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Everything posted by ralphindevon

  1. Agree, I was at QPR and don’t subscribe to the daylight robbery comments. Yes they were the better side but at no point during that game did I think we were going to get thumped, with an inform keeper doing his job they didn’t have players good enough to score more than once. And throughout the game I thought we could nick a winner because we did have strikers good enough. That’s what happened.
  2. Has anywhere changed as much, as far as pubs and bars, as Whiteladies Rd has over the years.? When I first moved to Redland in the early 90’s there were a couple good pubs and a couple townie pubs and a few eateries. Within a year the place had gone nuts and was now jam packed with new bars and restaurants, there seemed to be hundreds. It was a great place to go, especially on a Friday night straight from work. When I returned a few years ago to have a look around they’d nearly all gone again and there seemed to be more take always than bars. Even some of the older genuine pubs like the Blackboy Inn at the top of Whiteladies have gone. (Hope the racist filter doesn’t remove that last sentence)
  3. And Luton beat Coventry 5-0 on Wednesday. The championship is out championship-ing itself this season
  4. So, we’ve had goals from Thompson og, Atkinson, Williams and Tanner, 2-4 up then?
  5. Oh no, not another 59 posts saying - Imagine my shock, predictable……….
  6. He did it at Wolves a few years ago, very open and interesting it was too. I remember thinking fair play to him coming into a back street Spoons in the not very glamorous surroundings of Wolverhampton. I’m not sure I’d have done that if I was worth what he is.
  7. Sir Alex Ferguson’s words not mine, I loved him.
  8. Think Ralph Milne officially holds that title
  9. Oh ok, I’ll look out for that. Cheers
  10. While we’re talking about pubs, does anyone know if any still sell Thatchers Dry? It seems to have disappeared from the stadium completely now so I wonder if it’s gone forever everywhere. Im not the only one who found it the ideal daytime cider, nice and dry, easy drinking, not too strong, very refreshing.
  11. As I said earlier in this thread, when I’m at cricket if the red ball is truck hard, especially early season when the grass is a deep green colour, I find it hard to follow. Im not sure I used to have this problem though, so perhaps it’s just me getting older.
  12. It’s happened 2 or 3 times this year, not sure if the rules have changed
  13. Anyone know if Valencia are in their new ground yet? I really enjoyed going to the old one, more lung busting getting to the top tier than Newcastle. We stayed near the new ground, about 8 years ago, it looked close to being finished but apparently work had stopped because of money issues. I must admit it already looked a bit dated compared to modern stadiums so I’m not sure why they were bothering.
  14. I’ve got Sky Q and last nights match was one of the worse quality pictures yet, after 10 minutes I wish I’d paid for Robins tv it was that bad. Added to the above the fact they both played in white shorts and I have mild colour blindness it wasn’t the greatest viewing experience ever.
  15. Another 5 years without improvement and I’ll start to think it’s time to move him on.
  16. Those old enough may remember Mark Gavin really struggled when he first came to us, he got loads of stick until one day, away to Birmingham, he was like a born again footballer, tearing the Birmingham defence to shreds. All of a sudden the crowd got behind him and he was a different player. This is what I always hope will happen to CoD, I keep giving him extra chances because of injuries but one day maybe we’ll see that Norwich away goal form on a regular basis. Maybe.
  17. Let’s hope Martin finds some petrol soon and when he does it’s the high octane stuff.
  18. As long as we keep improving, which we should as long as we don’t go down the getting loads of injuries road, then things are much better than I expected. Last nights forced substitutions plus HNM injured showed the squad is a bit fragile, so as with every club, a bit of luck needed but it’s such a tight league anything is still possible
  19. The team that’s finished this game isn’t one you want to see representing us too often
  20. The forced substitutions haven’t helped us at all. A real good spell after half time but the team on the pitch at the moment struggling. Still there for the taking though
  21. Wells was on the bench but then O’Dowda replaced him apparently
  22. That must be the first time this half they’ve been in our half
  23. I was more than a bit scared to look at Cooper and Rooney…….and neither disappointed
  24. Plus, Rovers managers never escaped being in a song, I’ve a funny feeling if we were in the same league, the current manager might have a song or 3 about him…….and I know nothing about his mother
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