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Bristol City Fans


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I'm a Cardiff City fans and I want to say that some of your fans were a disgrace today and should be banned from Ninian Park from now on. I sit in the family stand which is at the opposite end to where you lot were yesterday but some of your lot still found their way into the corporate hospitality boxes behind us. One point I'd like to make is that my own club should never have let you lot sit in there and they need to take some responsibility for that. The main thing though is that there was an inccedent where reports are one of your fans hit a small boy in there. I sit a few seats away from where it happened and the boy certainly had a cut and a black eye. Could not have been more than 11-12 and his dad has now appealed to our fans and the CCTV for evidence. I don't think it's going to be hard as although I did not see it myself, alot around me would have. If it turns out that one of your fans did do that then I think you lot should be banned at least. It's not big or clever to take it out on a small child just because the promotion wheels have fallen completley off!

As for the game, Premier League? You boys looked a shower yesterday and I seriously doubt you have ANYTHING to offer the Premier League! It was also nice to see that Mr Trundle was completly put off by all the chanting and booing! You pay £1m for a player that is fat, can't score and can't cope with big occasions? Well spent Bristol!

We have a manager that even though he had some pretty rough things sung at him about his past, remained cool and your hobbit manager lost it completly and had to be sent to the stands - A good example to set to the rest of the players aye?

Now you can tell me to get back to my valley or back to my sheep but it's nothing that we don't get everyweek and you may have even heard us singing "2-1 to the sheep sh***rs" so it doesn't bother us. What I will say though is that when we play you next season, and trust me - we will be playing you, I think that you boys can expect a VERY warm welcome!!!!

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I'm a Cardiff City fans and I want to say that some of your fans were a disgrace today

Could have sworn we played you yesterday....

What I will say though is that when we play you next season, and trust me - we will be playing you, I think that you boys can expect a VERY warm welcome!!!!

Ooooooh scary, do you want your 20p back by the way?

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20p - Are your fans like the best behaved in the world or something? It was a derby so get over it! From where I was standing I saw riot police frog marching out the family stand and quite a few going into your end as well. One of the police is in intensive care today yet no police were called into any parts of the ground where our fans were????? You may say thats because they are Welsh police but trust me when I say that never makes a difference to them! As for you reporting the 20p inncedent, they have got far bigger fish to fry reporting your club to the FA after yet more trouble from YOUR fans!

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Sorry to hear about the incident with the young boy, however, at the moment it is all speculation and hear say from you cardiff supporters. Lets just wait and hear the outcome. Lets also not forget that a few people in the away end also got pelted with coins and were also injured....so don't be so quick in your judgement.

Premier League....well your probably correct in your judgement on us. yet, we are currently 2nd and deservedly so. until someone accumulates more points than us then we will bow down and accept we were not good enough. As for our offering's to the Prem, well we all know there is a huge gulf in class, but why couldnt we offer something to the Prem? We have a good fan base, good manager, good and wealthy chairman, new ground on the way, new training facilities, good academy etc etc. Now looking from the outside, that is more than Cardiff can boast.

As for Trundle, no he hasnt paid off as we'd had wished, but he has played his part this season. As for Gary johnson, you must be blind if you didnt see why he reacted as he did. All he wanted was the ball back so we could take a throw in. What about you ball boy chucking the ball into the crowd at the end of the game. Blatant cheating.

Oh, last point, you were very lucky to win. Brookers goal should of stood, and if it wasnt for sloppy defending from the penalty, you would have never won anyway.

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Yup, there you go, making yourself look an even bigger muppet than your first post.

Go whinge on your own forum, where someone gives a crap. If someone threw a coin at a woman anywhere else than football there would be repercussions, I'm not taking my complaint further because frankly I wouldnt want to waste my breath, that doesnt mean its ok though.

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Sorry to hear about the incident with the young boy, however, at the moment it is all speculation and hear say from you cardiff supporters. Lets just wait and hear the outcome. Lets also not forget that a few people in the away end also got pelted with coins and were also injured....so don't be so quick in your judgement.

Premier League....well your probably correct in your judgement on us. yet, we are currently 2nd and deservedly so. until someone accumulates more points than us then we will bow down and accept we were not good enough. As for our offering's to the Prem, well we all know there is a huge gulf in class, but why couldnt we offer something to the Prem? We have a good fan base, good manager, good and wealthy chairman, new ground on the way, new training facilities, good academy etc etc. Now looking from the outside, that is more than Cardiff can boast.

As for Trundle, no he hasnt paid off as we'd had wished, but he has played his part this season. As for Gary johnson, you must be blind if you didnt see why he reacted as he did. All he wanted was the ball back so we could take a throw in. What about you ball boy chucking the ball into the crowd at the end of the game. Blatant cheating.

Oh, last point, you were very lucky to win. Brookers goal should of stood, and if it wasnt for sloppy defending from the penalty, you would have never won anyway.

Well I will say that it's nice to have a grown up response from one of you lot so I will return with a similar. diplamatic view. I wouldn't say that we were lucky to win as we had some good chances ourselves. Steve Thompson should have scored in the first half when Basso JUST got to it with his out-stretched foot. Your goal was never a goal! That was right infront of me and it really was the correct descision. As for Johnson, I think that for a manager to lose it like that isn't good no matter what the decsion! What about the shocking descion we had when Paul Parry was ruled offside from a Tony Capaldi throw??? Surely they must know you cant be offside from a throw - Hence the chants of "you don't know what your doing"!

You do have some good players and like one of my fellow bluebirds mentioned - Nick Carle looks a very good player and one you need to keep. I thought that The defence was a little ropey at times esp when Liam Fontaine came on. I take your point about you offering something to the prem but Wigan had more than you going to the Prem and they really don't offer anything. Unless you have endless amounts of money like Dave Whealan or Steve Gibson, You will never survice. I think Derby are a class example at the mo

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I'm a Cardiff City fans and I want to say that some of your fans were a disgrace today and should be banned from Ninian Park from now on. I sit in the family stand which is at the opposite end to where you lot were yesterday but some of your lot still found their way into the corporate hospitality boxes behind us. One point I'd like to make is that my own club should never have let you lot sit in there and they need to take some responsibility for that. The main thing though is that there was an inccedent where reports are one of your fans hit a small boy in there. I sit a few seats away from where it happened and the boy certainly had a cut and a black eye. Could not have been more than 11-12 and his dad has now appealed to our fans and the CCTV for evidence. I don't think it's going to be hard as although I did not see it myself, alot around me would have. If it turns out that one of your fans did do that then I think you lot should be banned at least. It's not big or clever to take it out on a small child just because the promotion wheels have fallen completley off!

As for the game, Premier League? You boys looked a shower yesterday and I seriously doubt you have ANYTHING to offer the Premier League! It was also nice to see that Mr Trundle was completly put off by all the chanting and booing! You pay £1m for a player that is fat, can't score and can't cope with big occasions? Well spent Bristol!

We have a manager that even though he had some pretty rough things sung at him about his past, remained cool and your hobbit manager lost it completly and had to be sent to the stands - A good example to set to the rest of the players aye?

Now you can tell me to get back to my valley or back to my sheep but it's nothing that we don't get everyweek and you may have even heard us singing "2-1 to the sheep sh***rs" so it doesn't bother us. What I will say though is that when we play you next season, and trust me - we will be playing you, I think that you boys can expect a VERY warm welcome!!!!

i agree hitting a kid is wrong but he was 14 or say so says someone on your message board. as for are fans being punished what about yours? throwing coins at are fans taking ages to leave the stadium so we couldn't get out. then waiting outside and refusing to leave the road so we had to spend 25 minutes stood there after the game. your police just ket you lot get away with it. i saw a lot of people go and make complaints to the police and stweards about your fans and they didn't seem in the slightest botherd. your club your fans and your police are a disgrace.

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Yup, there you go, making yourself look an even bigger muppet than your first post.

Go whinge on your own forum, where someone gives a crap. If someone threw a coin at a woman anywhere else than football there would be repercussions, I'm not taking my complaint further because frankly I wouldnt want to waste my breath, that doesnt mean its ok though.

So your fans have NEVER thrown coins then? I am not saying that they were right to do it, Infact I think it's an appauling side of football but what I'm trying to say is that any trouble at the game yesterday came from your fans and not ours! We also had coins threw at us in the Granstand so it's 50/50 on the coins surely???

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The only disgrace arising from yesterday's game is the fact that we had to go abroad to play an English league game.

Tell me, are you an English club or a Welsh club? Because if you are Welsh why don't you F off and play in your own league.

I am sure the visiting supporters of TNS and Newtown will be more resepctful of your palatial stadium and its precious family section.

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Nice to see predjudice isnt dead in England! Would you like to throw some racism in for good measure Bemmyboy? We're are Welsh and bloody proud of it but the facts are you dated fairweather fan - We have played in the English league for a long time and doing pretty well. FA Cup Semi finalists and even the in-bred jacks down the road are running away with League 1 and will be around to give you some trouble.

As for the Trouble Dolly - Were you wearing blinkers yesterday because I could sware that you had to be in the ground by a certain time and weren't allowed out until after the game had well finnished. Something to do with your behaviour maybe? Funny because there was NO trouble when we came to Ashton Gate yet we are the disgrace :laugh:

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Look at your own fans pal before having a pop at ours. Most certainly no angels are they. The incident you mention is sad but history is there so blame your own club not ours.

From a Cardiff City friend and a season ticket holder who was at the game contradicts what you say in terms of the game. He said Bristol City were a very good footballing team that lacked a final third, as we all know! The weather didn't help and we had a decent goal disallowed and that could have made a difference to the final ten minutes.

I find it ironic that a Cardiff fan comes on to our board and take the time to moan about some disturbance in the ground when his fans have been doing this for decades.

Also, you can tell he's a taff, the English is poor!


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As for the Trouble Dolly - Were you wearing blinkers yesterday because I could sware that you had to be in the ground by a certain time and weren't allowed out until after the game had well finnished. Something to do with your behaviour maybe? Funny because there was NO trouble when we came to Ashton Gate yet we are the disgrace :laugh:

Erm didnt you all have to come on coaches as well, and go straight in the ground?

And as I already said the reason we werent allowed out was because your fans were out on the road waiting for us, if you had still been in the stadium like WE were, you would have heard the PA announcements asking for the Cardiff fans out on the road to leave the area.

And there was no trouble when you came to AG (apart from a few chavs trying to run at our fans) because our police know how to police a game properly.

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Look at your own fans pal before having a pop at ours. Most certainly no angels are they. The incident you mention is sad but history is there so blame your

Also, you can tell he's a taff, the English is poor!


1 - I did say if you had taken time out that the club has to take some responsibility for letting you neandathals sit in a family stand. Maybe we gave you the benefit that you maybe able to behave yourselves but obviously wrong!

2 - Maybe my English is poor because that is not my first language but then that's another thing that you english don't like - We can depend without your language.

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I'm a Cardiff City fans and I want to say that some of your fans were a disgrace today and should be banned from Ninian Park from now on. I sit in the family stand which is at the opposite end to where you lot were yesterday but some of your lot still found their way into the corporate hospitality boxes behind us. One point I'd like to make is that my own club should never have let you lot sit in there and they need to take some responsibility for that. The main thing though is that there was an inccedent where reports are one of your fans hit a small boy in there. I sit a few seats away from where it happened and the boy certainly had a cut and a black eye. Could not have been more than 11-12 and his dad has now appealed to our fans and the CCTV for evidence. I don't think it's going to be hard as although I did not see it myself, alot around me would have. If it turns out that one of your fans did do that then I think you lot should be banned at least. It's not big or clever to take it out on a small child just because the promotion wheels have fallen completley off!

I guess you do not read your own boards! The lad was 14 not 11 or 12 as you stated. I suppose you assume he was just sat watching football and not making 'throat slitting gestures like a lot of your other 'kids and ballboys'? I notice he was with his junior football team from your board, who was the adult(s) with them and why were they not dealing with the situation?

Spot on with the balme apportioned to your club for allowing BCFC fans in hospitality next to home fans at a game that to all other away fans was a 'bubble match', cash greed i expect on your clubs part. Finally were you calling for your club to be banned when a few mindless idiots kicked off at the Gate? No did not think so.

As for the game, Premier League? You boys looked a shower yesterday and I seriously doubt you have ANYTHING to offer the Premier League! It was also nice to see that Mr Trundle was completly put off by all the chanting and booing! You pay £1m for a player that is fat, can't score and can't cope with big occasions? Well spent Bristol!

Right so at best you will have seen us twice, home and away! Last time I looked a season consists of a lot more games than that. Were Cardiff playing the way they did yeserday all season? Thought not hence your league position. Jealousy is a bad thing get over the fact you have been poor except for a cup run this year!

We have a manager that even though he had some pretty rough things sung at him about his past, remained cool and your hobbit manager lost it completly and had to be sent to the stands - A good example to set to the rest of the players aye?

Please do not try to match your manager up against ours - It makes you look stupid. Check out their individual acheivements first!

Now you can tell me to get back to my valley or back to my sheep but it's nothing that we don't get everyweek and you may have even heard us singing "2-1 to the sheep sh***rs" so it doesn't bother us. What I will say though is that when we play you next season, and trust me - we will be playing you, I think that you boys can expect a VERY warm welcome!!!!

I suppose we are meant to be scared of your general threats? You should have stopped typing after the word sheep. Now F*@K OFF back to your valley and sheep.

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Erm didnt you all have to come on coaches as well, and go straight in the ground?

And as I already said the reason we werent allowed out was because your fans were out on the road waiting for us, if you had still been in the stadium like WE were, you would have heard the PA announcements asking for the Cardiff fans out on the road to leave the area.

And there was no trouble when you came to AG (apart from a few chavs trying to run at our fans) because our police know how to police a game properly.

Well as the police managed to get the City fans to move away from giving you a friendly send off - Seems to me they did a pretty good job to me! If the stewards did nothing about the coin throwing then I don't know what to say - THEY SHOULD HAVE!

I'm far from a soul crew member or even anyone who gets into fights, I'm just a dad that took his son the game and had to let my son see the trouble in the family end and at your end??

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The only disgrace arising from yesterday's game is the fact that we had to go abroad to play an English league game.

Tell me, are you an English club or a Welsh club? Because if you are Welsh why don't you F off and play in your own league.

I am sure the visiting supporters of TNS and Newtown will be more resepctful of your palatial stadium and its precious family section.

I'm not sure to whether Cardiff should play in the LOW, but what needs to be done is for them to decide whether they answer wholely to the English FA or the Welsh FA. Full stop. The problem is because they are a Welsh club they have two allegiances where there should be just the one.

As someone living in Cardiff, I have seen the hatred that the Welsh have towards the English. Neverthless, I have also seen how much a large proportion of the Welsh population actually despise Cardiff City Football Club. So much so that I've heard welshmen, from cardiff, saying they should tear down Cardiff City and build a supermarket on it. I don't agree with that because I'm a football supporter and will defend football supporters against comments like that. But, my point is that Cardiff have to be careful that you don't begin to isolate yourself from the rest of wales and most importantly the English FA.

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Well as the police managed to get the City fans to move away from giving you a friendly send off - Seems to me they did a pretty good job to me!

They still took 25 minutes, and if your fans are so bloody wonderful why are they waiting around to try and have a fight with us anyway?

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They still took 25 minutes, and if your fans are so bloody wonderful why are they waiting around to try and have a fight with us anyway?

Ok, I'll say it AGAIN! I'm not condoning our fans that were there. I actually hate the fighting at football and anyone that even throws one punch should be banned for life Cardiff Fan or otherwise. I go to Ninian Park to watch football and yesterday was always going to be heated and unfortunatley - There people who go to the game to fight and that is wrong. Dolly - I am sorry that you got hit with a 20p (your lucky it was 20p, alot of our fans are too skint to afford that much) and they should ban the person who did it but like I said, The main trouble was from you guys yesterday - fair enough?

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Nice to see predjudice isnt dead in England! Would you like to throw some racism in for good measure Bemmyboy? We're are Welsh and bloody proud of it but the facts are you dated fairweather fan - We have played in the English league for a long time and doing pretty well. FA Cup Semi finalists and even the in-bred jacks down the road are running away with League 1 and will be around to give you some trouble.

As for the Trouble Dolly - Were you wearing blinkers yesterday because I could sware that you had to be in the ground by a certain time and weren't allowed out until after the game had well finnished. Something to do with your behaviour maybe? Funny because there was NO trouble when we came to Ashton Gate yet we are the disgrace :laugh:

you had to be in the ground at a certain time aswell u ****. did you even come to the gate?? yes you didn't have to wait to get out the ground because you were completely pinned in unlike us and our fans didn't stand there waiting for a fight. i seem to remember some of your chavs try and provoke our fans at our ground by charging across the stand.

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you had to be in the ground at a certain time aswell u ****. did you even come to the gate?? yes you didn't have to wait to get out the ground because you were completely pinned in unlike us and our fans didn't stand there waiting for a fight. i seem to remember some of your chavs try and provoke our fans at our ground by charging across the stand.

Was at the gate, there to see the ref bottle the Thompson decision and us narrowly lose a game that should have been a draw - Abit like yesterday.

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Ok, I'll say it AGAIN! I'm not condoning our fans that were there. I actually hate the fighting at football and anyone that even throws one punch should be banned for life Cardiff Fan or otherwise. I go to Ninian Park to watch football and yesterday was always going to be heated and unfortunatley - There people who go to the game to fight and that is wrong. Dolly - I am sorry that you got hit with a 20p (your lucky it was 20p, alot of our fans are too skint to afford that much) and they should ban the person who did it but like I said, The main trouble was from you guys yesterday - fair enough?

what absolute bo*****s. your fans threw coins at us laughed at 1 of our fans being taken away with an injury after your fans threws coins at us. your fans wouldn't leave the stadium for 5-10 minutes then waited outside for us so we had to wait even longer to get out. :noexpression:

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So your fans have NEVER thrown coins then? I am not saying that they were right to do it, Infact I think it's an appauling side of football but what I'm trying to say is that any trouble at the game yesterday came from your fans and not ours! We also had coins threw at us in the Granstand so it's 50/50 on the coins surely???

After the performance of the Cardiff yobs a few seasons ago, I never go to Cardiff anymore. Every other away game yes. But never Cardiff.

It'll be one benefit of going up - not having to say no to an away game.

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After the performance of the Cardiff yobs a few seasons ago, I never go to Cardiff anymore. Every other away game yes. But never Cardiff.

It'll be one benefit of going up - not having to say no to an away game.

Be man enough and say your too scared to go for christ sake!

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In footballing terms we are different countries. You have your national team and we have ours.

So simple question - If you are so "bloody proud" to be Welsh, why don't you want to play in the Welsh League?

And by the way, don't try and play the racist victim. This is a discussion about football, not race.

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