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Banksy To Sponsor Bristol City


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Maybe he could design something / incorporate some of his new work into the new stadium?

Banksy is a truely great street artist especially with his subtle and not so subtle denunciations of our toff/snob led Police. Our very own version of the Hitler Youth ????!!!!!! :surrender: .......


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Well done to Cider Head for alerting me to the most recent Banksy graffiti art in London. Banksy is a genius and an absolute legend in his own lifetime. :winner_third_h4h:

We are indeed 'One Nation under CCTV' and no other country on Earth is watched anything like as much by CCTV as we are. Well done Banksy for alerting the whole world to the CCTV tyranny we suffer in this country.........


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what about the other well known Bristolian graffitti artist!!.... Lewisdebaron???

Banksy is the only famous graffitti artist in Bristol, at least his work is art as in pictures, and not just going around Bemmy defacing walls with his name.Where is the art in that. :disapointed2se: Cameron Ballons mural was defaced by this person by writing his name all over it, probably because he was jealous of the mural because he could,nt draw it, if he can draw tell me where there is a picture painted by him.

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Seek in Bristol and Ye shall find......

Fornicators !!!!!!!! :surrender: .....


& :winner_third_h4h: A pretty enlightened Teddy Bear.....


Thanks Red Goblin, I've seen Banksy's work around Bristol, i just hav'nt seen any art work created by this 'Lewisdebaron' person, the only thing he can do is write his name on walls.

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Thanks Red Goblin, I've seen Banksy's work around Bristol, i just hav'nt seen any art work created by this 'Lewisdebaron' person, the only thing he can do is write his name on walls.

Banksy's artwork has a level of subversive brilliance that's consistently at genius level... :winner_third_h4h: .....


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what about the other well known Bristolian graffitti artist!!.... Lewisdebaron???

Personally I think he's the biggest cock in the entire City of Bristol.

And yes I just broke the forum rules, but it was worth it because anyone who goes around and writes there name in enamel paint over the top of stuff like that by Cameroon balloons is a complete and utter ****.


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Personally I think he's the biggest c**k in the entire City of Bristol.

And yes I just broke the forum rules, but it was worth it because anyone who goes around and writes there name in enamel paint over the top of stuff like that by Cameroon balloons is a complete and utter ####.


:clap: Well said Tom, this is exactly my point, the guy is a moron. He can not paint art work he can only write his name and deface Bemmy with it.It makes me sick everywhere you go you see his name.I see that Cameroon Ballons mural at least 4 times a week, it makes me so angry everytime i see it. :ranting:

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Surely another Bristolian cultural icon would be better? What could be more intimidating than our lads coming out with the words "Massive Attack" emblazoned across their chests?

because we'd be had up on the trades descriptions act

Unless you're talking about sheer size.

(only kidding)

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