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Your First Ever Game?


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Late 1996. I was working in Bristol and at a loose end, so I thought I'd check out the local footy teams. City were playing Luton, a team I have always hated

for reasons I can't even remember, you know how it is, so I thought I'd pop down. It was a very cold evening so I bought a hot chocolate from the bar behind the Atyeo and went up the steps to look for a seat. I was standing at the entrance to Block E at the top of the steps with the City team warming up when I saw a ball heading into the crowd, hit by David Seal I think (hence the reason it was heading into the crowd!). It wasn't heading anywhere near me but it took two deflections and hit me full in the face, spilling hot chocolate down my jacket, arms but not too much on my face luckily. Got a huge cheer from the City faithful behind the goal, which I milked, seeing the funny side... City won the game 5-0 and I was hooked.

I remember that game, Greg Goodridge's Debut I believe? scored twice and was AMAZING.

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