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Galley is our king

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Everything posted by Galley is our king

  1. Oh I do apologise, I never knew you were around 12 years old. I mean no one older would post that would they?
  2. Sorry Doctor.... Be more positive... mmmm Oh yes... I'm absolutely positive you are a ****!! That good enough for you?
  3. This.. The more I read the more depressing the whole situation is and the ridiculous decision to sack Nige becomes more and more ******* stupid! Anyone like this and the owner (who I have fully supported, and thanked him to his face) deserves all the stick coming his way.
  4. Oh no! Don't say Ian's actually got the job after all this time...
  5. Oh Pete, you really had me going there, thought you'd cracked it! I read it over and over again until it suddenly dawned on me.... At that time they would have still been serving breakfast.... Also it's the Marriott Royal, not the Royal Marriott... Sorry mate, great try. Mind you, with the quality of people currently running the club maybe the pictures of Frank eating Sunday lunch were taken LAST WEEK... Now there's a thought....
  6. What a man! Bloody disgusting this has happened at all. Non football people meddling because they can. Have him back in a heart beat.
  7. I'm Changing and NOT buying anything at the ground. I'm hoping for some pro Pearson chanting and will be disappointed if it doesn't happen. What I'm not Changing is my total and vocal support for the team. COYR.
  8. It's people who have posted more than 24 times..... When's pay day?
  9. Hang on, you asked me why? Chapter and verse mate..... Can't help if you don't like it, blame the government......
  10. From GOV.UK Dismissing staff Dismissals due to illness Considering dismissing an employee Dismissal is a last resort.... I repeat... DISMISSAL IS A LAST RESORT.... Dismisal is a last resort and you should consider as many ways as possible to help your employee including: * Getting a medical report from their GP with the employees permission. * Arranging a occupational health assessment. * Make any reasonable adjustments to help them do their jobs. I repeat ANY REASONABLE ADJUSTMENTS. Now, who on here thinks ANY of the above were carried out? The complete pillocks that now run our football club have, IMHO, left themselves open to a strong case for illegal dismisal. It's also a terrible example for the club to set isn't it?
  11. Totally agree and also possibly ILLEGAL......
  12. Which makes their decision even more ******* diabolical!!! Shame on them...
  13. I really hope you are being paid well for posting this shit.... Because you are beginning to look a bit of a ****t...
  14. "You struggled to see under Pearson"? ******* idiot!!
  15. So.... Tinns and JL both listed what's required.... front foot, pace, attack minded etc. But failed to mention the man who instigated all the above, recruited for all of the above, trained not only the first team but all teams for all of the above..... What a right ******* balls up!!!!!
  16. I voted reinstate Nige but it was nothing to do with my head ( because it's not going to happen), but everything to do with my heart..
  17. I can see a similar situation to the Wayne Rooney and Birmingham debacle.
  18. So you joined 17 MINUTES AGO!!!! Sod off sunshine...
  19. Well in cold light of a new day.... I'm still ******* FUMING!! Over 60 years man and boy and I can't remember any time when I was more disillusioned, felt let down, and just plain bloody ANGRY!!!!! IS THAT BALANCED ENOUGH FOR YOU...
  20. They won't care, not costing them a penny!! A protest won't make any difference either but might make me feel better!!!
  21. But if you are a season ticket holder they already have your bloody money! GO AND PROTEST!!!!
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