, the grenade was correct, the public way it was done was correct and the proof is 2 years further down the line.............promotion, holding our own in the championship, a fit, happy and talented squad of players who now know the boundaries and what is expected.


Hindsight is a wonderfull thing.

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PS:-still waiting for direction to the mythical posts.

Your tone sugest that you think that I'm a liar. I have posted within the last month praising Johnson but unlike some on here I can't recall which thread it was - after all I do post a lot on here.

To ease your curosity is not a concern of mine but maybe someone else will remember.If/when that reply is located will you be the one to show some humility?

Somehow I doubt it.

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Your tone sugest that you think that I'm a liar. I have posted within the last month praising Johnson but unlike some on here I can't recall which thread it was - after all I do post a lot on here.

To ease your curosity is not a concern of mine but maybe someone else will remember.If/when that reply is located will you be the one to show some humility?

Somehow I doubt it.

My original post was:-"an I was wrong post would help".

Your reply was "posted several times".

A post in praise of GJ is in no way the same as saying "I WAS WRONG".

Liar perhaps not, but selective memory definately.

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Hindsight is a wonderfull thing.

Quite right.

However, following the play off defeat there was realisation among fans that the culture that had developed within the club ( lack of discipline, drinking cluture, player power etc. etc) would prevent us acheiving any success and that until a manager addressed that problem the status quo would prevail.

That "hindsight" was being openly discussed on this forum in the aftermath of Danny's departure, and throughout Tinnion's reign, i.e. well before GJ apeared on the scene.

When GJ came on board to throw his grenades, with the resultant fall out, there were numerous posts stating that this was exactly what was needed to sort out the dressing room. This was not with the benefit of hindsight( unless you count the hindsight of realising what had caused so many of our failings) but because of the expectation many of us had that Steve had (at last) appointed a manager with the will, experience and bottle to see through the job he had been taken on to do.

Against this background , the only thing I see we have benefitted from "with the benefit of hindsight" is that we all didn't jump on the "only a conference manager" bandwagon in the days of 9 defeats on the bounce, and thereby ensure that the club would quickly lose the best manager we've seen since Alan Dicks.

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Quite right.

However, following the play off defeat there was realisation among fans that the culture that had developed within the club ( lack of discipline, drinking cluture, player power etc. etc) would prevent us acheiving any success and that until a manager addressed that problem the status quo would prevail.

That "hindsight" was being openly discussed on this forum in the aftermath of Danny's departure, and throughout Tinnion's reign, i.e. well before GJ apeared on the scene.

When GJ came on board to throw his grenades, with the resultant fall out, there were numerous posts stating that this was exactly what was needed to sort out the dressing room. This was not with the benefit of hindsight( unless you count the hindsight of realising what had caused so many of our failings) but because of the expectation many of us had that Steve had (at last) appointed a manager with the will, experience and bottle to see through the job he had been taken on to do.

Against this background , the only thing I see we have benefitted from "with the benefit of hindsight" is that we all didn't jump on the "only a conference manager" bandwagon in the days of 9 defeats on the bounce, and thereby ensure that the club would quickly lose the best manager we've seen since Alan Dicks.

Here Here, Even David Blunketts dog would'nt have needed hindsight too work out what the problem was.

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Yet there were many on here, when GJ was dishing out his grenades, who swore blind that he had no "Man-Management" skills and was going about things the wrong way. You apparently have to massage the ego's of the "little darlings" rather than tell them the truth and give them the choice of buying into your philosphy or ****ing off. And there were also a number, who didn't use the benefit of hindsight at all, and swore blind that GJ's tough methods would work in the end. And, with the benefit of hindsight, they appear to have been proven right. Johnson always said during our nine match losing streak that we had to go through the pain barrier when all around him were losing the plot and that is why he is one of the brightest manager's around.

Have a look at the gutless wasters that Johnson got rid of - Stewart and Phillips most definitely included - how many of them have actually ended up playing a BETTER standard of football or for a better club than City? Luke Wilkshire and........no ****er!! It seems that the "social players" have reached their level (lower leagues) and the rest are making a bloody decent fist of things in the Championship.

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Quite right.

When GJ came on board to throw his grenades, with the resultant fall out, there were numerous posts stating that this was exactly what was needed to sort out the dressing room. This was not with the benefit of hindsight( unless you count the hindsight of realising what had caused so many of our failings) but because of the expectation many of us had that Steve had (at last) appointed a manager with the will, experience and bottle to see through the job he had been taken on to do.

Against this background , the only thing I see we have benefitted from "with the benefit of hindsight" is that we all didn't jump on the "only a conference manager" bandwagon in the days of 9 defeats on the bounce, and thereby ensure that the club would quickly lose the best manager we've seen since Alan Dicks.

Its all very well now coming on here and pointing out that Johnson was right to do what he did.We now know that it was necessary as where we are now proves.

If I remember rightly opinions were divided regarding Johnsons style at the time of the infamous thread.If you take the time to read throught it again you'll see that there were basically two camps.Those in favour and those not.The fact you 'apparently' were in favour reflects very well on your perception.Well done.

I'll say it again - hindsight is a wonderfull thing.

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My point is that fans should try to keep a balanced view and look beyond the results.

I enjoy reading the forums from time to time, but on the most part its mostly annoying for me. I come on here to make my predictions before every city match and I've predicted a win every game for the past, who knows how many seasons.

I listen to every city game on the radio and spend $14.99 everytime the make it onto sky since there are not any local pubs that carry setanta.

But these forums just turn me off in a bad way. Every time a player makes a bad touch a thread shows up about how horrible that player is, we need to take a 800,000 loss to offload him while we can or that someone else should never have played and gary johnson should be sacked for the decisions.

Everyonce in a while I stop into "The City Forum" to see if there are any threads that catch my interest, but for the most part its just garbage.

You guys should just be thankful that you get to go down to the gate and see the team in action. Still hanging in the playoff zone possibly getting into the Premier League yet there were points in the last two season where half the people in these forums were doing their absolute best to convince everyone with eyes and ears that we were on the verge of relegation to League Two.

Just wear your Bristol City shirt proudly the same way I do every tuesday & saturday even if theres no one around to see it; and maybe you guys won't be so bitter all the time!!

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hey gary after a while you get to realise who to listen to and who to ignore

also its clear that many of the critics don't get to the matches, mainly cos their mums wont let them go until they are old enough to go out on their own.

much as they all moan about the current bunch, its been so so so very much worse in the past. for the record I am the happiest of the happy clappers and have been thrilled with our progress since the day GJ was lured to our club..

some people just like being miserable and others like getting a reaction out of others, finally some are just oppressed in other ways and use the virtual anonymity to feed their low self esteem by insulting and abusing others.

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Well yea, thats why I typically avoid jumping into this particular area of the forum. I still get excited every time city play regardless of who we are playing or what the last 5 results were. I don't like working myself up reading all this negativity, but I did want to read what people had to say about the new stadium, and in order to get to those threads I have to go through here so I can't help but read some of it :)

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