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Minimum Age Limit


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I've become so irritated in recent weeks with the endless inane threads from immature junveniles like " what stand you in" "what are you,season ticket holder?" and "what songs are best?" that I've seriously considered kicking the cat.

My point is - who cares what songs are best or where everyone else sits? Its pointless drivel.

Wheres the good old discussions? when we used to disagreed with each other but still enjoy the debate.The forum has lost some of its quality and been replaced by moronic meaningless rubbish.

I propose a mininmum age limit of 18 to access this forum.All those below that age that want to discuss drivel can have their own mini-forum where thay can all type in text and act cool.

That way some of the old regulars like Richieb,Edson et al might consider coming back and this forum would richer for it.

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I propose a mininmum age limit of 18 to access this forum.All those below that age that want to discuss drivel can have their own mini-forum where thay can all type in text and act cool.

Godzilla, City Gal, Robbored says you're not old enough, goodbye :)

A bit unfair with that comment don't you think Robbo?

There are plenty of decent young posters that use this forum, and also used the old one. You then have the crop of posters that have been using the forum for a few years, the likes of myself, Stucider, edr and plenty more.

Does our opinion, along with the under 18's not count as much as yours?

What a stupid idea.

Edit: Robbored and not Richieb. Apologies if you're reading Richie :clap:

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We have Godzilla, TFE, Gashater, Tommycidered, Red Boy, lilcidered, chalky etc etc who are around my age who know what they are talking about, are some of the most passionate City fans i know, dont type like they've just come out of nursery and want to join in the debates like the rest of us.... So why should we be banned just for your satisfaction?! :Confused13:

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I've become so irritated in recent weeks with the endless inane threads from immature junveniles like " what stand you in" "what are you,season ticket holder?" and "what songs are best?" that I've seriously considered kicking the cat.

My point is  - who cares what songs are best or where everyone else sits? Its pointless drivel.

Wheres the good old discussions? when we used to disagreed with each other but still enjoy the debate.The forum has lost some of its quality and been replaced by moronic meaningless rubbish.

I propose a mininmum age limit of 18 to access this forum.All those below that age that want to discuss drivel can have their own mini-forum where thay can all type in text and act cool.

That way some of the old regulars like Richieb,Edson et al might consider coming back and this forum would richer for it.

I propose you chill out and let those that want to post such 'drivel' to post it, and those whom want to respond to such 'drivel' to respond.

There is always the option that you do not read posting headed 'what stand do you sit in'? etc etc.

That's what is called a freedom of choice. :)

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Controversial Robbo, but the forum is going through a very annoying phase, some of the posts are virtually illegible and some that I can decipher aren't worth the effort.

Perhaps a IQ and spelling test as part of the registration process would weed out the pointless and trivial, as there are undoubtedly some posters under 18 who make a worthwhile contribution.

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Lucy you forgot about me :) anyway the younger fans should have a voice as well, I don't think making the board 18 and over would make it any better as some of the best posters on board are under 18 like citygal9,tommycidered,gas hater,chalky,godzilla etc this forum would be worse off without those posters as well so either way it wouldn't help so lets just forget about this and talk about the match tomorrow then, that is what we all have in common and why we all come on this board because we are City fans, and age shouldn't matter.

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I'm not suggesting that you all be banned at all - just that you have your own forum,after all most juveniles speak a different language to the rest of us - so it makes sense to leave the regular forum to those who know how to use it in a mature fashion.

But you're still missing the point aren't you.

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I'm not suggesting that you all be banned at all - just that you have your own forum,after all most juveniles speak a different language to the rest of us - so it makes sense to leave the regular forum to those who know how to use it in a mature fashion.

Well isnt that just excluding the younger posters from the actual disscusion rather than #### that some of these people will post. What a dumb idea. Like i say just ban the fools and let the u-18's who wanna get on with it, do it.

Also how on earth are you going to stop u-18 posting? Aint as if we would give our real DOB.

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Controversial Robbo, but the forum is going through a very annoying  phase, some of the posts are virtually illegible and some that I can decipher aren't worth the effort.

Perhaps a IQ and spelling test as part of the registration process would weed out the pointless and trivial, as there are undoubtedly  some posters under 18 who make a worthwhile contribution.

And Robboreds post was controversial....

...what next a typing lesson as part of the registration process so to weed out typos??

A health a safety certificate so we are all sat at our computer in the correct way?

Yes you are right......the forum is going through a very 'annoying phase' indeed.

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So you can be 17 and play for City if you're good enough. You can watch City however young you are. But you can't talk about it on the forum.

I agree the quality of the forum has gone downhill and bemoaned the fact myself not long ago. Actually, I also think the forum software is #### and I don't even look at it half as much as I used to because the lack of proper threading makes for far less compelling detailed argument, since it's much harder to keep track of points being debated backwards and forwards.

But I disagree with you. Age isn't the answer. There are some who are reducing the quality, but others like Godzilla ain't. A quality threshhold would be better but

a. It'd be impossible because what one of us thinks is drivel is exactly what another finds interesting

b. How are those posters who aren't very good going to get better if they can't join in and learn by seeing other quality posters lead by example? There are plenty on the forum whose contributions have improved hugely over the past couple of years.

and more importantly

c. It's a free country where people have the right to say what they like, even if you don't like what they say or, in this case, how they say it.

If you really wanted a way of doing it, you could work a system whereby there was one forum which only posters who have more than a certain number of posts can join in - say, 100 or something. When a poster reaches that mark, all those in the exclusive forum review his/her 100 postings and vote on whether they should be allowed to join. If the postings are utter drivel, they are put down to zero and must reach 100 again before they get the chance to enter the golden gate. That way, there would be an incentive to improve. Trouble is, it would discourage some from posting and would also inhibit fresh blood, which is vital when others leave.

However, perhaps you just posted it to spark precisely the sort of debate you are bemoaning no longer exists.

For my part, I am becoming increasingly disturbed that we seem to agree on so much, Robbored. Can we not find a few topics where we can slug it out with a few verbal repostes? ;-)

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And Robboreds post was controversial....

...what next a typing lesson as part of the registration process so to weed out typos??

A health a safety certificate so we are all sat at our computer in the correct way?

Yes you are right......the forum is going through a very 'annoying phase' indeed.

Ever heard of irony..............

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Citygal9 (9 - is that your age?) Redtop knows exactly what I'm getting at but you don't.Leave it at that.

Thankyou Robbored. Your comments are most kind...... Maybe we should just have a forum for you, you cant get anyone's back up, no one will argue with you and you wont have to put up with us.... Bliss :clap:

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Citygal9 (9 - is that your age?) Redtop knows exactly what I'm getting at but you don't.Leave it at that.

Ok. Nice one.

So instead of me starting another post and wasting everone elses time like this post, why don't we settle this particular item with setting a nickname limit?

All those called Robbered should be stopped from posting and all under 18's are welcome?

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