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Trunds, Alone & Looking Very Dejected -


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We (me and my brother) were queuing up to get out of Stoke on 'Stanley Matthews Way' (the joke of police traffic organisation is another story!) pretty much straight after the game (couldn't have been more than 30-40 mins), when my brother says "that looks like Lee Trundle!?!". In disbelief I said it couldn't be, so I looked up the street and sure enough it was him walking towards us in his tracksuit. I wound down the window and my brother called him over, which he did very obligingly, my bro' said "unlucky trunds, you played well and changed the game", and Trunds said "I'm sorry guys" in a manner where he looked embarrassed for us.

He honestly looked like he had the world on his shoulders, and I felt so sorry for him. The guy has taken so much stick this season but his workrate and effort has ALWAYS been 110% in every game he has played.

We saw him arrive on the team coach, so why he was walking alone is anybody's guess?!? I just hope his very early departure from the game yesterday isn't a sign of something to come, 'cos I think if he had some decent delivery he might have a chance to put that £1m price tag behind him and get some well earned goals.


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I've spoke to him on a few occasions and hes always got time to stop and chat with you, he does genuinly care about the club, and i would of liked him to be involved more, i hope he gets a chance next year but it doesnt look like. Like you said, he changed the game for us today and we looked a threat with him, he played some telling balls into the box and on another day would of brought us at least a point.

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He looked dangerous when he came on.

More so than Sproule recently.

I'd stick him somewhere, even on the wing for the final 2 games because you never know what he can create.

Funny cos hes played on the wing in the reserves lately. Perhaps it may be worth sticking him on the right? cant be any worse than what we are doing now?

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him and mcindoe were absolutely fabulous second half

i love trunds and i think he deserves a proper run in the side, next year

he is a quality bloke and a quality player

really hope he stays because evry1 seems convinced he is goin back to swansea

whatever happens to him, i will always have great respect for the guy

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Perhaps it may be worth sticking him on the right? cant be any worse than what we are doing now?

Trundle's had too few opportunities and been messed about positionally too much already this season in my opinion. GJ's apparent failure to integrate him successfully into the team is one of the mysteries and disappointments of the season.

I'd no sooner play Trundle on the wing than I would Brooker.

Trundle's a striker and should be played there, preferably alongside a bruiser.

Had he been a fixture in the side in his time honoured position, I reckon City would have been more entertaining, higher scoring, and quite probably therefore have a higher points total.

You need a team of battlers in this division but without the addition of genuine class there have been many occasions when City couldn't make the vital breakthrough against a well matched opponent.

I, for one. am hoping to see alot more of Lee Trundle next season. :fingerscrossed:

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him and mcindoe were absolutely fabulous second half

i love trunds and i think he deserves a proper run in the side, next year

he is a quality bloke and a quality player

really hope he stays because evry1 seems convinced he is goin back to swansea

whatever happens to him, i will always have great respect for the guy

First I have heard of a possible return to the Swans.. where have I missed that news?

He was first class when he came on, could not agree more. In fact most time I have watched him live he has been superb. Something, somehow does not fit right with GJ and I guess that is just goals. he was brough in to score although many could rightly argue he has not had enough of a chance.

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First I have heard of a possible return to the Swans.. where have I missed that news?

He was first class when he came on, could not agree more. In fact most time I have watched him live he has been superb. Something, somehow does not fit right with GJ and I guess that is just goals. he was brough in to score although many could rightly argue he has not had enough of a chance.

He was sharp, he wanted the ball, he set up chances. If anyone deserves a start based on saturday's performance it is LT.

If Byfield starts above Trundle then it'll be scandalous. I couldn't personally understand why he started above him yesterday.

For striking partnerships to work, there has to be a stable familiarity about a team.

Benitez learned that the hard way at Liverpool and now has dropped the scousers' rotation policy.

Out of interest when was the last time we started with the same front two pairing for three games in a row?

Have we done so all season??

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Trunds played well yesterday. His movement, work rate and distribution was very good. He played a big part in the improvment in the 2nd half.

He has had a bit of a raw deal this season and things haen't gone his way but if we don't go up I belive Trunds will still be with us next season and I'm sure we will see a diffrent Trundel next season, he has still a lot to offer this club.

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Trundle always seems to drift towards the right especially at home and he can cross the ball so playing him there would not be as stupid as playing Brooker playing there.

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Would've thought he was maybe going to Liverpool to see his family or something like that as he wasn't miles away from there.

He changed the game yesterday when he come on. Looked far more dangerous than Byfield (what he's starting for I really don't know) and seemed to get the best out of McIndoe as well. Put some quality balls in from the left channel and I'd personally have liked to have seen him and Dele get a decent chance to forge a partnership but it's too late for that now.

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We (me and my brother) were queuing up to get out of Stoke on 'Stanley Matthews Way' (the joke of police traffic organisation is another story!) pretty much straight after the game (couldn't have been more than 30-40 mins), when my brother says "that looks like Lee Trundle!?!". In disbelief I said it couldn't be, so I looked up the street and sure enough it was him walking towards us in his tracksuit. I wound down the window and my brother called him over, which he did very obligingly, my bro' said "unlucky trunds, you played well and changed the game", and Trunds said "I'm sorry guys" in a manner where he looked embarrassed for us.

He honestly looked like he had the world on his shoulders, and I felt so sorry for him. The guy has taken so much stick this season but his workrate and effort has ALWAYS been 110% in every game he has played.

We saw him arrive on the team coach, so why he was walking alone is anybody's guess?!? I just hope his very early departure from the game yesterday isn't a sign of something to come, 'cos I think if he had some decent delivery he might have a chance to put that £1m price tag behind him and get some well earned goals.


I would love to see the fellow play the last two and score a couple goals. He is the best we got, and really has not had a run of late to prove his worth.

He loves it here in Bristol and i want the guy to stay. He is a perfect roll model for the club, and ALWAYS speaks and acknowleges our fans

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Trundle's had too few opportunities and been messed about positionally too much already this season in my opinion. GJ's apparent failure to integrate him successfully into the team is one of the mysteries and disappointments of the season.

for me, this is my main complaint of the season, I fully understood the signing of LT, however I'm mistified why after sigining a player for £1m you don't play to the lads strengths up front alongside a bruiser

the first choice forward at the start of the season would have been Brooker and LT, however we have never seen it in a starting line up due to Brookers injury problems, however since the signing of Adebola, I thought we would see Ade and LT, only at Cardiff which despite our run of form, was one of our better performance yet he was still dropped.

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trundle hasnt justified his price tag yet, hes scored 4 goals , looked out of his depth and doesnt always do the simple things right. He has shown flashes of brilliance but needs to look at Adebloa to leanr and do simple things right (not saying become a target man, but just to simply know when to pass and when to dribble)

THink he may improve next year....if hes still here. I don't know why people keep tyring to make excuses for him anymore than any other player

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Trundle is an awesome player, why he isn't playing week in week out I do not know. He should fit in the team alongside Brooker/Adebola, but just needs a few games like with Bayo Akinfenwa.

Everytime he gets the ball he shows some quality, whether it is crossing from the left/right or turning players to set up an attacking move.

Really hope he gets to play the last 2 games. In my opinion, he could be the difference between us going up and staying down.

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How on earth can you justify saying he could be the difference between us going up and staying down?

U may well be right but apart from S****horpe at home he hasnt earnt us anything! hes earnt us a 3rd goal in a 3-1 win and a losing goal in a 2-1 defeat?

He earnt us 3 points all by himself fair enuf against S****horpe but look where they ended up

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How on earth can you justify saying he could be the difference between us going up and staying down?

U may well be right but apart from S****horpe at home he hasnt earnt us anything! hes earnt us a 3rd goal in a 3-1 win and a losing goal in a 2-1 defeat?

He earnt us 3 points all by himself fair enuf against S****horpe but look where they ended up

Name a better forward at the club? :tumbleweed:

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How on earth can you justify saying he could be the difference between us going up and staying down?

U may well be right but apart from S****horpe at home he hasnt earnt us anything! hes earnt us a 3rd goal in a 3-1 win and a losing goal in a 2-1 defeat?

He earnt us 3 points all by himself fair enuf against S****horpe but look where they ended up

What a load of b***ocks,

What have the other strikers done?

Feuck all, Trundle needs to play more games... why pay a million for a striker who has scored 20+ for the last 4 seasons and not play to his strengths then when he doesn't score drop him for 3-4 matches then bring him in out the blue?

That'll do wonders for his confidence that

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trundle hasnt justified his price tag yet, hes scored 4 goals , looked out of his depth and doesnt always do the simple things right. He has shown flashes of brilliance but needs to look at Adebloa to leanr and do simple things right (not saying become a target man, but just to simply know when to pass and when to dribble)

THink he may improve next year....if hes still here. I don't know why people keep tyring to make excuses for him anymore than any other player

Like all our strikers he has found chances very hard to come by. I personaly would rate strikers on goals to chances ratio and as far as I am concerned the only time he has missed a "sitter" was just after we equalised at Cardiff with a far post header that went wide when he should have done much better. But as others have said he has been badly messed about, not given a fair run in the side and most importantly the team has not played to his strenghts, which I am firmly of the opinion are Bristol City's strengths. Namely ball to feet, pass and move, which for twenty minuets last night we did and gave stoke one hell of a fright and but for three players going for the same ball at the far post we could have equalised. Then who knows.

Last night proved that City playing to their strenghts are a match for anyone in the league. City playing the long ball into the channels and behind the oponents look very ordinary. Trundle payed his part very well last night and firmly deserves a run in the side and who knows he could ye be a hero for us this season, because we desperatley need one.

One last point, like the guys who spoke to him outside the stadium he was geninuely gutted at the final whistle, he was hurting. As far as I'm concerned this the sort of guy I want to see in a City shirt. We are not here to make up the numbers or be patronised bu those who will say "well they had a good season, never mind". This bloke is a winner.

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Trundle always seems to drift towards the right especially at home and he can cross the ball so playing him there would not be as stupid as playing Brooker playing there.

Trundle may be under orders to do that or it may be the only way he can get hold of the ball.

My point about Brooker is that both have built their careers as goal scoring strikers and there is no reason to think Trundle would be any happier about playing out of position out on the wing than Brooker would.

Both daft ideas in my opinion. When you sign a striker with a record as good as Trundle you surely play him in his preferred position, alongside the type of player he has thrived with in the past and then endeavour to create a few chances for him? Oh, and persevere with him for a good long run of games as well.

I think that's what we all thought would happen with Trundle and it's mystifying why it hasn't.

The last thing Trundle now needs is to be treated as the odd man out again and be expected to reignite our season from an unfamiliar position on the wing.

We know he's capable of creating goals for his partner and scoring from a central position if a team is set up to bring the best out of him.

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Trundle is a Striker, not a winger.

He may beable to play behind a front two or give a free reign but definately needs to be and around the box not stuck out wide. We are lucky to have this guy, simply becuase he can do the unexpected and has creativity in abundance but like all players he needs time on the ball. Without the ball he is not a threat at all, so seeing him having to chase down aimless punts is not going to produce the end product that he is capable of. Give him the ball to feet and he has a chance, as his clever drag back with the soul of his boat and fantastic cross showed.

The team needs end product at the moment and this guy he one of the few we have capable of producing. We should be looking to biuld a team around the likes of Trundle and McIndoe in my view because it really is the best chance to achieve something now.

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Name a better forward at the club? :tumbleweed:

What a load of b***ocks,

What have the other strikers done?

Feuck all, Trundle needs to play more games... why pay a million for a striker who has scored 20+ for the last 4 seasons and not play to his strengths then when he doesn't score drop him for 3-4 matches then bring him in out the blue?

That'll do wonders for his confidence that

Name a better striker at the club.... Adebola-more goals, less games, better all round game, big, storng, does simple things correctly, puts 100% in (same as Trundle to be fair).

One thing i will say about Trundle is that he always puts in 100% , i will always support him, all I'm saying is that he hasnt justified his price tag

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Name a better striker at the club.... Adebola-more goals, less games, better all round game, big, storng, does simple things correctly, puts 100% in (same as Trundle to be fair).

One thing i will say about Trundle is that he always puts in 100% , i will always support him, all I'm saying is that he hasnt justified his price tag

How can he justify his fee when he gets treated like he has been?!?!

Okay fair play on dele for scoring like he has but him and Trunds is the way forward, how can everyone see it except GJ??

We need to get a strike partnership going NOW and that doesn't include if they don't score switch them round and drop them out the 16 for 3 games then chuck them in again. We need to keep the same strikeforce going, don't you agree?

You can't get a proper strikeforce up n running by switching them every game it's pathetic

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How can he justify his fee when he gets treated like he has been?!?!

Okay fair play on dele for scoring like he has but him and Trunds is the way forward, how can everyone see it except GJ??

We need to get a strike partnership going NOW and that doesn't include if they don't score switch them round and drop them out the 16 for 3 games then chuck them in again. We need to keep the same strikeforce going, don't you agree?

You can't get a proper strikeforce up n running by switching them every game it's pathetic

TBH I think the way forward is Brooker and Trundle. I would like to see them form a partnership. Although I think we should just go for it and use all 3.
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You could see when Trunds was leaving the pitch how upset he was at the result - and for the first time I really felt he was City.. not swansea, not anywhere else, but with us. A player with his touch and goal-scoring history should be at City, because he's quality, and that's what we want to see, otherwise we would *** off and watch a team of hoofers who only care about results, and not how the team plays the game.

IMO we need to somehow try and get Trunds playing in a Viduka-type role - keeping him in the box, around the 6-yard line, as much as possible.

I really, really, really hope that GJ gives Trunds another full season, and plays him in a role that plays to his strengths

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How can he justify his fee when he gets treated like he has been?!?!

Okay fair play on dele for scoring like he has but him and Trunds is the way forward, how can everyone see it except GJ??

We need to get a strike partnership going NOW and that doesn't include if they don't score switch them round and drop them out the 16 for 3 games then chuck them in again. We need to keep the same strikeforce going, don't you agree?

You can't get a proper strikeforce up n running by switching them every game it's pathetic

TBH I think the way forward is Brooker and Trundle. I would like to see them form a partnership. Although I think we should just go for it and use all 3.

Trundle played about 12 games back to back towards the beginning of the season yielding that double against Swansea, he sat on the bench for a bit before scoring against Norwich in that 3-1 win, then in between starts and sub appearances he only managed one more goal (losing penalty against Plymouth after coming on as a sub). He has had a chance to prove himself but i agree recently he has been in and out of the team.

What your suggesting is 4-4-2 which as much as i would love to see it we don't have the midfield strength to be effective with that formation, against Stoke it worked in the 2nd half but we were away from home , stoke were already 2-0 up and we had nothing to lose ...and really could have conceded another goal (McCalistar incidenct) on the break.

SOmebody previously said name a better striker than Trundle at the club...well SHowumni has played less games and got more goals, Byfield has probably played less games and got double the amount of goals, Brooker has played about 4 matches (sub and starting combined and got one goal, Adebola has played less games and got more goals!

I feel as though I'm having a pop at Trundle which i really aint trying to do, I'm just tryin to stick up for the other strikers more than anything!

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Funny cos hes played on the wing in the reserves lately. Perhaps it may be worth sticking him on the right? cant be any worse than what we are doing now?

I've been saying since the Plymouth away game that Trundle would be better off as a wide player,only now have others began to notice,he has so much skill and he can be a great provider,just a shame it takes so long for others to spot such obvious things

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As most of you know I live in Swansea. On the local radio last night Gary Monk and Leon Britton both said that LT is happy with where Bristol City are but very unhappy at not playing. I fear that he may go in the summer I really hope not because I think if we play to his strengths he can be an excellent player for us. He can score the winning goal in the play off final if we get there!

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