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Minimum Age Limit


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Godzilla "Maybe we all need to accept it's never going to be what it was."

Cynic "It's a case of "The posters are dead, long live the posters"'

Agreed, the forum will not be the same wothout these posters but with more older the younger become, experience in writing threads will increase.

Just from this evening writing posts, replying to others etc I feel I have become better and more direct in my views. This will happen to every person who posts more and more. But people must allow this to happen.

I myself will not be replying to messages I feel is irrelevent and I'm sure most of you already do, so thats one thing that ive improved on. This forum gives everyone a chance to give thier opinion in however way they feel neccesary, its just others who get the chance to reply if they think it is worth it or not. I'm glad now that Robored posted what he did because posts like this always have an ending which is sorted and hopefully everyone on the same wavelength maybe not in agreement but respect each other for thier views.

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Top post Godzilla - just goes to show that not all under 18's are immature idiots.

If only they were all as insightfull,reasoned and articulate as you - the forum wouldn't have the problem.

I really think you need to go and lie down.

First you originally post for an age limit so as under 18's are barred.

Now you crawl to one and praise him to the hilt.

(sorry to use your post as an example, Godzilla it was a good reply)

Am I missing the point to your original posting somewhere?

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Top post Godzilla - just goes to show that not all under 18's are immature idiots.

If only they were all as insightfull,reasoned and articulate as you - the forum wouldn't have the problem.

I really think you need to go and lie down.

First you originally post for an age limit so as under 18's are barred.

Now you crawl to one and praise him to the hilt.

(sorry to use your post as an example, Godzilla it was a good reply)

Am I missing the point to your original posting somewhere?

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Although I don't agree with anything which was mentioned within the opening comments to this thread, I have to say it's the best thread I've saw on this forum since it has been in general use, and also the best I've saw in a very long time. A piece of humble pie for myself maybe, but well done to robbored for making his initial comments.

A number of the younger posters did bite slightly, but the way I look at it the reason they have done so is because they are the exception. Perhaps this was time for the "targeted group" to stand up and be accounted for. I for one feel that they have done so.

The activity on both this and the old forum has changed dramatically since I first signed up (about 18 months ago). Already I have saw new posters come and go, and unfortunately older more respected posters, to just go. This is mainly due to the nonsense that has been being posted recently. Matty H, edson, Richie B are just some of the names which come to mind, who seem to have disappeared recently. I for one think that people like this are a huge loss to this "community".

I don't like seeing text talk. You're not composing a message to send onto your mate on your mobile phone, and have limited space to do so. I don't know if there is a limit on how much you can type in one go, but the chances of running out of space on the forum are remote.

Having said that however, if there is a particular topic that seems stupid then I won't take the time to read it. If I don't feel that I have anything to add to a particular topic, then I won't. Some people leap before they look, and I have on times been guilty of doing this myself.

I know I am not the only person who does this, but there are certain users who's contributions to this forum you know are worth a read. These are the posts that I will read before any others. I know for a fact that many other people also do the same thing.

The forum includes supporters from all different walks of life, and like it or not other people may or may not agree with what you have to say. There's no need to get bitchy over something like this, just counteract it with a decent argument.

If everybody agreed with everybody else, then what would be the point in having this forum in use?

Perhaps the newer breed of posters that are now using the forum, will read this thread and realise what they need to do in future - think before posting.

Time for bed I think :Sleep12: .

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Am I missing the point to your original posting somewhere?

I think you are K. R.

Robbo has raised a really good point in his usual forthright style. You may not agree with every aspect of his original post, but you can't deny that it's generated one of the most interesting debates we've had on here for ages.

My personal view is that everyone should be allowed to post pretty much whatever they want, irrespective of their age or spelling ability, though an attempt to use proper English would be much appreciated. And I would subscribe to the old adage: if you haven't got anything interesting to say, then don't say anything at all.

I'm against moderation and censorship, apart from extreme cases of racism, libel and damaging rumour mongering. Although I accept that it's been done for the best possible reasons, I think that some of the petty restrictions that have been imposed on this forum recently have driven away some of the more interesting and free thinking posters and allowed some of the 'I might be talking rubbish, but it's none-controversial rubbish' to proliferate.

I also think that for all its bells and whistles technology, this forum software isn't a patch on the previous one, and by virtue of its clumsy interface, actually helps to stifle proper debate.

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I think you are K. R.

Robbo has raised a really good point in his usual forthright style. You may not agree with every aspect of his original post, but you can't deny that it's generated one of the most interesting debates we've had on here for ages.

My personal view is that everyone should be allowed to post pretty much whatever they want, irrespective of their age or spelling ability, though an attempt to use proper English would be much appreciated. And I would subscribe to the old adage: if you haven't got anything interesting to say, then don't say anything at all.

I'm against moderation and censorship, apart from extreme cases of racism, libel and damaging rumour mongering. Although I accept that it's been done for the best possible reasons, I think that some of the petty restrictions that have been imposed on this forum recently have driven away some of the more interesting and free thinking posters and allowed some of the 'I might be talking rubbish, but it's none-controversial rubbish' to proliferate.

I also think that for all its bells and whistles technology, this forum software isn't a patch on the previous one, and by virtue of its clumsy interface, actually helps to stifle proper debate.

A simple reply DaveL.

I cannot deny there are indeed many fruitless & pointless postings on this forum.

However, in this particular case, the original post was a calling for under 18's to be barred from this forum.

I have shown I did not agree with this view earlier, which is my right, as is it is the right of others to disagree with me. Rightly so. But.

For the same person who posted it originally to then agree with, and praise the reply of, someone below the age of 18 is nonsense.

I am not against anyone posting anything, within the legal parameter, but what annoys me is the chopping and changing of ideas & principles halfway just to suck up.

Hence my response about me missing the point of the original post.

Cheers. :Sleep12:

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I think people have the right to post how and what they like.

If I don't think I'm going to like a particular post or thread, I just don't read it.

Trying to impose a set of rules on a particular group of people just because they don't conform to you're style of posting or because they like to talk about topics that you're not interested in is wrong.

I bet you wouldn't like it if people started asking for you to be banned, just because they don't like the topics you post about, and the way you post them. Roberred, I'm sure a lot of people find your constant rants about part timers and what makes a real fan annoying, but I don't see people trying to get you banned because of it.

Now I do agree that it would be nice if people could use proper punctuation, but if they don't want to, that's their choice. Just don't read their posts, instead of trying to get them kicked off the forum. If it really bothers you, then just explain it to them and ask them nicely to try to improve their spellings, punctuation etc.

If people are deliberately being illiterate or whatever and it's obvious that they are trolling the forum in silly ways with the obvious intention of annoying people, then we would have a problem. But the majority of people don't, and most will happily change they can see that they are being a nuisance.

That is just my opinion.

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  • Admin

For what it's worth, if the moderators of this board started, as a matter of course, deleting any message which was composed ENTIRELY of "text speak" then I would be fully supportive and believe the standard of the forum would rise as a result.

Obviously there would be occasions where typos slipped in or someone wrote (for example) "u" instead of "you" by mistake but personally speaking it is only the posts full of "wids", "dats", "seds" etc that do my head in. It's not as if this forum is like a mobile, on here you can post as many characters as you like, you're not just limited to the 160 characters I would get on my mobile!

There is no excuse bar laziness to type that extra couple of letters!

Edit: I must be the exception to the statements regarding post count.....having posted the most on the previous incarnation of this forum, the post counter has actually made me think twice about replying on this version as I have no desire to be anywhere near the top 10 this time round. Oh and the text speak :)

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Firstly I would like to thank Robbored for starting this lively thread. I think that his u18 suggested ban was being used as a vehicle to start a debate and I think we must all agree that it worked.

I am all for the open forum with a minimum of moderation. I strangely enjoy some of the trivial "where do you sit threads" normally started by a newcomer to the forum who doesn't realise that it was done and dusted two weeks previously. I enjoy the banter that u18's bring to the debate. I also feel that some of the most insightful threads have been started by people in that age group. I can cope easily with the poor spelling, can usually tolerate poor punctuation and am as liable as the next to the dreaded typo. Despite all this (as Madger has pointed out above so well) the use of text talk is absolutely unnecessaryand its use should be curtailed.

However the the mis-use of the forum which rankles me the most is the mis-use of the ask SteveL /ColinS forum. This forum was designed so that direct questions could be asked of our Chairman, Chief Executive and sometimes answered by other members of the City Administration. This is a facility which I believe is almost unique to the City forum and has been apparently very popular amongst the fans. However both Steve and Colin are busy men running their own business and running the club repectively. So for them to have to churn their way through as many as 22 messages on a thread in order to answer a single question or to read a 'question' to only find it's a statement is both wasteful of their time and will only mean that the excellent facility will eventually self destruct. Is there a means whereby the forum designers can allow answers from the nominated officers within the club only?

So there you have the twopenny worth from a person who was 18 before we won the football world cup and is hoping in the next 8 hours will be celebrating the winning of the rugby equivalent.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

I'm amazed how people take an internet forum seriously - To hear some people speak it sounds like it's a major part of their life.

To me it's somewhere for BRISTOL CITY fans to chat about all things Bristol City. from the complex issues like "3-5-2 or 4-4-2" which contains numerous ideas, both tacticle and humerous and threads like "What stand" which are, well less intellecyually challenging. Surely the heading is self explanitory and if you don't like it don't reply.

THis is a FANS forum, not for a choosen few, not set by specifications, not even by what club you support. Maybe a few rules should be put in place, but for gods sake grow up some of you and get out more.

And if you're unhappy about the posts, start some interesting threads.

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well however old you are,you seem to post alot of #### :)

you haven't thought about your post much have you,unlike the rest of us here.

What you have just said is ALL UNDER EIGHTEENS POST ####.

i would just like to ask you one question then.

how can you say ALL under 18's post ####??

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Houston we have a problem.

I disagree with age limits, however, I fully understand where Robbored is coming from.

There are lots of posters on here who want to ask questions and have debate.

There are lots who want to have a laugh about hair-cuts, best eyes and have a laugh.

I put myself in the middle (you may disagree!). I liked the fact that a few months ago, people like Robbored, richieB, Edson etc. use to post well thought out stuff which lead to great debate which I thoroughly enjoyed trying to get in to and hopefully putting forward some reasonable points.

I also love having some fun with less serious posts and have had some great fun with people like Citygal9, Tazman, Godzilla and Dolman Moaner within these (n.b. all of the posters named here also contribute brilliantly to more serious topics and AGE is not a boundary!).

I think where Robbored is coming from is that the majority of posts lately are in the less serious category giving nothing for some posters to really discuss properly. And as I have pointed out several times in previous posts, this is making the main forum more of a messageboard.

Solution? Haven't got a clue! I like being involved full stop, however, must admit I am missing real debate. I am the first to admit that I can contribute within posts, however, rarely come up with a topic to discuss myself.

I think a solution is needed. Too many posters are leaving.

I suggested yesterday that there are too many different forums within the whole. Perhaps the whole forum needs a review.

Perhaps we need almost 2 main sections

General City Forum Discussion (minor points made) &

General City Forum Debate (large discussion topics)

Hopefully all posters would use both well and would understand that the more "jokey" points and "tongue in cheek" comments should be reserved for the discussion area.

In short, lets all not criticise Robbored. Let's try to understand where his frustration comes from and then suggest ideas that may improve this circumstance for the moderators to consider.


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Phew! You stop looking at the forum for a few days and come back to this!

I can't really add too much here because I think a lot of good points have been made on both sides. However, just for my ten pence worth, the whole text talk problem really annoys me as well. I'm not going to accuse a certain age group of constantly doing it though. I think that the best system would be to have the rules of the forum set out, with a line asking people to avoid text speak. If they ignored this, then a polite warning from the moderators should suffice, and I'm sure that they would soon get the idea.

This would I believe, as someone previously said, allow them to mature into decent posters. It is new blood that keeps forums alive, let's not scare them off.

And at the end of the day, if the post title doesn't interest me, I don't read it. You can get a basic idea what the thread will be like just by mulling over the title.

Good honest debate though :)

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to be honest i agree cause under 18's post ####.  :)  :clap:  :clap:

very good, now shall we go all the way to the beginning of the post and start again? Looks like you havn't read any of the replies. Have I fell into that trap of replying to a phoney message? most probably

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Agree, so why not add an U18's Forum, perhaps calling it the Academy Forum?

Text type does my bonce in, as well.

I got some stick on the old forum ages ago for pi$$ taking posts about how far's Reading and what colour house have you got etc, but lately, some people have been posting things like that for real!!

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Agree, so why not add an U18's Forum, perhaps calling it the Academy Forum?

Text type does my bonce in, as well.

I got some stick on the old forum ages ago for pi$$ taking posts about how far's Reading and what colour house have you got etc, but lately, some people have been posting things like that for real!!

I would hate too have an under 18s forum.

I hate text time and i never use it on the forum.

I enjoy taking part in sensible discussions about city and maybe non-city on the correct forums.

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Having a under 18 forum isn't the answer, there needs to be rules about text language though as that does get on my nerves the younger posters need to be in the same forum as older ones so they can learn what a good post is and if when I joined there wasn't post counts or ratings or the things that say scholar,academy team,reserve team I wouldn't have known who the respected and important forum members are but basically I think there needs to be a rule on text language though as there is no need for it on this forum

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One of the other forums I've used in the past, they had a very active moderating team, about 20 large of just regular users become moderators, they would police for stupid posts, repetitive posts and out of place posts, and also there were specific rules about posting in caps, and posting in shorthand, ie: like some of these guys 'r postin with a u tu c what em' - whatever that means - and then when someone did they would put a note in the persons info on the left, letting everyone else know they did it. Did work quite well :)

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Guest New Zealand Pete

I am clearly not a regular poster however having just read robboreds comments regarding a minimum age limit, I became slightly infuriated by some of the comments people had to say.....It seemed to me that it boiled down to the fact that he was annoyed that some juvenilles posted irrelevent drivel to increase their number of posts, i am not sure why this bothered him since he does not have to read these threads, however he commented that the standard of discussion on the forum had dropped. The standard is not poor because of juvenilles posting irrelevant drivel to boost ratings, because this doesnt stop the likes of robbored from instigating decent conversation on the city. I believe his post was probably made because the senior posters feel there status is being threatened by the younger ones here, most notably due to the number of posts made. This is ridiculous. I am confused as to why the forum even clocks the number of posts one makes, since it creates pathtic competition for supremecy, that if one is mature enough, they will ignore. I have no problem in juvenilles posting, after all I am 19. it is up to the "mature" (so they say) vetran posters to ignore them, like many do, and again make this forum decent and popular, which it could so easily be. I apoligise if this really doesnt address much about city exactly but most of the information I have had about the team this season has come through this forum since I am half the world away!

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there is no need for all this bickering on this forum.it is open to anybody whether your 8 or 80 as long as it is sensible and a benefit to all readers.the last thing we need is fools turning it into a chat room, so stick together and enjoy our promotion season........burp.

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