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Steve Watts

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Everything posted by Steve Watts

  1. Was having a browse last night and quite a few were moaning about the - and I quote - "farmers field of a pitch"!!! Am I missing something or were they watching the wrong match by mistake? That pitch is perfect! Which is quite an achievement considering the hammering it takes!
  2. Red cards are the only suspensions that cross competition. Yellow cards are fine. That's why Pring missed the WBA match - he got booked in both the Swansea matches. Fair play to Silva though. I expected him to throw himself to the floor clutching his face when Williams pushed him in the chest. As he didn't it just ended in handbags really. Thought both managers were right to take them both out of the game at that point though. Would've been a real blow to have seen a red card in the match, although arguably Foden could easily have seen red. He only set out to scythe Sykes(?) down - there was no intention to win the ball, he was just angry and the red mist descended.
  3. Kalas and Cam Pring both excellent tonight I thought. Both had by far and away their best performances ever imho. But like others have said you could pick many names out and make a good arguement for them. Scott I think confirmed what most of us already suspected and can easily slot in against world class players and not look out of place.
  4. He did make a few errors, but I felt for him at times. Some of the possession he lost was down to absolutely no outlet for him at all. The run into midfield immediately comes to mind. He only go so far because no-one peeled into space to receive a pass. That tonight goes down as his poorest display of the season is a testament to just how well he's done.
  5. This is city... You just know it will be! ? Well the foil flags which looked naff in the stadium on their own but pretty special on the TV worked well but from what's been said it'll be red and white scarves intended to be whirled around our heads for the visuals.
  6. Free scarves tomorrow as well apparently... Apologies if I've missed this being mentioned. Though that does come from CTID on Facebook, so massive pinch of salt!
  7. Have you actually watched us over those 469 days? I think the start at one point was that we'd had most touches inside the opponents area outside the top three?
  8. My bad, sorry Dave. And yes, I completely agree about that Swansea match. @sinenomine have often labelled that match as his Louis Carey moment where he stopped needing the safety net of experience next to him when Shaun Taylor got injured.
  9. I would also include Tommy and, to a lesser extent, Sammy in the surprise packages as well. Tommy in particular has looked like he's been playing first team football for years as opposed to just being a hot prospect.
  10. Oh, don't get me wrong I don't think Bajic will be ready to compete properly yet, but unless we decide against Haikin I'm not sure that GK is the most pressing area to strengthen. I certainly don't see us bringing in a first team standard keeper who is going to be happy to sit on the bench hoping Max's form nose-dives.
  11. Such a bitch! Please enlighten me as to where I was mistaken in my analysis!
  12. I think that's a little harsh. No-one would have been touting him of POTY, but I do think he's played well right from the start and just continued to get better. There have been no real pre-22/23 style errors from him so I think in terms of consistency and progression he's had a good season as a whole rather than just a good middle third. Consider also that he's had ever changing partners at the back there and it's not phased him in any way. I also agree that Wells is high up on the list as well. This season has seen a lot of surprise packages/character redemption arcs really!
  13. Presuming this is one of the prize draws? With their pricing strategy you never can tell!
  14. I like Max. I think he commands his area a lot better than Bents did and also a lot better than he himself did earlier in the season so there are signs that he's progressing and therefore presume there is more to come from him. His distribution however does seem as though it's straight out of the Frank Fielding School of Goalkeeping Distribution! I don't think we'll venture into the market for a keeper in the summer as things stand. We have Haikin and big things are expected of Bajic also, so I would be surprised - especially given this move - if we are looking to increase the pool of first team squad keepers to 4.
  15. Get a membership and buy the tickets for each match individually I would. Get tickets as close to S18 as possible. There'll be two seats together somewhere near for you to sit in together I'm sure.
  16. I liked the look of him as soon as he signed, but I'll fully admit to thinking that he was done after his injury last season. Really looked as though his legs had gone when he returned. Delighted that he's managed to regain full fitness as he's a massive player for us right now.
  17. Mehmeti again yesterday left me scratching my head at how he stayed at Wycombe for so long without getting a bigger move! What a player we have there. And we got him cheap....? He'll need to work on the defensive side of the game a little, but he reminds me of Mark Gavin going forward. Gonna be an "edge of the seat" player for sure.
  18. Zak for me. Scott will take young player. The reason Zak gets it over Alex, in my opinion, is that everyone already knew what a special talent Alex was. He's just continued to show it. Whereas Zak was on his way out of the club and there wouldn't have been a tear shed from anyone had he gone last summer. The turnaround from him has been absolutely massive and it's that that means he deserves the award. As for TK, would love to see him sign a deal like Nakhi has. He said when he signed for us that it finally felt like he'd found a home here, so the chances are that he'd be open to it I think.
  19. I was convinced of this too so looked it up yesterday. Hull were top 10. I think they may have dropped off a little asked then came back massively. Palace went from 19th to winning the play offs in the early 2000's though. As for safety I think it'll take more than 47 to be safe. The league is still really tight. Defeat yesterday would've had us closer to the drop than the play offs. Had we lost and Huddersfield won we'd have been 7 points of the relegation zone. A bad run of form could easily see us dragged back into it. My gut says another 9 points should do it and the way we're playing suggests we should hit that easily.
  20. I thought both were outstanding. I did concede though that Williams is this teams Marlon Pack... He's the best passer of the ball in the team. Whilst also being the worst passer of the ball in the team!
  21. Blimey! The meltdown that's about to happen for moving away from red and white........!
  22. Well lets hope he gets injured and the 4th official has to take his place......oh, wait......that'd be Linington.... As you were everybody!
  23. Off they can ****....no having those bastards stinking out my town! You forget the 150,000 locked out of Wembley when they were trying to get promoted to a Professional level.....
  24. I prefer my "divisible by 11" version of events personally!
  25. "Pricing" is very skewed though still. £12 pair of socks - 180pts (15pts/£). £65 hoodie - 250pts....(3.85pts/£).
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