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The Soul Crew


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Living in Cardiff I have a few baadiiff supporting friends. One of which is a steward (oh and ex soul crew member) down Ninian and will be stewarding at AG today. He reliablly informs me that the Soul Crew have plans to get into the home ends.

If anyone has any suspisions about anyone who seems foreign, or looking to cause problems, please inform the stewards as to their prescence as we don't want any trouble today inside or out the ground.


Many thanks

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Guest DrFaustus

I hope for your sakes that the Soul Crew bring a portable CD player and blast out the likes of Aretha, James Brown, Wilson pickett, Otis Redding, Lou Ross and sweet Marvin Gaye...because if they play that sh*te that passes for soul today, your ears will be bleeding.

Glad to be of assistance

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Living in Cardiff I have a few baadiiff supporting friends. One of which is a steward (oh and ex soul crew member) down Ninian and will be stewarding at AG today. He reliablly informs me that the Soul Crew have plans to get into the home ends.

If anyone has any suspisions about anyone who seems foreign, or looking to cause problems, please inform the stewards as to their prescence as we don't want any trouble today inside or out the ground.


Many thanks

We hear rumours like this everytime we play Cardiff. Lets face it unless there is a large mob of them in one of the home stands there won't be any problems.

No way will a large number of taffs get into AG unless they are official fans and arrived in the coaches.

Not even the Cardiff hard core nutters would kick off if theres only two or three of them.

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Guest DrFaustus

Just a request...if any of you are going to have a little dance with our Welsh cousins, please stay away from the centre. Some of us have Christmas shopping to do and the sight of teeth and blood can put me off my burger.

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What again? :whistle2::sleeping:

Ask yourself this:

If you were part of a serious firm of hooligans, would you tell the other lot what you were doing and when you were going to do it? On top of that, half the OB in A&S will be there plus a fair few Cardiff OB........Oh and Transport Police all over Temple Meads just in case.

I wouldn't be that concerned and I'm more worried about the Weather.

There's more likelihood of a punch up ten miles from AG

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I know of one cardiff fan that will be in the dolman and thats the wife!

I remember some years ago sat there with her in the dolman,and my knee's were hurting so badly at halftime due to her grabbing them everytime cardiff got close, that i stood up told the surounding fans that she was a cardiff fan and pointed out my knee's, the fans duely let her vocaly support her team then instead of causing me pain.

Lets hope the same goodhearted approach is taken today.

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Just a request...if any of you are going to have a little dance with our Welsh cousins, please stay away from the centre. Some of us have Christmas shopping to do and the sight of teeth and blood can put me off my burger.

Hey Doc

they are essential ingredients for any city centre burger, along with minced arseholes hoofs and tail.


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and pushed dan *CideredDan on the subcider forums* down the stairs in which he hit his head on the concrete floor.
Yes I saw that and it was disgraceful and I gave the police an earful for him and was then threatened with a baton for sticking up for one of our own. He could have broke his neck ffs.

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Yes I saw that and it was disgraceful and I gave the police an earful for him and was then threatened with a baton for sticking up for one of our own. He could have broke his neck ffs.

I called him a stupid ugly C u n you know what and he just looked at me and laughed. utterly disgraceful. 'trigger' happy *****.

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Yes I saw that and it was disgraceful and I gave the police an earful for him and was then threatened with a baton for sticking up for one of our own. He could have broke his neck ffs.

...oh well, its good to see the authorities doing their utmost to keep public safety in football grounds as their no 1 priority, they'll have everybody sitting down if the police cary on like this - everyone will be in wheelchairs!

To the police nb:

Football supporters are human beings made of flesh & blood & bone just like you... but unlike you the average fan aint wearing body armour & crash helmits... toss 'em down stairs or hit 'em with batons & you're likely to break something, save the heavy handed stuff for the moronic elements eh? ... & work towards mutual respect between police & public - the attitude of some officers seem designed to have completely the opposite effect..

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At the bus stop in the centre, I noticed a group of 4-5 guys waiting for the bus from Ashton Gate.

I don't know why, but something twigged and I just sensed that they were from Cardiff....just a gut feeling. Sure enough, I heard them mumbling in Welsh...they obviously had tickets for the home end, or else they wouldnt be walking around freely in Bristol.

They looked harmless though, and nothing much seemed to kick off.

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Thanks for sticking up for me guys. After the game I tried to go and retain my flag only to be hit with a baton and told to 'f u ** off back home' and that the flag ' was worth only a couple of pints' waited around to try and get it again when things calmed down a bit and was proceeded to be pushed with some force from the top of the East End turnstile steps down a fair few feet and was just waiting to be seriously injured. I was in a state of shock to start with couldn't believe what had just happened was an absolute disgrace all I wanted to do was get my flag and go home. The officer concerned or any of his colleagues didn't even see if I was alright was only the stewards who gave the slightest of a damn. Lucky to say that I escaped somehow with a few bruises and how I wasn't injured more i don't know as the people who witnessed the incident will tell you. Would like to say thanks to the people who helped me back up again though was appreciated a lot as I was quite shaken.

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