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New Policy In Dolman Stand


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For those who haven't seen it it seems like the club making an active effort to try and stop fans leaving early and congregating in front of the Dolman.


Is this a good idea and will it work?

Stupid isnt the word, it takes ages to get out of my seat at the top of Block D if I was to stay until the end.

I hope one day this club will stop picking on fans.

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Its Brilliant! It gets on my nerves how many people leave their seats in the dolman - And it cant give the players much confidence.

All the club are saying is if you wanna leave, leave promptly don't go down to the front, but if you still wanna see the gsme stay in your seat. Which is how is should be.

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Good move by the club, shows they're listening.

It will be interesting to see how it works.

Stupid isnt the word, it takes ages to get out of my seat at the top of Block D if I was to stay until the end.

I hope one day this club will stop picking on fans.

There's nothing stopping you doing so under the new policy you just won't be able to hang around watching the game and obstructing other people's views.

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Absolutely Brilliant news and not before time.

Moved from the Dolman to the Williams this season becasue of this reason amongst another - will consider goind back in now.

Well done Steve Lansdowne

I'm certain this is down to gary johnson, after hearing his comments last nite!

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I think its good that the club have tried to tackle the situation but I remain slightly optimistic it will work.

For starters the gates being closed might well make the situation worse because it will mean those right down the bottom of the upper tier will have to stand from the time that people start streaming out. If this stream grinds to a halt it will cause the walkways down from the top to clog and as a result it will make the situation worse than if the gates were open.

I also think its a tad unfair to force people in block D to have to go down one specfic exit, they should be allowed to choose either.

I've always been convinced that the main problem in the Dolman stand is the walkways on the upper and lower dolmans don't line up. I honestly believe if you could walk down in a straight line from the top right down to the pitch level it would make the exit problem far better.

Ultimately though, the Dolman was never built to handle those people in the bottom tier and as a result its simply overcrowded and short of somehow building exits at the top of the stand it will never be resolved fully.

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For those who haven't seen it it seems like the club making an active effort to try and stop fans leaving early and congregating in front of the Dolman.


Is this a good idea and will it work?

great to see the club doing something about it - anyone who argues that the scenes after the cup game were acceptable is just wrong (nibor..); thousands of people leaving their seats looks terrible, and cant not affect the players.

posting this before reading any of the replies - wondering how many will respond criticising the club for making a positive step - surely not many, here's hoping..!

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Talk is cheap, have you seen the people they employ as Stewards! hardly the most assertive of people.

I bet it doesn't work! and I will still be leaving my seat as normal on 90 minutes and watch the last couple of minutes on the touch line as hundreds more will.

Maybe the club should focus on better access in and out of the ground and then people wouldn't feel the need to to get a jump on others to get away after a game. whats next lap belts to hold you in to your seat until the final whistle :unsure:

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great to see the club doing something about it - anyone who argues that the scenes after the cup game were acceptable is just wrong (nibor..); thousands of people leaving their seats looks terrible, and cant not affect the players.

Thousands of people leaving? Only in your imaginary world.

The club are doing the right thing by trying to solve the actual problem which is views being blocked, not some fictional problem of one stand out of four deserting the team.

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GOOD! The club can't stop people leaving early and some people have to for various reasons. Fair enough.

The really annoying thing is that the people stay at the bottom. They want to see the whole game but wan't to get out first too. It means everyone has to stand up, move about and have their view blocked to let them out and then they stand in your way. I used to sit in the 2nd row of the Dolman and got totally fed up of people standing right in front of me for the last 10 minutes.

If you want to leave-leave. If you're going to stay-stay in your seat.

They did start hurrying people along years ago and it worked for a bit but they stopped doing it. Hopefully this time they will stick at it.

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Talk is cheap, have you seen the people they employ as Stewards! hardly the most assertive of people.

I bet it doesn't work! and I will still be leaving my seat as normal on 90 minutes and watch the last couple of minutes on the touch line as hundreds more will.

Maybe the club should focus on better access in and out of the ground and then people wouldn't feel the need to to get a jump on others to get away after a game. whats next lap belts to hold you in to your seat until the final whistle :unsure:

but you block people's view! If someone has paid money to see the game then they should be allowed to without you blocking them. I am sure you'd object if that same person came up and stood in front of you for 5 minutes of the second half!

They have tried it before and it half-worked.

Better access? Well the club can't re-design the entire stand.

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Thousands of people leaving? Only in your imaginary world.

The club are doing the right thing by trying to solve the actual problem which is views being blocked, not some fictional problem of one stand out of four deserting the team.

the number of people who left their seats before the end boro game was 4 figures. Would put a lot of money on that. May have started with a "1", so probably not thousands plural - but definitely over a thousand. I was in Ateyo G block, and i watched them get up from their seats in droves AND pour through the side exits. A few people on this board have said they saw the same from the EE.

Anyway - Chairman and Manager seem to agree its a problem that needs fixing. And they know more about BCFC than both of us, one hopes.

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Sure a similar thing has been tried before, certainly with regard to closing the yellow gates until the end of the game (or 'as late as possible').

They'll still be loads of people trying to leave in injury time at the front of the upper Dolman and this will still block peoples views.

Can't see it working in practice I'm afraid. Possibly it might go some way to change people's attitudes on leaving early but I can't see it.

I'll still leave my seat in upper Block B Dolman on 90 minutes.

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the number of people who left their seats before the end boro game was 4 figures.

Perhaps, just. However I never denied that, I denied your repeated assertion that they left THE GROUND, and that for some strange reason people in one stand decided to bugger off because they didn't believe we would get a goal, but the other 3 stands didn't.

The vast majority of people leaving their seats in the Dolman is because of the lack of access, no other reason.

Anyway - Chairman and Manager seem to agree its a problem that needs fixing. And they know more about BCFC than both of us, one hopes.

They seem to believe that views being unfairly blocked is the problem.

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Talk is cheap, have you seen the people they employ as Stewards! hardly the most assertive of people.

I bet it doesn't work! and I will still be leaving my seat as normal on 90 minutes and watch the last couple of minutes on the touch line as hundreds more will.

Maybe the club should focus on better access in and out of the ground and then people wouldn't feel the need to to get a jump on others to get away after a game. whats next lap belts to hold you in to your seat until the final whistle :unsure:

Makes me fekin laugh Seend.

If the stewards clog the walkway towards the end of the game, to so called stop fans from watching the game, no one would get a decent view anyway, as most of them are 36 stone plus, and move at the speed of a tortoise!!!!

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A little presumptuous with out actually knowing where I stand wouldn't you say?.

I wouldn't be so inconsiderate, I stand down in the corner of the Dolman/EE and block no one's view.

That's exactly where i stand at the the final whistle and now i can't.......thanks to everyone involved in this.

I only stand by the East End to sample a little atmosphere at the game as the Dolman is way too quiet,i am at present trying to get my S/T transferred to the East End for a sing song as no-one in the Dolman wants to,we've tried every game but all people there want to do is whinge and moan........now this,Brilliant

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Anybody getting up from their seat and leaving early clearly obstructs the view of others whether or not they immediately leave the ground or stand somewhere to watch the final few minutes - the very act of getting up and walking out of the stand while the game is still going on causes an obstruction to all those that have to stand up to let early leavers pass or have them walking along the walkway in front of them.

The more that the club can do to encourage fans to remain in their seats until the end of the game, the better.

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For those who haven't seen it it seems like the club making an active effort to try and stop fans leaving early and congregating in front of the Dolman.


Is this a good idea and will it work?

If it's going to benefit the team iam all for it and will stay in my seat til the final whistle.

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I can understand the arguments and the reasons for those needing to leave before the final whistle and wouldn’t wish to hold them back if they wish to leave early for whatever reason.

The Club does have an innate responsibility for the health and safety of fans whilst they are in the ground though (hence being ‘pestered’ by stewards to sit down all the time).

Standing around pitch-side (or the top of the Dolman steps), after leaving allocated seats from the Dolman can, in certain circumstances, constititute a H & S hazard. Possibly what is needed, is a set of barriers (those nice, big, but easily movable roadworks types), manned by stewards at the bottom of the Dolman steps to funnel those wishing to leave straight out the gates?

Viewing from non-official areas of the ground has gone on for as long as I can remember (1st Div. days anyone?) and this continual early leaving problem and congregating in large numbers, à la Middlesbrough, should be actively discouraged by the Club from here on and a much stronger stance taken on those that at the very least, spoil the viewing pleasure for everyone else.


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