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Everything posted by BrizzleRed

  1. Scott looked very good first half yesterday, though admittedly he faded badly second half. Not really surprising though, considering Stoke’s cynical treatment of anyone who looked to be threatening them in any way in the 2nd half in particular. In contrast, HNM seems incapable of putting in a meaningful goal attempt, has no pace, offers very little in terms of creative passing, and has no aerial presence. Imho, the only real thing he offers in a nuisance factor to the opposition when he’s on his game. That said, when he does win the ball, he’s more likely than not to hang on to it too long, get caught in posession and lose it again. He’s certainly a frustrating player and is showing no sign of kicking on with us and looks to be be just another large wedge of money down the drain with precious litlle return when he does actually leave.
  2. Really bizarre comment. Would be really interested to know what you think HNM actually brings to the side? He looked promising when he first came here and was busy and had good energy, but he’s really gone backwards and about the only thing he’s maintained is his ‘massive’ hair! I can’t think of anything he actually excells in, or adds to the side when he’s on the pitch and is way behind in Alex Scott in terms of end product or potential imho.
  3. …. and I bet they’ll claim there was at least double that!
  4. Quite possible. He’ll never have the luxury of being cut as much slack as he had with us, that’s for sure. Once he starts his losing streak waffle, most clubs would get pissed off pretty quickly.
  5. Totally agree. We’ve been stuck with a small squad and that’s been severely tested with injuries and the understandable inconsistent form of some of the younger players. Anyone expecting more than an roller-coaster of a season in this unforgiving division really needs to have a stern word with themselves. A totally different situation if we see a repeat next season, with more freedom in terms of recruitment. That’s when I reckon NP should really be judged.
  6. Sorry, but have to say this, but if we were having a vote for the daftest post in the first half of the season, this would have to be a very strong candidate! So you’re actually asking if we should sack a manager, just in case we lose the next match??? The number of people who have it in for NP is baffling, considering the pedigree of manager we normally go for and the mess this one has to vlear up. That discussion has been done to death though, so let’s just look at the following important point. There are whispers that we may get through FFP by the skin of our teeth. If this is the case, what if the costs of bringing in a new manager and their associated coaching team pushes us over the edge and we fall foul of FFP after all? If that actually happened, would you be confident that the new team could accumulate the additional points compared to NP to compensate for the points deduction we’d probably get?? I know this is all iff’s and but’s, but you started that with your original post!!!
  7. Exactly. He’ll mostly get away with it while the club are doing well. It would be interesting revisiting the Hibs forum to check out his new fans’ views on it when the customary losing streak happens. He just can’t see that he’s setting himself up for a fall when he spouts this stuff. He’s just supplying a stick to beat him with when things go wrong.
  8. Trouble is Dave, that lack of money and our current FFP issues appears to be due to downright wastefulness, rather than from any overspend due to us being over-ambitious. Sadly, there doesn’t seem to be much here to tempt a really ambitious manager, particularly with our historical lack of success. We’ve all laughed at Forest, but you can put most of their crazy decisions down to an underlying yearning to achieve success. Our decisions often feel like we’re doing things ‘on the cheap’, whilst somehow still wasting money hand over fist.
  9. …. and you know he’s ready to throw into a seriously struggling team?? Get that one wrong and the Brum game could pale into insignificance and destroy a young career. Bentley is far from perfect and don’t reckon there’s anyone denying that, but there are just as many issues elsewhere on the pitch.
  10. Better get your wallet out then sunshine, as the club haven’t got a pot to piss in right now! If on the other hand, you’re better than him and willing to play for free, offer your services and get them gloves on!!!
  11. Could it be he’s accepted that he’s more successful as a grandparent than as a football manager? Denying reality in an interview could be just face-saving, but if he really believed in hs ability that much, he’d have probably carried on in management.
  12. Fair comment Selred and particularly coming up to the international break, it’s certainly a particularly a shit time for this postponement to happen.
  13. From a personal perspective as a ST holder, I can live with one match being delayed, without having a hissy fit like some are. If we’re still having this discussion this time next week and football hasn’t re-started, then I’ll be in complete agreement with you Dave.
  14. Hopefully a lot of the comments on here have been aimed at the football authorities, but I’ve seen some pretty distasteful stuff from some people with an obvious anti-royal agenda. The point is, there isn’t a directive that everything has to be cancelled, but football has chosen to take that route and I can live with that in the very short term. It really doesn’t feel that big a deal to justify some of the reactions on here.
  15. Yeah fair shout mate ?. There are just some times when football doesn’t seem quite as important as usual.
  16. The same as adult football …. Is it that big a deal really? If they wanted to continue with children’s football, they are entitled to.
  17. Ok, so have a word with whoever makes decisions for his team, as it isn’t compulsory to cancel everything
  18. Nope, it’s the people stamping their feet and shouting I want my football, regardless of the circumstances!
  19. Bring it on. I’m a ST holder, but can still keep some sense of perspective of the size of event that’s just happened, even if many can’t!!!
  20. Completely see your point, but staff will be paid when the re-arranged games take place. Sure it will be tough on anybody who isn’t able to get refunds on hotels, travel, etc, but shit happens unfortunately. We’ve had blanket postponements in the past due to extreme weather, not to mention covid, so this isn’t exactly an unprecedented occurrence. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see next week’s games going ahead as scheduled.
  21. So tell the sporting organisations then, as the choice is theirs! As for ‘stopping everything’, what would that achieve? We’re talking about entertainment/sport, not the normal functioning of the country.
  22. I’ll still refer you back to my entitlement comment. The games haven’t been cancelled, they’ve been postponed, so they’ll make their money then. The ones I genuinely sympathise with are events which have been cancelled completely, as they won’t get a chance to make their money later. It’s a real shame, but the decisions are left to the organisers. Whether you agree with the Royals or not, this is a massive event in the country’s history and not just a triviality.
  23. Rather than calling it mourning, I’d call it a mark of respect. Is missing 22 people kicking a bag of wind around a football field that big a deal really??
  24. Some of the reactions on here from posters I’ve previously always respected is frankly shocking and really saddens me. Absolutely typifies the sense of entitlement these days. We have just lost the country’s figurehead who has gained worldeide respect and given over 70 years of dedicated service to her country and citizens and all they can bleat about is having a game of football delayed. Heaven help us if we ever had to face a war again, because we’d be ****** with this bunch of whingers!!!
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