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Bristol City Fans


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Its sad that we are all reading this post, But the fact bluebird has gone out of his way to proclaim BCFC and fans are to blame is very ignorent indeed. People who fight, abuse etc: are not fans, but hooligans who fight under the disguise of prentending to support someone.

All football teams have an element of hooligans, bluebird you can't blame BCFC for this, you are equally as bad if not worse! why take digs at our players and manager, its got nothing to do with volience!

Its ironic that you complain about BCFC, yet you email is aggressive and trying to incite hatred against you and your fans. This exactly what you are complaining about, so you are guilty as charged! shame on you!

Soon no minors will be allowed at football clubs, or we will be caged up like chickens to protect us all or just ban away support at together!

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Guest MaloneFM
Soon no minors will be allowed at football clubs, or we will be caged up like chickens to protect us all or just ban away support at together!

Apart from the no minors this is how it was in the seventies and eighties. And it seems they were the good old days.

There has been one or two posts from decent actual Cardiff football supporters on here. These are the ones that should get the attention. Not the pinheads from either side. Look at the herr doktor, not in daylight mind, but he is g*s and therefore scum.


He likes a laugh like the rest of us. He also says when they are rubbish. These are the ones that should get listened to. I have got no time for anyone that gets membership on here to front it out after a game and then vanish off their next opponents site.

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I'm a Cardiff City fans and I want to say that some of your fans were a disgrace today and should be banned from Ninian Park from now on. I sit in the family stand which is at the opposite end to where you lot were yesterday but some of your lot still found their way into the corporate hospitality boxes behind us. One point I'd like to make is that my own club should never have let you lot sit in there and they need to take some responsibility for that. The main thing though is that there was an inccedent where reports are one of your fans hit a small boy in there. I sit a few seats away from where it happened and the boy certainly had a cut and a black eye. Could not have been more than 11-12 and his dad has now appealed to our fans and the CCTV for evidence. I don't think it's going to be hard as although I did not see it myself, alot around me would have. If it turns out that one of your fans did do that then I think you lot should be banned at least. It's not big or clever to take it out on a small child just because the promotion wheels have fallen completley off!

As for the game, Premier League? You boys looked a shower yesterday and I seriously doubt you have ANYTHING to offer the Premier League! It was also nice to see that Mr Trundle was completly put off by all the chanting and booing! You pay £1m for a player that is fat, can't score and can't cope with big occasions? Well spent Bristol!

We have a manager that even though he had some pretty rough things sung at him about his past, remained cool and your hobbit manager lost it completly and had to be sent to the stands - A good example to set to the rest of the players aye?

Now you can tell me to get back to my valley or back to my sheep but it's nothing that we don't get everyweek and you may have even heard us singing "2-1 to the sheep sh***rs" so it doesn't bother us. What I will say though is that when we play you next season, and trust me - we will be playing you, I think that you boys can expect a VERY warm welcome!!!!


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I always used to go to the City v Cardiff games over there, but decided to stop back in the eighties after seeing an old man, who was with his family, get his head split wide open by a rock.

Some hard men were throwing bricks and anything they could get their braindead grubby little hands on, over the back of the stand, as normal when we were being held in after the game in the rain, listening to Tom Jones.

It was at that point I thought I just can't be bothered to subjected to this crap anymore, it's beyond pathetic.

If the rock hard men from both clubs(or any) want to inflict damage on each other, why don't they meet up in a field in Newport or somewhere, and beat the crap out of each other, leaving the rest of us to enjoy ourselves, by supporting our football clubs, and being able to travel independently, drink in a local boozer with opposition fans, without fear of mutilation by some brain dead moron, who thinks he's the hardest thing since Tyson ?

The reason they don't do this is because there would be the real chance of them actually getting hurt, and it's easy to show off and gesticulate hiding behind fences, police and stewards, and besides they wouldn't have an audience to show off in front of, to show how hard they are, would they ?

It's pathetic in the extreme this crap still exists in 2008, and for me until all this stops neither set of fans should be allowed into the others ground, with always the innocent getting hurt.

They should be relayed back on big screens to their own grounds, problem solved.

Superb post. You are smack on with this. :chant6ez:

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