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Bristol City Fans


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Sad if a kid got hurt, not nice, but untill there is proof bristol city fans were involved then it is all hear say,


For a club (cardiff) who seem to love football violence and even an ex chairman rubbing shoulders

with the soul crew (whos body guard was a hooligan who ran the stewards and security at ninian),

an ex cardiff footballer arrested and jailed for fighting at football, fans posting on forums about ending trundles career,

i take whatever comes out of cardiff moaning about fans behavior with a pinch of salt.

masters of spin..





Agreed CH,

No proof of it being a bristol city fan, how do you know it wasn't a fellow cardiff supporter blues fan?

Untill you got that proof i think its pathetic you started a thread on a city forum accusing one of us of doing something

with no proof? care to explain how you know it was a bcfc supporter?

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I'm a Cardiff City fans and I want to say that some of your fans were a disgrace today and should be banned from Ninian Park from now on. I sit in the family stand which is at the opposite end to where you lot were yesterday but some of your lot still found their way into the corporate hospitality boxes behind us. One point I'd like to make is that my own club should never have let you lot sit in there and they need to take some responsibility for that. The main thing though is that there was an inccedent where reports are one of your fans hit a small boy in there. I sit a few seats away from where it happened and the boy certainly had a cut and a black eye. Could not have been more than 11-12 and his dad has now appealed to our fans and the CCTV for evidence. I don't think it's going to be hard as although I did not see it myself, alot around me would have. If it turns out that one of your fans did do that then I think you lot should be banned at least. It's not big or clever to take it out on a small child just because the promotion wheels have fallen completley off!

As for the game, Premier League? You boys looked a shower yesterday and I seriously doubt you have ANYTHING to offer the Premier League! It was also nice to see that Mr Trundle was completly put off by all the chanting and booing! You pay £1m for a player that is fat, can't score and can't cope with big occasions? Well spent Bristol!

We have a manager that even though he had some pretty rough things sung at him about his past, remained cool and your hobbit manager lost it completly and had to be sent to the stands - A good example to set to the rest of the players aye?

Now you can tell me to get back to my valley or back to my sheep but it's nothing that we don't get everyweek and you may have even heard us singing "2-1 to the sheep sh***rs" so it doesn't bother us. What I will say though is that when we play you next season, and trust me - we will be playing you, I think that you boys can expect a VERY warm welcome!!!!

The Welsh - only thing I detest more is George W Bush, Islamic Terriosts.

The biggest problem with the welsh is that when they closed the mines, they let your parents out first, would have been sensible case of "ethnic cleansing" to leave you all down there.

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I'm a Cardiff City fans and I want to say that some of your fans were a disgrace today and should be banned from Ninian Park from now on. I sit in the family stand which is at the opposite end to where you lot were yesterday but some of your lot still found their way into the corporate hospitality boxes behind us. One point I'd like to make is that my own club should never have let you lot sit in there and they need to take some responsibility for that. The main thing though is that there was an inccedent where reports are one of your fans hit a small boy in there. I sit a few seats away from where it happened and the boy certainly had a cut and a black eye. Could not have been more than 11-12 and his dad has now appealed to our fans and the CCTV for evidence. I don't think it's going to be hard as although I did not see it myself, alot around me would have. If it turns out that one of your fans did do that then I think you lot should be banned at least. It's not big or clever to take it out on a small child just because the promotion wheels have fallen completley off!

As for the game, Premier League? You boys looked a shower yesterday and I seriously doubt you have ANYTHING to offer the Premier League! It was also nice to see that Mr Trundle was completly put off by all the chanting and booing! You pay £1m for a player that is fat, can't score and can't cope with big occasions? Well spent Bristol!

We have a manager that even though he had some pretty rough things sung at him about his past, remained cool and your hobbit manager lost it completly and had to be sent to the stands - A good example to set to the rest of the players aye?

Now you can tell me to get back to my valley or back to my sheep but it's nothing that we don't get everyweek and you may have even heard us singing "2-1 to the sheep sh***rs" so it doesn't bother us. What I will say though is that when we play you next season, and trust me - we will be playing you, I think that you boys can expect a VERY warm welcome!!!!

Nothing was sang about your manager, where do you get that from?

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Guest DrFaustus
The Welsh - only thing I detest more is George W Bush, Islamic Terriosts.

The biggest problem with the welsh is that when they closed the mines, they let your parents out first, would have been sensible case of "ethnic cleansing" to leave you all down there.

Sweet Jesus. So much hatred, not good for your ticker.

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Guest DrFaustus
Venomous old rascal isn't he herr doktor?

Bit cloudy round old BS4 today or else I'd be in the Pilly watching the damn football.

Getting over a major session from yesterday mate, so no booze for me today.

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Guest MaloneFM

Oh dear oh lord...another 'medical conference' was it? Physician heal thyself and all that. How the domestics going? All jolly one hopes.

Anyway you being gas and all that I suppose we'd better enter into the spirit of things.

You sir are a damn CAD of the highest order!

(no offence you understand)

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just go cry on your own forums.....we're NOT interested......this is bcfc not some soul crew problems page

remember this before you plead innocent........kids hit with bottles of piss........you are the lowest form of

life,worse than swansea

i'd rather be a p**i than a taff :englandsmile4wf:

What makes you think this is an acceptable thing to say?

Id rather be anything than as narrow minded and rascist as someone who makes that sort of comment...

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Then can you depend without everything else English? No, of course not. The Welsh hate the English yet they play in our football league and also live in our country and also work in our jobs. My boss is welsh and moans about English, despite being married to an English woman, living in England and working in an English job....can you still do without us?

I don't hate the Welsh, I just lose respect in certain areas.


Spot on. Wales would be in dire financial straits if it wasn't for the heavy financial support it gets from the English taxpayer. For this reason, I resent any anti-Englishness from the Welsh.

The Cardiff fan on this thread has demonstrated his inate Welsh hypocrisy by trying to convince us that it is our club rather than his that are the thugs and then trying to imply that we will be in some sort of danger next season when we return to Tinnion Park. What utter tripe.

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Spot on. Wales would be in dire financial straits if it wasn't for the heavy financial support it gets from the English taxpayer. For this reason, I resent any anti-Englishness from the Welsh.

The Cardiff fan on this thread has demonstrated his inate Welsh hypocrisy by trying to convince us that it is our club rather than his that are the thugs and then trying to imply that we will be in some sort of danger next season when we return to Tinnion Park. What utter tripe.

Typical taff, how the hell does he know that the sheep shags capital will have a football team next season, will we be in the championship, i hope not and if we are are we worried about #### like him giving it the big un on here, naaaaaa all wind and p##s, i hope the swans batter the idiots big time :englandsmile4wf:

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As for the game, Premier League? You boys looked a shower yesterday and I seriously doubt you have ANYTHING to offer the Premier League! It was also nice to see that Mr Trundle was completly put off by all the chanting and booing! You pay £1m for a player that is fat, can't score and can't cope with big occasions? Well spent Bristol!

We have a manager that even though he had some pretty rough things sung at him about his past, remained cool and your hobbit manager lost it completly and had to be sent to the stands - A good example to set to the rest of the players aye?

Now you can tell me to get back to my valley or back to my sheep but it's nothing that we don't get everyweek and you may have even heard us singing "2-1 to the sheep sh***rs" so it doesn't bother us. What I will say though is that when we play you next season, and trust me - we will be playing you, I think that you boys can expect a VERY warm welcome!!!!

Are you Neil Kinnock? You spout the same kind of bullshite that I would expect from carrot head and class traitor Kinnock himself. What a w&nker to behold Lording it in your main Ninnian Park stand......


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Thought I'd put the record straight.That was us above your "family" stand and as far as I'm concerned it is a non incident.The stewards,who were sound as a pound by the way had told us before the game the Heddlu don't need a second invitation to lob opposing fans out.This is because it's obviously easier than ejecting Cardiff.The stewards and hospitality staff,and others in the shared box seemed genuinely embarrassed at our treatment,fought our corner until the law left without ejecting us from the suite. (Where we stayed until 6).

About the young un being hit,this was by home fan swinging his arm back to chuck another projectile at us,therefore,as I said,it's a non incident and our conscience is clear.Fair play to stewards and staff for joining us for a sip after,Heddlu - rot in hell.

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Just been reding through the threads and can we all stop talking to this wanna be it's obvious he likes a bit of trouble at football as he comes on here and the majority of his comments are about trouble and then when are fans try to say its wrong he then thinks about what he says and apologises or agrees before making another stupid comment time after time. Each comment he makes makes me think even less about the area that he comes from (should have built a wall no a bridge)... Lets see is this is the last post if this clown keeps posting stupid comments...

Please no more replies to this joker him and his CCFC are not worth a ounce of energy they are vile!

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Guest red ken 2
I'm a Cardiff City fans and I want to say that some of your fans were a disgrace today and should be banned from Ninian Park from now on. I sit in the family stand which is at the opposite end to where you lot were yesterday but some of your lot still found their way into the corporate hospitality boxes behind us. One point I'd like to make is that my own club should never have let you lot sit in there and they need to take some responsibility for that. The main thing though is that there was an inccedent where reports are one of your fans hit a small boy in there. I sit a few seats away from where it happened and the boy certainly had a cut and a black eye. Could not have been more than 11-12 and his dad has now appealed to our fans and the CCTV for evidence. I don't think it's going to be hard as although I did not see it myself, alot around me would have. If it turns out that one of your fans did do that then I think you lot should be banned at least. It's not big or clever to take it out on a small child just because the promotion wheels have fallen completley off!

As for the game, Premier League? You boys looked a shower yesterday and I seriously doubt you have ANYTHING to offer the Premier League! It was also nice to see that Mr Trundle was completly put off by all the chanting and booing! You pay £1m for a player that is fat, can't score and can't cope with big occasions? Well spent Bristol!

We have a manager that even though he had some pretty rough things sung at him about his past, remained cool and your hobbit manager lost it completly and had to be sent to the stands - A good example to set to the rest of the players aye?

Now you can tell me to get back to my valley or back to my sheep but it's nothing that we don't get everyweek and you may have even heard us singing "2-1 to the sheep sh***rs" so it doesn't bother us. What I will say though is that when we play you next season, and trust me - we will be playing you, I think that you boys can expect a VERY warm welcome!!!!

Should change your name to Bluebird 69, your talking with your mouth full of BOLL---S, now off with you and pay Uncle Sam.

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Thought I'd put the record straight.That was us above your "family" stand and as far as I'm concerned it is a non incident.The stewards,who were sound as a pound by the way had told us before the game the Heddlu don't need a second invitation to lob opposing fans out.This is because it's obviously easier than ejecting Cardiff.The stewards and hospitality staff,and others in the shared box seemed genuinely embarrassed at our treatment,fought our corner until the law left without ejecting us from the suite. (Where we stayed until 6).

About the young un being hit,this was by home fan swinging his arm back to chuck another projectile at us,therefore,as I said,it's a non incident and our conscience is clear.Fair play to stewards and staff for joining us for a sip after,Heddlu - rot in hell.

Seems like my earlier post was not to wide of the mark:

' My Bluebird 'friend':

Seems like you are one of many in South Wales who hang onto this Soul Crew' fantasy. You probably hang around with some of them in the hope you will accepted into into the myth that is the Soul Crew. I have been to Ninian Park many times and it don't frighten me in the slightest and after yesterday nor will it continue to do so.

What does worry me in the infinite amount of young 11 - 14 year old muppetts who have clearly been 'groomed' to demonstrate clear anger to visiting supporters. Without knowing the facts about the 'alleged' smack on the 14 year old Cardiff supporter, well i suspect that he was one in the above category i mention.'


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Dolly they must be hard up me dear last time I went to Bardiff they threw pound coins. :disapointed2se:

That's infaltrion under a Labour government for you - the pound in a Cardiff fan's pocket is now worth only 20p!

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Theres a message on www.ccmb.co.uk titled "a message from one of the bristol fans in the family stand" that has been posted today at 1723

that explains exactly what happened, (i would post a link but I'm a bit of a technophobe).

Perhaps the welsh jackanory merchants will now stop telling lies about our fans.

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Theres a message on www.ccmb.co.uk titled "a message from one of the bristol fans in the family stand" that has been posted today at 1723

that explains exactly what happened, (i would post a link but I'm a bit of a technophobe).

Perhaps the welsh jackanory merchants will now stop telling lies about our fans.

this i found.............

posted by binman

I know one of the blokes who was in the corporate box behind the family stand and he has asked me to send the following message as somebody has stated a child got hit

There were eight of them in there as invited guests. They were not offensive but did celebrate the goal and the disallowed one. After the disallowed goal a couple of things were thrown (rolled up Echoes he thinks but no coins etc) they were then asked to leave the ground by the police but CCFC stewards said they could stay and they watched the remaining 10 mins of the game on tv's in the hospitality area drinking beer away from the crowd. There was no trouble and he is horrified to think that he and his colleagues have been accused of punching a 14 year old as he is a decent bloke,never saw any trouble whatsoever and thinks there is a bit of story telling going on.

Just passing the message on as the fella did wish us the best of luck at Wembley.


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Thats the one mate, thanks for that.

Theres also one posted a bit earlier titled "trouble in the spar family stand" thats supposedly posted by Marvin Elliott saying his missus was started on.

Dunno if it realy is him though, i wouldn't of thought so.

It's pretty unlikely that its him mate as he spelt his surname wrong!

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1 - I did say if you had taken time out that the club has to take some responsibility for letting you neandathals sit in a family stand. Maybe we gave you the benefit that you maybe able to behave yourselves but obviously wrong!

2 - Maybe my English is poor because that is not my first language but then that's another thing that you english don't like - We can depend without your language.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh bless poor ickle Taffy don't speak English as his native tongue. Well mijneer you are not the only one. I didn't speak English till I was five, but if you go to school you might actually learn it. I did. I didn't go round lobbing coins or piss around- and bleat about the nasty wasty English.

And you cant depend on your own language, more people in England speak Afrikaans as a first language than you lot do Welsh, in Wales. You even force all Welsh people to learn it at school. At least the Afrikaans all speak English, whilst working among the English. Last I went to Welsh Wales you ignorant scum all broke into Welsh when we walked in the pub, promptly returning to English when we all spoke Afrikaans. I do wonder why?

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