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Hull City - Struggling To Find Reasons To Dislike Them


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Watford - one dimensional arrogant long ball merchants who humiliated us in 1996/97 and 1997/98, and i know 5 season ticket holders from various jobs and they all regulary text with post-defeat abuse. Plus their manager is a ####.

Palace - Warnock. Derry. Long ball and their best player doesnt even play for them and is a gashead. Fans are souless too - not nearly loud enough, home or away. And my mate Howie is a Palace fan - and one of those annoying part time fans who abuse when they beat us, but doesnt really care enough about his team to be affected when we beat them.

Hull - another big, long suffering city (although not as big as bristol - and we might have been there in 1978, but i was only 1 then); play proper football, a good respectful manager and crucially - i don't know a single hull fan. Mind you - their best player doesnt play for them either, so that's something...

On paper we might have preferred Sh1tford -but personally am happy with Hull. Cos if the unthinkable happens, i'll begrudgingly be OK for Hull to make it, cos in fairness - their fans probably deserve it almost as much as we do.

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Agree 100%, met a fan of theirs in the TF after the game at our place and he was a nice bloke, plus they were in my opinion the second best side we faced at home (after WBA, of course).

Actually I've just thought of one, Dean Windass isn't very nice, is he?

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Agree 100%, met a fan of theirs in the TF after the game at our place and he was a nice bloke, plus they were in my opinion the second best side we faced at home (after WBA, of course).

Actually I've just thought of one, Dean Windass isn't very nice, is he?

and fraizer cambell is man utd (a bit teniuous i know but what the hell)

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To make it worse Barmby said really nice things about us when being interviewed after tonight's game! Maybe it is some kind of reverse psychology. Warnock couldn't get to us by being horrible so they are being bice...and some of their fans look really cute with those tiger things on their heads....tried to make a Robin one but it looked silly...

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Windass is a **** and Phil Brown said we've been lucky all season

...but in the same sentence he also said we stand before them and the Premier League, and had both sky pundits saying he was talking down Hull's chances. think he's just a normal, decent manager to be honest. and Windass is alright - he's a proper character, and football needs people like him. Fella can't even spell his own name!!

mind you - that mexican wave was ****king stupid, wasnt it? do they think they are americans or what? ######S!!!!

anyone else got a reason to hate hull!?

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Dean Windass is the only good reason to dislike them I can think of. I hate cheats.

Another minor one is that their best player isn't theirs but is on loan.

Out of the three other playoff sides they'd be the one I'd pick to go up if we can't because they play football properly.

Two football sides who try to attack meeting in a big final? It's got 0-0 bore draw and penalties written all over it hasn't it?

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...but in the same sentence he also said we stand before them and the Premier League, and had both sky pundits saying he was talking down Hull's chances. think he's just a normal, decent manager to be honest. and Windass is alright - he's a proper character, and football needs people like him. Fella can't even spell his own name!!

mind you - that mexican wave was ****king stupid, wasnt it? do they think they are americans or what? ######S!!!!

anyone else got a reason to hate hull!?

Nope - that Mexican wave does for me too. Christ - that's so yesterday!! ;-)

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My mate and training partner is from Hull and also fan, but because of his accent I pretend I cant understand him and say he comes from what I thought he said 'Hell' They like whippets, coal dust, and chips and gravey.

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My mate and training partner is from Hull and also fan, but because of his accent I pretend I cant understand him and say he comes from what I thought he said 'Hell' They like whippets, coal dust, and chips and gravey.

eh up lad thy takin the piss i,ll set thy pidgeons on thee in tut minute

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Oh no...I thought I might join in the Mexican wave if they started it at Wembley...I did go to Hull once. It seemed to be being demolished at the time, although they did have a rather nice fish tank, I recall.

Anyone joining in a Mexican wave at Wembley will be taken outside and put in front a firing squad!

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Anyone joining in a Mexican wave at Wembley will be taken outside and put in front a firing squad!

In all seriousnesss though, it seems that Hull get better and quicker the longer the game goes on. The reason for this is that they start the game with 2 old timers up front, and on 60 minutes or so, replace them with Folan and Fagan, who I remember as being very impressive at the Gate, and again tonight. This is fine, but it does limit their options regarding substitutions. For example, should they get any injuries before the 60 minute mark, they could well end up with Windass and Barmby being on for the 90, and Barmby was puffing long before he went off tonight. Windass was blowing like a steam train as early as the 20 th minute, so in that respect they could be found a little lacking in pace towards the end. Since City are fit and pacy for the full 90, the last 20 minutes could be the time the fun begins.

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Anyone joining in a Mexican wave at Wembley will be taken outside and put in front a firing squad!

I'm afraid any mexican wavers will have to form an orderly queue behind any parent who has bought there child one of those pesky bloody horns!

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In all seriousnesss though, it seems that Hull get better and quicker the longer the game goes on. The reason for this is that they start the game with 2 old timers up front, and on 60 minutes or so, replace them with Folan and Fagan, who I remember as being very impressive at the Gate, and again tonight. This is fine, but it does limit their options regarding substitutions. For example, should they get any injuries before the 60 minute mark, they could well end up with Windass and Barmby being on for the 90, and Barmby was puffing long before he went off tonight. Windass was blowing like a steam train as early as the 20 th minute, so in that respect they could be found a little lacking in pace towards the end. Since City are fit and pacy for the full 90, the last 20 minutes could be the time the fun begins.

Well spoted on the Barmby and Dean Lardarse. Make teams think your slow and cumbersome then bang 2 speed merchants but your right that does limit their options.

I think that the ref will have a better game now that one of the so called larger more favoured are not going to be in it cos i think that means some of the tighter calls may go our way. I mean 2 frigging penalties for Palace that beggers belief why don't they just say before hand we have a handicap of 2 goals because Palace are bigger and have been in the Prem before.

Reason to hate Hull are simple that Phil Brown said some we were lucky and has been very cocky and eager to say in the past how they were the better team.

I did not see his sky interview but i bet he has been taking a leaf out of GJ book and trying to be humble and let the players do there talikng on the pitch.

Oh and BTW Hull always looks as if is beng rebuilt i think they run out of funds back in the 70's when the mines closed and is the most dire place you can imagine SEXY Phil Brown that my friend is the main reason i cant stand you ( Not the actual side.)

HULL IS NOT SEXY PLACE TO BE EVEN IF YOU HAPPENS TO BE BLIND AND PERMANENTLY POPPING DISCO BISCUITS even if the lottery fund gave them £100 milllion to spend on revamp Hull will never be sexy or in the same postcode. Whilst I'm ranting why do you lot have your own telephone system that is different from the rest of the country?????

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I lioved in Hull for a year... a year too long. Could say much about the people but that would be to generalise, but suffice to say I won't be heading abck there any time soon.

Hull and Hull KR rugby fans are an aggressive bunch, unlike most RL fans who leave violence for the pitch rather than the terraces.

My two reasons.

COME ON BRISTOL CITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :winner_third_h4h:

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Since when was Hull in Yorkshire?

Used to be Humberside, now a unitary authority, just like Bristol.

Some hull fan tonight after the game held up a flag which was the white rose of Yukshire, my mistake if they have moved on to Humberside,but always used to be in south riding of yukshire. :englandsmile4wf::englandsmile4wf::englandsmile4wf:

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Some hull fan tonight after the game held up a flag which was the white rose of Yukshire, my mistake if they have moved on to Humberside,but always used to be in south riding of yukshire. :englandsmile4wf::englandsmile4wf::englandsmile4wf:

There are kids on this site who don't remember the good old days, when Yorkshire was a bigger county than is now, when Gloucestershire came all the way down to Downend and Staple Hill, Kingswood and Hanham, and Somerset began at Long Ashton, and Bristol was a City and County.

And I think Hull was in the East Riding

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