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Police Today?

Dolman Block B

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Just done it.

I was talking all the way in the escort to a young copper, who told me that this amount of police had been drafted in from the Spurs/Man U as we have a bigger holligan element!!!!!

WHAT! I thought he was taking the piss but was as serious as you like

Spoke to a copper on the way to O'neils before the game and he said he had been sent down from Chelsea as this was a high profile game and apparently we had alot of high risk lads turning up for it.

Been travelling away for twenty years and been in plenty of escorts but always got to the game on time, they knew how long it takes to walk from O'neils and leaving it that late was done for a reason.

Amazed how gun-ho the old bill have become, its like they want something to happen, on one of the occassions when they stopped us and people started to complain and move forward I have never seen so many old bill pull there batons out and link arms so fast in my life, with one of the sergants shouting 'low profile, low profile'.

Bad day!!

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Hi Amanda, forgive the sceptic in me but what do think this will actually achieve in the long run? The police are no different to the hooligans, they're just padded up with body armour, carry weapons and can get away with it.

They've had far too much power in football now for far too long now and something has to change. In most instances I've experienced, their atagonistic presence has caused more problems that it's solved. They're a disgrace and I wouldn't be at all surprised that if they keep going on like this then they will soon have a situation on their hands like the one in Sicily last year. Are the FSF preparing to take this, and other such instances, to parliament to affect change? How far does it have to go before something's done?

I shall fire an email to you tomorrow with my version of events yesterday.

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I was punched in the mouth after doing absolutely sod all. Was then asked if I'd been to Palace and smugly told "this is what you get, you don't come to London and take the piss"

I was followed on the final stretch to the ground by the same obnoxious copper who was continually berating me and obviously trying to tempt me into reacting.

I have heard first hand accounts of people given Section 5 fixed penalties. The quick answer is always to pay up rather than face the hassle of endless trips to London plus time off work and legal fees. This will carry a danger because it will go down as a criminal offence on your record and will be fed back to the football intelligence unit and possibly used to justify a football banning order. The problem is the perception of football fans by the courts so we're onto a hiding to nothing , and the police never lie do they ?.

If the police want to be treated as humans and respected then this sorry episode is a total lesson in getting it hideously wrong.

I currently feel nothing but loathing and contempt for these arrogant uniformed thugs.

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Tin, no plans at the moment to lobby parliament! However, the FSF meet frequently with safety officers, the police and sometimes the Home Office so they certainly have the ear of the right people and will raise such issues with them.

Forcing change takes a lot of time and effort and persistence and I can't put a timescale on anything nor promise what we can achieve.

One thing I am sure of though, is the more fans who join the FSF and voice their discontent either via ourselves, the FSF or directly to the local police force or their clubs when relevant the better. For too long now we've not only expected to be treated poorly but accept it. We need to work together to ensure that fans don't take it for granted that they deserve the treatment meeted out to them "just beause" we're football fans.

We're currently working on two cases of serious assault on fans, one by police (the Met) outside a ground and one by police and stewards inside a ground. We can't for now make either case public but hopefull the outcomes of both cases will be in the favour of the supporters involved and we can use both cases to highlight in the media what goes on.

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We're currently working on two cases of serious assault on fans, one by police (the Met) outside a ground and one by police and stewards inside a ground. We can't for now make either case public but hopefull the outcomes of both cases will be in the favour of the supporters involved and we can use both cases to highlight in the media what goes on.

Well done for helping take those two cases forward, hopefully we'll soon see the faces of a few corrupt coppers with their mugshots emblazoned across the National press. :winner_third_h4h:

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Exactly mucker.

My brother got nicked at that game, for absolutley nothing.

It went to court, after 3 apperances, then got chucked out.

Cost our kid, the best part of £500 to keep going up there.

So the old bill won at the end of the day

I also got arrested at that game........I was arrested queing to get into the ground after police approached me and told mne I was drunk.......you what I'd had 2 pints in the pub attached to the ground.......my face along with 7 others appeared in both the WDP and the EP.

I went back to court in Walsall twice, and on the 2nd occassion I was acquitted of any wrong doing. I eventually sued the WMP, and with all my expenses travelling to Walsall, loss of earning etc I was awarded £550 in compensation - fortunately for me the WMP didn't win that day.........why, because I took it further, they're hoping you're not going to do that!

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I also got arrested at that game........I was arrested queing to get into the ground after police approached me and told mne I was drunk.......you what I'd had 2 pints in the pub attached to the ground.......my face along with 7 others appeared in both the WDP and the EP.

I went back to court in Walsall twice, and on the 2nd occassion I was acquitted of any wrong doing. I eventually sued the WMP, and with all my expenses travelling to Walsall, loss of earning etc I was awarded £550 in compensation - fortunately for me the WMP didn't win that day.........why, because I took it further, they're hoping you're not going to do that!

Well done Scroobs. :winner_third_h4h: The hopelessly corrupt West Midland's Police and their corrupt Toff/Snob Crown Prosecution Service lawyer puppet masters are also now a laughing stock for infamously arresting and charging you for that 'heinous' crime of trying to enter the Walsall game after having had a pre-match pint. I also heard that one of those arrested had nothing more than half a pint?

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Is it not about time the club started looking after the fans that are mistreated as well?

Anyway I did not see a lot yesterday as I was with the missus we went to the pub near the ground which was alright at about 1-30 and was in the ground by 2-15ish the stewards were ok but weird just strange people round that area really.

However I know loads of people had trouble and that was clear by the hoards coming in at 3-20. I was shocked how many old bill there were when I came out of the ground shocking stuff.

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Is it not about time the club started looking after the fans that are mistreated as well?

Anyway I did not see a lot yesterday as I was with the missus we went to the pub near the ground which was alright at about 1-30 and was in the ground by 2-15ish the stewards were ok but weird just strange people round that area really.

However I know loads of people had trouble and that was clear by the hoards coming in at 3-20. I was shocked how many old bill there were when I came out of the ground shocking stuff.

I blame you for all this and you know why ;)

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Guest red ken 2
I was punched in the mouth after doing absolutely sod all. Was then asked if I'd been to Palace and smugly told "this is what you get, you don't come to London and take the piss"

I was followed on the final stretch to the ground by the same obnoxious copper who was continually berating me and obviously trying to tempt me into reacting.

I have heard first hand accounts of people given Section 5 fixed penalties. The quick answer is always to pay up rather than face the hassle of endless trips to London plus time off work and legal fees. This will carry a danger because it will go down as a criminal offence on your record and will be fed back to the football intelligence unit and possibly used to justify a football banning order. The problem is the perception of football fans by the courts so we're onto a hiding to nothing , and the police never lie do they ?.

If the police want to be treated as humans and respected then this sorry episode is a total lesson in getting it hideously wrong.

I currently feel nothing but loathing and contempt for these arrogant uniformed thugs.

Well said Elvis, and the barstewards are getting double time for being complete bum holes, i would not pass water on one if he was on fire.

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Football fans treated like thugs by the old bill? Surely not.

I'm sure reddog and rumbellow will be along shortly to explain how the filth are actually paragons of justice and fairness and everything they do is for your own protection.

I was'nt there and cannot comment, however i'm also sure if you were there that you managed to keep up your 100% record of being abused , is it this sort post full of wit and interest that earned you the forum title of poster of the year?.

if you want to be popular go back to my space and talk to your thousands of virtual friends, your just a fraud mate and sooner or later the rest of the forum will get wise to you.

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I was'nt there and cannot comment, however i'm also sure if you were there that you managed to keep up your 100% record of being abused ,

Not being there didn't stop you commenting before now did it?

is it this sort post full of wit and interest that earned you the forum title of poster of the year?.

I've no idea, I just post my thoughts on things.

if you want to be popular go back to my space and talk to your thousands of virtual friends, your just a fraud mate and sooner or later the rest of the forum will get wise to you.

Never used myspace, and I don't know what a virtual friend is.

Perhaps you can enlighten us?

Still, it's good to see the old bill doing what they do best - making ill advised character judgements based on their own limited experiences and intellect and getting them wrong.

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Not being there didn't stop you commenting before now did it?

My comments were about your comments, Not about anything specific.

Still, it's good to see the old bill doing what they do best - making ill advised character judgements based on their own limited experiences and intellect and getting them wrong.

ill advised character judgements Pot Kettle and all that, limited experiences yeah right, but i've met hundreds like you all talk and no substance, just populist statements, At least Red Goblin is original.

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I was'nt there and cannot comment, however i'm also sure if you were there that you managed to keep up your 100% record of being abused , is it this sort post full of wit and interest that earned you the forum title of poster of the year?.

if you want to be popular go back to my space and talk to your thousands of virtual friends, your just a fraud mate and sooner or later the rest of the forum will get wise to you.

If you want to know how bent and corrupt the MET Police are then send me a PM and I will PM you back with my experience I suffered at the hands of them on Saturday.

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Just out of interest, I'm sure someone out there will know, but can they legally hold you like they did on Saturday? surely they must be breaking some kind of law by holding people, against their will ,when they have done nothing wrong at all?

We went to leave the pub and were told we were not allowed, if I had just said no and attempted to walk out anyway, under what law could they have arrested me??

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Which pub was that?

No trouble in Walkabout and Sprinbok looked buzzing around half 2!



(I assume we are talking about Oreily's or O'neils or O somat)

A lot of it was due to the twots we had inside the place, I was in there around 12.30 and it was rammed but good natured

Police were already in attendance but just a couple of vans outside asking those outside with drinks to go back in...fair enough

...by 1.30 it had become more packed and the attitude changing towards the old bill who of course requested back up (who wouldn't)

Then a the word must of got around about how we were "mobbed up" (I think the expression is) in that Pub and a few QPR decided to gather on the otherside of the road - hence more police and the ring of blue around the place

Those of us of with experience knew what was happening and going to happen (escort being prepared)so we left about 14.15 before getting trapped in the escort

Basicaly you only have yourselves to blame for being total P+icks

The problem at the ground when escort arrived was the mix of fans within the escort - some had lower tier which was one entrance - others had upper tier which was a completley differnt entrance opposite side of ground - the Police just wanted to get everyone in first entrance they came to

One more point about our so called support at the moment

I went outside for a smoke and was appalled by some of our so called fans making Monkey noises out of the windows to local passers by (you don't need me to tell you why they were making these noises) even one of the doormen asked me if we always had racists #### like them

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(I assume we are talking about Oreily's or O'neils or O somat)

A lot of it was due to the twots we had inside the place, I was in there around 12.30 and it was rammed but good natured

Police were already in attendance but just a couple of vans outside asking those outside with drinks to go back in...fair enough

...by 1.30 it had become more packed and the attitude changing towards the old bill who of course requested back up (who wouldn't)

Then a the word must of got around about how we were "mobbed up" (I think the expression is) in that Pub and a few QPR decided to gather on the otherside of the road - hence more police and the ring of blue around the place

Those of us of with experience knew what was happening and going to happen (escort being prepared)so we left about 14.15 before getting trapped in the escort

Basicaly you only have yourselves to blame for being total P+icks

The problem at the ground when escort arrived was the mix of fans within the escort - some had lower tier which was one entrance - others had upper tier which was a completley differnt entrance opposite side of ground - the Police just wanted to get everyone in first entrance they came to

One more point about our so called support at the moment

I went outside for a smoke and was appalled by some of our so called fans making Monkey noises out of the windows to local passers by (you don't need me to tell you why they were making these noises) even one of the doormen asked me if we always had racists #### like them

So yer suggesting I'm a "total p@ick" then Marc?

We had only just got our first beer before the old bill decided to shut the bar, and didnt realise that a escort was being planned.

The situation was upon us within seconds and although i asked a officer if we could squeeze through and avoid the escort, he was told we ALL had to stay.

Will pass your comments on to some of the other "p@icks" that were with me.

I'm sure your comment is much appreciated!

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Just out of interest, I'm sure someone out there will know, but can they legally hold you like they did on Saturday? surely they must be breaking some kind of law by holding people, against their will ,when they have done nothing wrong at all?

We went to leave the pub and were told we were not allowed, if I had just said no and attempted to walk out anyway, under what law could they have arrested me??

The Police can now hold you for as long as they like for the most minor reason. The European Union arrest warrant legislation (signed by our unelected head of state Queen Elizabeth II on 18th November 2003) allows for us to be arrested without charge and held indefinitely with no right to see a solicitor, make a phone call, or even a right to a trial. You can simply disappear.

Under the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act (SOCPA) 2005, we can now be arrested and held in the cells by any police officer for any petty offence, like dropping litter. Before it had to be an offence that carried a 5 year jail term. This also applies to all of the European Union's 107,000 regulations. Do you know them all? :noexpression:

The Civil Contingences Act 2004 also allows government to confiscate anything you possess permanently; you have no right to object. This includes your house. It also gives government the right to forceably move its population around to different locations; you can be left with no place to call your own and live like a refugee. The only check and balance here is a Minister just needs to utter the words "This is a national emergency." If a demonstration or strike the government doesn't like is being organised, they can cut off all communications in a town - 'phones, mobiles, the internet, TV, and block all access to that town including closing roads and railways. It has all the powers and more of Adolf Hitler's Enabling Act of 1933.

How did this come about?......The European Union works by bribing politicians with huge salaries and expenses to vote for Europe, against the best interests of their own voters. As a result all three parties are in favour of the European Union - Westminster thus acts like a one party state of politicians: the Lib-Lab-Con. The parties are run top down and implement the policy of their leaderships, not that of their members. If you have voted for Labour, Conservative or Lib-Dems since 1969, you have voted for this European Union dictatorship where you can now be arrested for the most minor misdemeanor and held without trial indefinately. We now live in a Police state.

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Basicaly you only have yourselves to blame for being total P+icks

Your the only 'p+ick' around here.

I went in there and there was no hint of trouble, there was people in there that i see at every game, and also people that work at ashton gate on a matchday. On what basis could I have said to myself, 'oh i better go, there will be a police excort'

Your probabaly police scum yourself. ####.

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I spent 30 seconds in O'Neils, looked at the faces in there, knew there would be trouble, and left straightaway

Went next door to Walkabout where there was a friendlier atmosphere

If thats the case then you were wrong, the police incited all the trouble that occured.

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If thats the case then you were wrong, the police incited all the trouble that occured.

I don't know mate...I didnt hang around long enough to find out

I just saw too many coppers, too many scary looking geezers and put 2+2 together

Walkabout was a complete contrast....no coppers and a Coldplay tribute act!!

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I don't know mate...I didnt hang around long enough to find out

I just saw too many coppers, too many scary looking geezers and put 2+2 together

Walkabout was a complete contrast....no coppers and a Coldplay tribute act!!

When I went into the pub, there was 2 or 3 coppers outside, but there was also 2 or 3 outside walkabout too. I went into O'Neils because of the atmosphere was brilliant in there.

It seems to me if you are like me and like to be a noisy supporter, your likely to be branded a thug and treated like one......

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(I assume we are talking about Oreily's or O'neils or O somat)

A lot of it was due to the twots we had inside the place, I was in there around 12.30 and it was rammed but good natured

Police were already in attendance but just a couple of vans outside asking those outside with drinks to go back in...fair enough

...by 1.30 it had become more packed and the attitude changing towards the old bill who of course requested back up (who wouldn't)

Then a the word must of got around about how we were "mobbed up" (I think the expression is) in that Pub and a few QPR decided to gather on the otherside of the road - hence more police and the ring of blue around the place

Those of us of with experience knew what was happening and going to happen (escort being prepared)so we left about 14.15 before getting trapped in the escort

Basicaly you only have yourselves to blame for being total P+icks

The problem at the ground when escort arrived was the mix of fans within the escort - some had lower tier which was one entrance - others had upper tier which was a completley differnt entrance opposite side of ground - the Police just wanted to get everyone in first entrance they came to

One more point about our so called support at the moment

I went outside for a smoke and was appalled by some of our so called fans making Monkey noises out of the windows to local passers by (you don't need me to tell you why they were making these noises) even one of the doormen asked me if we always had racists #### like them

You're a wanker mate. I was in Walkabout and there was no hint of any bother in there, in fact everyone was having a good time, a few beers and enjoying the day. If you can't appreciate that the police and their atagonistic presence provoked the problems then you really have no idea. How you can tarnish every fan in that escort as a hooligan is ludacrus, there were more hooligan's in that escort wearing body armour and yielding batons than any city. Get a grip.

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I live in London. I also happen to live with a policeman who is joined to the TSG. He also happened to be working the game on Saturday. He told me the police actions on Saturday was totally OTT. He works a lot of grounds on Saturday's.......Millwall, Charlton, Chelsea, Tottenham. Apparently another group of TSG were pulled from the Tottenham v Man U game on Saturday as the potential for trouble at Loftus Road was far greater than White Hart Lane. He admitted he'd never seen his group out in such numbers and again agreed that a lot of the problems on Saturday were caused by the police.

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