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Galley is our king

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Everything posted by Galley is our king

  1. Absolutely this, he constantly called Pearson "football royalty" Like writing your own P45...
  2. Probably play him in a 11 v 11 game at the hpc and get him injured again just like Atkinson....
  3. Can I have a pint of whatever your drinking please????
  4. Supposed to be guest speaker at Senior Reds on Thursday... Now, as his Dad would tell him that's a tough gig at the best of times.... Will see if he bottles it....
  5. You ******* ****! Piss off back to Bristol Sport...
  6. Well whoever it was I doubt he works for Bristol ******* Sport....
  7. As supporters we should be holding those who took the decision to sack Pearson by lying to book. Just rolling over and having ones tummy tickled is bollocks! The old east end would have let em know for sure. Proven liars who do not deserve support from us and will not get another penny from me. 62 years and DONE...
  8. Why? Just because you're happy to put up with complete bull shit and LIES from the hierarchy of our club? Deliberate lies said to get Pearson sacked. JL and BT should hang their heads in shame. If you don't care that these shocking ******* people are now in charge of our club..... THEN I DO!!!!!!
  9. It's not so much Manning being in, it's all about Pearson being out! I said in a previous post I actually felt sorry for Manning due to the lies and ridiculous comments by JL and BT. You know, squad capable of a top end finish, disappointing results etc. We were 11th and 4 points off the playoffs with 2 very winnable games next. I feel sorry for you not seeing the bull shit your being fed. We will just have to agree to disagree....
  10. Thanks Dave and sorry but like I said I was unsure. So we were 11th after Sheffield Wednesday. Do you think that supporters will be happy with a tenth place finish as @Numero Uno stated? What happened to all the " top end of the table" talk?
  11. If we are on for a TENTH placed finish? You do realise, according to @Kid in the Riot we were EIGHTH When Nige was sacked? I didn't take much notice as I was so ******* pissed off with the decision. The last game I saw was home to Ipswich. We were bloody unlucky to lose. Poor goalkeeping by Max and a very unlucky shot onto post only for the ball to run along the line. There was real fight in that team who did unbelievably well considering getting on for 10 or so regulars were out injured. Also, JL and BT...... Not ONE of those players looked UNCONDITIONED!!!!! They finished the stronger team. Another lie, another bollocks of an excuse! TENTH? LMFAO
  12. Absolute rubbish! 62 years man and boy supporting this club and I won't renew. You carry on keeping in place a lying hierarchy if you wish but I've had it with crayon boy and our ex failed manager. We had Gould and Pearson, then Phil Alexander and Pearson. If you honestly think Manning and Tinnion is better than either of those then I feel sorry for you. The club hierarchy and the supporters are further apart than ever with the powers that be taking no notice of us. Why? Because they don't give a shit!!! Interesting poll about season ticket renewals. Only 41% say they will definitely renew. That's an incredibly low number.
  13. Looks more like a brick shit house than a full back. Looking forward to seeing him play...
  14. Thinking about the children's comment, have you seen our back four during the pre match warm up? They are together, 4 abreast, in order.... Tanner....Dickie.....Vyner......Pring They move up and down together moving the ball between them and the coach. I did laugh to myself as it reminded me of the scene in "the full monty" where they understand a dance routine by copying the Arsenal off side trap.
  15. I think the OP is correct in what he's saying especially with the younger players, those Pearson trained, coached, motivated and eventually selected. Those players especially believed in him and those other senior pros at the club. Those relationships weaken at a time of change and younger players can easily lose their way in bit and unfortunately, confidence goes to. Players like Vyner and Pring were dropped for a while as they were obviously under performing in Pearsons eyes. They came back though, clear in what was expected, much more confident and much improved. Both players were obviously so upset about being dropped they both signed new contracts!! I feel for Manning. He was bought in to get us higher up the league as we had a squad capable of playing at the top end of the table. What does top end mean though? Statistics normally show... The lower quartile The lower to mid quartile The mid to upper quartile And the upper quartile. Given the league has 24 teams each quartile has 6. So top end MUST mean TOP 6! What a ridiculous task to give the poor bloke who's never managed at this level before. There was no money to spend after Scott was sold and Pearson had apparently maxed out the wage budget. If suddenly now money is found and the wage budget increased that will just go show JL aided and abetted by BT deliberately set out to weaken the club's playing staff and should be bloody ashamed. We as supporters, 62 years for me, were simply LIED to. There was not one reason given to sack Pearson just some trumped up pathetic excuses. Unfortunately for Manning, that list of excuses and aspersions set has made his task virtually impossible. And finally no, I and others will not stop pointing out lies and hypocrisy!!!
  16. Yes at the top of our budget... Well that was the budget for Pearson, you watch that budget suddenly increase and when it does the hypocrisy will be there for ALL to see.....
  17. Galley is our king


    Apologies if I'm wrong but I think the first time THIS SEASON JL spoke was informing us that Nige had been sacked. Information full of LIES by the way. That decision looks like it's going to really bite him, and BT, fully in the ass. Top 6? Don't make me ******* laugh....
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