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Galley is our king

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Everything posted by Galley is our king

  1. I understand your point Dave but the same can be said for all teams. Would Fulham and Bournemouth be where they are without Mitrivic or Solanke? Note to self- check spelling before posting ??
  2. Yes but they were deducted for a reason, over spending. Their squads would be poorer had they not overspent and they may well have been in a worse position than they are now. Purely conjecture I know.
  3. There are lies, damn lies and statistics! A well known saying which means you can get anything to mean anything you want depending on what outcome your agenda warrants. Do you work for Putin?
  4. Not trying to be pedantic or anything but that's how relegation works every season. Only the bottom 3 get relegated as they are the worst. We have a very good points difference between us and the bottom 3 and have had that gap throughout the season. We have never really been in danger of going down have we? Now, how many of us would have taken that back in August?
  5. But with a much better squad than us surely? They were talked about as playoff contenders at the start of the season, we were talked about relegation candidates. We are not going down and haven’t been for some time. Do you think QPR fans are happy with 10th?
  6. So you want someone who's about to get the sack?
  7. FWIW having just renewed my season ticket, I for one will be very pissed off if NP ISN'T here. I think without him Saturdays game would have nothing else on it except who finishes bottom, us or Peterborough!
  8. Another question- Just how long has this bloody thread got left?
  9. Possibly 2 actually. Weimann fouled followed up by a definite handball.
  10. Can you imagine that? Would have cost a fortune in string and broken door handles......
  11. If he gets off because his wife says now (after all this time and the body cam footage) that was a mistake and it didn't happen that way then I feel sorry for EVERY woman in the future who will be bullied to do the same. Ludicrous to even discuss it.
  12. One dimensional? Sums you up! We may actually have gone up automatically that year if LJ hadn't been injured. Did you go to Wembley for the game or decide to stay home because you were so bored? Oh but of course you did, silly me, no doubt driving a minibus full of City fans eh?
  13. Was talking at the senior reds lunch today, recounted having the then Man U manager Tommy Doc up against the wall because he said something Dicks didn't like Legend....
  14. I think they have a bloody nerve TBH.
  15. After the second time of asking the ref should have booked him, arrogant piece of shit. The young Liverpool goalkeeper on the other hand showed so much more respect and delivered! Good ending to a really good 0 - 0 draw.
  16. But we WON ALL three games against them though eh?
  17. We have improved IMHO. the current form table shows us in 18th place, 7 points from 6 games. 2 extra points would see us on 9 points and in 11/12 place. Over the last 6 games we have lost points in the dying seconds due to wrong decision making ( Pring at Preston for example). With a fair wind and a bit of luck we would be higher.
  18. God no, not this again! I mean why? Why on earth would we even consider this?
  19. Well in my view, the jury has retired and delivered a very positive verdict!
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