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Guest red ken 2
Apparently we are the scum? funny that

Oh yes and why boo the half time 'kids'.. even teams like milllwall, leeds etc.. clap them, but to chant and boo them is pathetic and extremely big of you.

Fork off back up your closed valley sh-- holes, and your closed dirty pits. All all you dirty Taffs are fit for is sniffing white powder. Wales the land time forgot.

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How do you know it happened?

The point i'm trying to make is that they are sore losers trying to mask their defeat by sidetracking to an alleged coin throwing incident. No injury was sustained by this alleged incident.

Ive got the 20p here if youd like to see it. I put it in my coat pocket after I tried to explain to a steward what happened, but he didnt seem to care. Nice attitude the people you employ to look after the crowd have there. And yes it did hurt when it hit me.


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How do you know it happened?

The point i'm trying to make is that they are sore losers trying to mask their defeat by sidetracking to an alleged coin throwing incident. No injury was sustained by this alleged incident.

i saw at least 3 people who were hit with coins and 1 of them was bleeding and had to be taken to first aid. how can hou say it was alledgdly dolly has come on here and said she was hit with a coin. how are we sidetracking the game when 1 of your lot started this thread :noexpression:

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you threw a chair on the pitch and attempted to riot once we scored the winner. You act as if butter woudn't melt but you just looked pathetic tbh. we didnt react which was amusing, as it wound you up even more.

Didnt react id say it was more a case of bottled it! Your fans knew they would have got a hell of a beating.

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I can't be bothered to read the whole thread but how any Cardiff fan can come on here and moan about other teams causing trouble is beyond belief.

This comes from the club who pelt away fans with coins and bottles for 90 minutes and wait for the away fans outside their end when the game finishes.

It also comes from the club who have been in the headlines so many times for trouble and who constantly come out on top when you see who has the most registered hooligans and arrests.

Hypocrite doesn't cover it.

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I can't be bothered to read the whole thread but how any Cardiff fan can come on here and moan about other teams causing trouble is beyond belief.

This comes from the club who pelt away fans with coins and bottles for 90 minutes and wait for the away fans outside their end when the game finishes.

It also comes from the club who have been in the headlines so many times for trouble and who constantly come out on top when you see who has the most registered hooligans and arrests.

Hypocrite doesn't cover it.

Not forgetting that it comes from the club whose previous chairman used to openly associate with their known hooligans

The same chairman also confiscated a BBC reporters dictaphone when he was trying to report on another act of shame against Leeds in the FA Cup.

This is also the club whose employees set off fire alarms in the opposition teams hotel in the early hours of the morning before a vital match.

Nice people aren't they ?

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For Bristol City to throw accusations about hooliganism around is a bit rum isn't boys, remember trashing the Prince of Wales pre play offs ?

You're no angels as everyone knows, BUT I know it's not all of you and that's the difference between people on this thread - they seem to think all Cardiff fans are the same - show some solidarity to the football fans - we're all treated like shite.

I sat at the ground yesterday and the Cardiff fans to the left of me left me speechless. All through the game they were giving numerous hand signals to the Bristol City fans and what made me laugh was the steward in our end he actually went into our crowd and removed plastic sheep some of our fans were throwing around. He removed them becasue HE found it offensive. Funny that becasue I found the hand gestures from YOUR fans offensive as well. I think the problem in your stand is that the STEWARDS think that you can do NO WRONG and were more preoccupied watching the Bristol City fans instead of your morons. I have visited many grounds in my life as a Bristol City fan and I have to say YOU ARE WORSE THAN MILWALL. I watched a child who could not have been more that 8 (as mentioned in my previous post) make knife slitting motions across her throat to the Bristol City fans and her father actually LAUGHED. Morons all of you and not wanted in football. You may not all be the same but I am afraid the vast majotity are. :disapointed2se:
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I'm a trainin sports writer which may be the cause of hypocrisy.

But the post by rayer a min ago is probably the best of this thread.

As for when i said i hope it didnt hurt TOO much, i didnt realise the victim was a woman or the actual poster, and was said in capitals as tongue in cheek. shoudn't have said it i agree

A trainee sports writer my god you need to improve your spelling mate!
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How could I apologise for something I didn't do?

A "poxy 20p coin" have you ever had a 20p coin thrown at you? Could easily do some very serious damage mate.

That makes it alright does it? They do it so why shouldn't we? :noexpression:

So would you teach your children to do the same? It is not tit for tat I hit you so you hit me. Grow up and act like an ADULT. Thats if you are one. You lot really think that you do no wrong and I will say it again YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO FOOTBALL.
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I sat at the ground yesterday and the Cardiff fans to the left of me left me speechless. All through the game they were giving numerous hand signals to the Bristol City fans and what made me laugh was the steward in our end he actually went into our crowd and removed plastic sheep some of our fans were throwing around. He removed them becasue HE found it offensive. Funny that becasue I found the hand gestures from YOUR fans offensive as well. I think the problem in your stand is that the STEWARDS think that you can do NO WRONG and were more preoccupied watching the Bristol City fans instead of your morons. I have visited many grounds in my life as a Bristol City fan and I have to say YOU ARE WORSE THAN MILWALL. I watched a child who could not have been more that 8 (as mentioned in my previous post) make knife slitting motions across her throat to the Bristol City fans and her father actually LAUGHED. Morons all of you and not wanted in football. You may not all be the same but I am afraid the vast majotity are. :disapointed2se:

Oh come on, can't the kid have some last happy childhood experiences before she gets pregnant at age 11 and addicted to smack ?

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So would you teach your children to do the same? It is not tit for tat I hit you so you hit me. Grow up and act like an ADULT. Thats if you are one. You lot really think that you do no wrong and I will say it again YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO FOOTBALL.

Can't you see I'm making the same point as you are and it was sarcastically aimed at the other Cardiff "fan" (and I use that word loosely) who tried to excuse Dolly (?) getting hit with a coin by saying "well you threw coins too" :noexpression:

City07 could see it.

PS : I'm a bloke mate, I know it's the name :laugh:

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Perhaps I am so angry about yesterday I did not see it. Thank you City 07 for pointing it out. Still hate em though and I am half Welsh!! If that what they are like I am ashamed. :innocent06:

Top half or bottom half ?

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This was my 4th visit to Ninian Park and my last. Your fans are a disgrace to football and you should be banned from every ground in the country as far as I am concerned, Your captail McPhail is also a disgrace with the arm signal he gave to the City fans when you scored the pen, which I have to say was a bloody good dive, There was enough tension in the ground and he should know better. I have reported the incident to a senior steward and hope he does something about it. To watch a little girl of about 8 making knife slitting signs to the Bristol fans was appalling and very very sad. I hope her parents are proud of her. How the stewards on your part of the ground let you get away with what you do amazes me. Never again your ground is the pits. :disapointed2se:

This club is was and always will be a hell-hole the entire day was a complete dogs dinner 9.30am from WSM for a 3pm kick-off is a disgrace. The police attitude was apalling they did everything but let the bardiff mob have a free run at us,why the hell they came onto the away end is beyond me as stated their younger element is a sad sigh of here we go again nothings changed. I HATE THIS CLUB WITH A PASSION. GO BUST DO US ALL A HUGE FAVOUR .

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I sat at the ground yesterday and the Cardiff fans to the left of me left me speechless. All through the game they were giving numerous hand signals to the Bristol City fans and what made me laugh was the steward in our end he actually went into our crowd and removed plastic sheep some of our fans were throwing around. He removed them becasue HE found it offensive. Funny that becasue I found the hand gestures from YOUR fans offensive as well. I think the problem in your stand is that the STEWARDS think that you can do NO WRONG and were more preoccupied watching the Bristol City fans instead of your morons. I have visited many grounds in my life as a Bristol City fan and I have to say YOU ARE WORSE THAN MILWALL. I watched a child who could not have been more that 8 (as mentioned in my previous post) make knife slitting motions across her throat to the Bristol City fans and her father actually LAUGHED. Morons all of you and not wanted in football. You may not all be the same but I am afraid the vast majotity are. :disapointed2se:

Is this the same steward who woudn't let me take my inflatable sheep in and insisted i leave it outside and also insisted on looking at every inch of my st georges flag which had nothing on it but the cross and "england" on it!!! :disapointed2se:

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Right, it's been a while since I've been on here.

Firstly, the kids at half time is entertainment. If people do decide to boo them, I have to admit I think it is a little childish, but I don't really think the kids cared or probably even noticed. They are playing at their clubs stadium - are they really going to care what the "other fans" do? :noexpression:

If our fans were throwing coins at any of you, man, woman or child then it's not acceptable. You go to watch a football game - not fight. However I think it must be noted that it wasn't all Cardiff fans and it would be stupid to say it was.

Cardiff has a small minority of idiotic fans who behave unacceptably, so do Bristol City and so do every other football club in the world. It happens and it will *as far as I can see never be solved*.

Apologies to the woman hit with a coin but I hope you realise that it is a minority of Cardiff fans?

Well said MLA, it's the fans that make the atmosphere not the stadium! :noexpression:

Btw why this > :englandsmile4wf: You're Welsh and you know you are! :innocent06:

not being funny mate the fans in the same end as us as soon as you scored they started lobbing coin

i got hit 2 times 1 right beside my eye and another on my head which was a £1 coin

and not being funny i did not got to get hit with coins i wen to watch a football match

i said to a copper i wanna make a complaint

he told me to shut the **** up u lil boy

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Is this the same steward who woudn't let me take my inflatable sheep in and insisted i leave it outside and also insisted on looking at every inch of my st georges flag which had nothing on it but the cross and "england" on it!!! :disapointed2se:
Yeah it was Si. He handed the inflatable sheep to one of the other Cardiff stewards who did the sha**ing motion with it and he LAUGHED. Could'nt have found it that offensive could he!! :disapointed2se: One rule for the Welsh and one for the English.
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.....the steward in our end he actually went into our crowd and removed plastic sheep some of our fans were throwing around. He removed them becasue HE found it offensive.

That was the Supervisor in the orange coat. An ignorant, arrogant ba$tard.

I came to the conclusion that he was a pervert that couldn't afford an inflatable woman!

I found it amazing that whilst he was confiscating inflatable sheep because they were offensive, the tannoy was broadcasting a comedy version of "You sexy thing" with sheep noises!

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not being funny mate the fans in the same end as us as soon as you scored they started lobbing coin

i got hit 2 times 1 right beside my eye and another on my head which was a £1 coin

and not being funny i did not got to get hit with coins i wen to watch a football match

i said to a copper i wanna make a complaint

he told me to shut the **** up u lil boy

Sorry to hear about that mate and I'm sure the majority of Cardiff fans would be too.

Most Cardiff fans want to get rid of these idiots as much as you do.

It's only a minority but they spoil it for the majority. We've had countless bubble trips, reduced allocations etc.. :noexpression:

I trust/hope you're going to make a complaint about it?

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You don't owe them any apologies, They lost to a better team and they are giving out about a poxy 20p coin. They get much more abuse from the gas and thay are bristolians.


How do you know it happened?

The point i'm trying to make is that they are sore losers trying to mask their defeat by sidetracking to an alleged coin throwing incident. No injury was sustained by this alleged incident.

You sum up everything which everybody from Swansea, Milwall, City and any other team hate about your bloody awful team. I've yet to have anything remotely approaching a civilized conversation with a Cardiff fan, even Millwall, Swansea, the Gas, and God help us Plymuff can manage it. You actually made yerself look thicker than the Watford fans on here a while back (Going some it has to be said).

I was told of the coin throwing incident virtually as soon as it happened, and it sure aint the first incident of your charming fans hostility. Virtually every team which visit the hell that in Ninian Park say similar happens. You lot are pathetic. The World hates you and no one cares. True. Everyone does hate your obnoxious team. more than Milwall.

You have yer Taffy budgie on the stands, and then want to play in Europe as an English team. You aint, so you cant. Go away. You play on the Welsh bit, and bleat when you get the English bit comin on you. P iss off and play in the Welsh league. You might win something. for once. Even you lot could beat TNS. I'd rather have Celtic than Cardiff in our league. which is also saying summat.

And for the record, not all City fans are English, or the Gas's either. ;):)

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Apparently we are the scum? funny that

nothing funny about it.....you are all scum and you have a short memory,only scum

behave like your muppets.

you haven't even got the pride to play in your own leagues,fingers crossed

you have no club to support soon and you get your just deserts....no club

deserves admin more than you.

here's to -10 points :fingerscrossed: i will be lighting a candle for justice on the day of your court hearing


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