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Carey 6

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Everything posted by Carey 6

  1. Maguire is good for England. Not bothered about a few players club form when they consistently do it for England. For years we had players at club level struggle for the international side. A lot of people didn’t want Sterling or Pickford anywhere near the side last summer. Two of our better players! That said, Webster should be given a chance, I think he’d be perfect for Southgate in a back 3.
  2. Other than 18/19 which seems to be the odd season out statistic wise (even that’s not great) he’s been pretty poor let’s be honest. Could probably sign two players with his wages in the summer & they’ll be equally as effective if given the same minutes.
  3. Perhaps those of you who want the full 90s uploaded should reply to this. I’ve just saw @Harry has already requested it. But more people requesting it can only help.
  4. If you're using chrome, go to settings - security & privacy - site settings - turn off javascript. It will allow you to see the article. Works on many websites, not the Athletic though!
  5. Bryan was a big part of the double winning side, most of that team will always have my respect. Cunningham can get f***** Reid had one good season then left & went to our rivals at the end of it, not really arsed about him too much. Didn't boo him last time he played at the gate though, but won't cry because people did either. Albert got booed when he came over to take a corner the other week, I know everyone that does get's the same regardless, but I didn't take part in that one. Probably in my top 3 favourite City players OAT.
  6. You’re not missing much these past couple of years mate.
  7. I think Bentley will be back in goal next weekend, if Max was going to remain as the starting Keeper, Bentley would’ve played yesterday.
  8. Just a societal problem. Not one exclusive to football. High proportion of people will be on it at the Boxing/Horse Racing/Darts.
  9. Anyone know why staff costs rose by nearly £1m in one year? Surely can’t be player wages, you’d have thought that would’ve come down. ignore this - (Should’ve waited til I got to page 33 on the accounts)
  10. Who’s the Bristol City fan that just text into TMS then. On here? Haha. Class if these two manage to take us into the final session, may just have a chance.
  11. Hope he gets released at the end of the season.
  12. You'd imagine a lot of coaches tend to base their coaching style on the managers they've previously played under. LJ played a lot of his career under his old man. Another who seemed to fall out with quite a few players. Wouldn't surprise me if he tries to use a few of the old GJ 'hand grenades'. Not sure how effective they are on players nowadays though, we always hear about how many now prefer the arm around the shoulder type management.
  13. I was at Brentford away a few years ago, I believe it was Wade Elliots debut - He was terrible as were most of the rest. The City squad that day got absolute pelters as they headed down the tunnel which was right next to their old away end. Marvin Elliott was the only man clapped off the pitch.
  14. Wonder what would happen when two people with double barrelled surnames get married? also, I’ve just gone back through 4 years worth of pictures on my Twitter for this post from the Leicester forum Bet he wished he used a different player as his example now! ?
  15. Had a quick look at their forum & Appleton is being linked (shock) Also, are they already fed up with the Ashton soundbites? https://www.twtd.co.uk/forum/524374/so-whats-the-content-of-ashtons-update-today-going-to-be/#36
  16. Carey 6


    Never thought he was as good as Fielding, managed to actually have a worse distribution accuracy than FF as well. Celebrated more when we scored though so fans preferred him.
  17. Carey 6


    Yeah I mean it could be for anything but definitely some reason for them being there today, which I guess can’t be normal for the Monday after a game on an international break. Imagine if it’s for something completely non important ?
  18. Carey 6


    In a direct message to a friend.
  19. Carey 6


    Press are definitely at the gate this afternoon. Confirmed by Gregor. God knows what it's for though. But at least part of the story is confirmed.
  20. How does it look after both were in charge after pre season etc? I ignore Pearson’s record completely from last season cause in my opinion he was shafted with the injuries & contract situation of many.
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