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Posts posted by Red-Robbo

  1. Political 'Left' and 'Right' is a product of a BBC political news and views film set and their 'swing- o-meter' - although they'd argue that it's to do with Revolutionary France. Strictly speaking 'Left' is 'collectivism' and 'Right' is 'individualism'. Former EU Fuhrer Herr Adolf Hitler is 'left wing' for this reason.



    You can be from the authoritarian right, or indeed, the countercultural left.  Hitler was an extreme version of the former. It's worth noting the Nazis purged the "Strasserite" more socialist elements of the party in 1933.


    This is what Joseph Bendersky says about them:  The Nazis claimed that communism was dangerous to the well-being of nations because of its intention to dissolve private property,  its support of  class war, its aggression against the middle class,  its hostility towards small businessmen, and its atheism. Nazism rejected class-based socialism and economic egalatarianism, instead favouring a stratified economy with social classes based on merit and talent, retaining private property and the creation of national solidarity that transcends class distinctions. 

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  2. No mention there of the BBC golden boy - Tony Blair - the current Middle East 'peace envoy' that advocates war with various Middle Eastern states that don't fit with his agenda. The BBC were advocating war with President Assad's Syria - a bit of disappointment at BBC Broadcasting House that Britain didn't get involved.



    Curse that al-Qaeda stooge, Lord Hall of Birkenhead.


    Can't trust they grammar school kids, eh RG?

  3. Alex Jones seems pretty mainstream to me unlike our crank traitor Lib-Lab-Con politicians and business leaders that have sold us out to the EU project. Herr Adolf Hitler could have taken this country without a shot being fired if our current traitor politicians and business leaders had been around in 1939. Adolf could have offered them a few million Reichmarks bribe and a little trade deal with his Turd Reich and those present day Lib-Lab-Con traitors would have duly signed on the dotted line.



    This lot would have!




    There was an interesting documentary about this on licence-fee funded Channel 4 recently. Did you see it Churchill And The Fascist Plot it was called.



    Very interesting programme about a part of British history that's often unreported. You might still be able to watch it on 4od.

  4. I prefer Paul Nuttall over Nigel, he's a much better speaker and gets to the nitty gritty better he's held his own vs the big 2 many times.  I'll vote for UKIP in the EU elections but not general they are still fleshing out what they stand for, at the moment I'm a floater all I know is I wont be voting for Labour.



    I thought you were a Hamas man, D?  ;)

  5. Yes - but you did, and now work for a BBC affiliated radio station I believe.


    Tongue up arse?



    I run a consulting company, Grassy. Radio 4 - via BBC Worldwide, the commercial, non-taxpayer funded organisation - contracted my firm to do some work on a project which started in late January and comes to an end in a fortnight. I went to New Broadcasting House a few times in January to set things up and have had one of my coders working on the project - and being driven mad by the bureaucracy!  Prior to that I was in a protracted commercial dispute with the Beeb over work I'd done for them in 2011/12. 


    I hold no brief for the BBC or any of the other clients I work for [i'm currently doing stuff for the Financial Times Group] and indeed, contact with some of the suits in the BBC corporate strata confirms my belief that it is a top-heavy and inefficient organisation.


    Bollock dropped, SX?


    It's amazing the amount of gnashing of teeth that has come from me writing that a Tory friend of mine thinks Nigel Farage is a Little Englander. One might think he'd articulated an unspeakable truth.

  6. I'm not a voter Bill. I just know that UKIP have said numerous times that they aren't against immigration, they are against the open door immigration that the usual shower of shite we have as parties are all for. Farage has said we'll take your skilled workers if we need them, that's completely different from what the BBC man keeps harping on about. Like I say, it's fingers in ears and lalalalalala.

    Which BBC man Screech. Do tell?

    Of course if you mean me - someone who doesn't work for the BBC as you'd have seen had you read various posts pointing this out - you would seem to have misread what I wrote.

    I reported what a friend (who is also not a BBC man) said about Mr F's surname.

    I've not posted on this thread about Skip policies and had you read anything by me on the subject you'd know that I don't approve of an open Door immigration policy either.

    Fingers in ears or hands over eyes?

  7. No, I'm a Johnny no-mates Robbo, I can't even make friends on this board. No-one will miss me when I'm gone.

    Anyway tell your 'friend' that he shouldn't refer to Nigel as a 'Little Englander', he's anything but.

    Andy Parsons tells that joke about the pronunciation of 'Farage' on his latest tour..very funny it was too, the way he told it. No mention though of the French pronunciation being a class thing, that probably goes back to the time of William the Conqueror.

    I'll miss you, me babber. Don't agree on much, but at least it's a polite, informed and occasionally jocular banter with you!

    The Farage's came over here (stealing our jobs!) in the 18th century not the Norman Conquest, Marshy. Or so that Daily Mail link I posted suggests...

  8. 'A friend of mine eh?' I hardly think that Farage would describe himself as a 'Little Englander'. Just the opposite in fact.Trade with the whole world Robbo..global you know. Still if Clegg and his ilk keep repeating it I suppose the uninitiated will eventually believe it...keep throwing mud and some will stick and it's votes that count, the truth is irrelevant.


    Yes mate. I don't know about you, but I do have friends and this one made that observation on the pronounciation of Nige's surname.  I'm not sure what that has to do with the BBC, Nick Clegg, or indeed the price of eggs, but there you go.


    Someone else's opinion on NF and the observation that Farridge would be a more Anglicised way of referring to himself. I think it's probably a class thing to go with the original, French pronounciation.


    You Ukip chaps seem a bit touchy about any inferred criticism of your hero.  ;)

  9. I can better that, I've got a German ancestor that was an officer in the doomed King Louis XVI's army that fought in America on the side of the American Colonists. He was a German on the winning side over there !!!!!! Luckily for him he was wounded in the chest by a British Army bullet so he retired from the French Army and he settled in Philadelphia. Had he not been wounded he would have most likely ended up dying fighting for his King in France or he could have been captured and guillotined by French revolutionaries.



    What we need to know is "Was he in Common Purpose"?

  10. Surely the BBC EU propaganda news and views unit - as known EU 4th Reichers - should broadcast under the name of "Die Deutsche Wochenschau" ????!!! "Deutsche Wochenschau No. 594 1942" is about the Crimea - an area contested hotly by Chancellor Hitler's EU in 1942 just as it's now contested by Chancellor Merkel's EU in 2014......




    Why is my post anything to do with the BBC? I gave the opinion of a guy I know from the pub who is a retired publisher, living off his family's money and although he doesn't vote, expresses the sort of kneejerk Tory views often espoused here.


    Anyway, Gobbers I'd knock off the continual WWII references. You might upset Nigel's wife. And as for his great-grandad...




  11. Just goes to show how little you know about UKIP Robbo. UKIP aren't against immigration, they are against mass immigration.

    You're the typical stick his fingers in his ears and shout lalalala when it comes to UKIP. No wonder you worked for the BBC.



    How does a guy I know's opinion on how Farage should pronounce his name have anything to do with the finer points of Ukip policy? 


    And why has the f-ing BBC have to be trotted out in every bloody thread?


    Can I once again point out that I work for Red Robbo Global Enterprises and have done for many years. Right now, I'm working to set up a project for a magazine that circulates to extremely wealthy private investors. "Non-lefty" enough for you?

  12. To be fair to Ferauge (as we now know him to be called), he's married to a German so I don't think he'll be too concerned to find out he's pure- blooded European, though perhaps it could be pointed out to him that without prior liberal immigration policies he'd be speaking Flemish in a "non-country"

    I'm playing five-a-side tomorrow evening so I'll not watch it, but from the trailer it looks like an hour of another privileged, wealthy, middle-aged man from the southeast trying to convince everyone that he's in touch with the common man



    A friend of mine opines that surely as a keen Little Englander he should pronounce his own name Farr-adge  (to rhyme with Garage) rather than the French Fa-raj.


    It's all a mystery...

  13. Big Nige has his own documentary on Channel 4 tomorrow night for those who enjoy that sort of thing



    I wonder if it'll touch on these facts - both of which might be a crushing blow for RG...





  14. You correctly assume that, like yourself, I'm no expert on Ukrainian politics. However, from what little I do know I would sincerely hope that they don't give Timoshenko another shot at it as there seem to be huge question marks over her record.

    With regard to the gas question I was simply making the point that a doubling of the price of gas on May1st for domestic consumers, industrial only 40% apparently and slightly later, as one of the measures demanded by the IMF/EU in return for the guarantee of the loan could have some very ugly consequences. Surely they will have to tone down that demand?

    A trade war would be a disaster and could lead to something even worse. As you know I am strongly in favour of the principle of self-determination. The 'West' needs to accept the fact that the Crimean people have had their say and that it's time to move on.

    A sensibly argued post.

    I think ultimately diplomacy might come to a conclusion about Crimea whereby it becomes a Russian oblast but special rights and guarantees are offered to the non-Russian inhabitants. The 40% who almost certainly didn't vote in the joke "referendum".

    I thought I've read that Tymoshenko had ruled out running again, but you cannot always believe what politicians say I suppose!

  15. ....indeed, let's hear the unbiased facts about Britain's EU membership from the publicly funded broadcaster that is the BBC. More chance of watching pigs fly !!!!!! :shifty:



    Right now Auntie Beeb isn't in my good books as it is nearly giving one of my staff a breakdown with incessant faffing and bureaucracy, but for what it's worth, here's what that famously left-wing cultural Marxist magazine The Spectator had to say about bias recently. 



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  16. ......ridiculous and yours seems typical of the continuing BBC elitist view on Britain's continuing EU membership. The last referendum on Britain's EU membership was 39 years ago and there's also been articles published to say that the vote was fiddled to keep us in the then EEC. Let's have a free and fair referendum and let the people decide.



    I don't have a view.  And what does the BBC have to do with it? And every f-ing thing you post here, for that matter.


    I didn't watch the debate as I was doing something more pleasurable at the time, but I read SX225's opinion of it and he seems to think neither man landed a decisive oratorical blow. YouGov gave Nige a victory, but I suspect that is because the cause he espouses is electorally popular, rather than as an assessment of how powerful his debating style was.


    TBH I'd rather read unbiased facts about the EU and make my mind up than listen to head-to-head debates like last night's. Politicos in debate shows are all about style over substance.

  17. I wasn't old enough to vote in the EU referendum in 1975 nor was about 70% of the current electorate. I notice that the sanctimonious BBC EU loving prat Jeremy Paxman was taking the piss out of Nigel Farage on BBC Newsnight. Yet another example of the lack of impartiality from the BBC EU propaganda news and views agency. ;)


    That's how referendums work, matey. You don't have new votes every year to allow for the fact that a new crop of 18 year olds have become available!  Of course, you could well argue that once Maastricht Treaty was signed, we should've had a follow up as a different framework was being constructed - but that doesn't mean there was no mandate. One had quite clearly been won. 


    I'm not sure what Paxo's views on the EU are - and neither are you. He published a book on Englishness, didn't he - that should appeal to you.


    Still, if you will slavishly follow a "public school toff" with a French surname, who spent his working life representing French and American firms and then married a German and started to work in Belgium, you probably aren't very impartial...

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  18. I'm no lover of the Lib-Dum EU scum but at least their leader - Nick Smegg - turned up for the debate on Britain's EU membership. Cowards David Camoron and Ed Milipede were no where to be seen. A bit of a nervy performance from Nigel Fartage - I'm more used to seeing him ripping into the various unelected EU despots (Barosso, Van Rumpuy, Catherine Ashton etc) in the vipers' nest of the EU Parliament. Nigel Fartage says EU has "blood on its hands" over Ukraine - I'd agree with that and it's quite obvious to me that the EU is wanting to advance its borders toward Russia - just as previous EU leaders Napoleon, Kaiser Wilhelm and Herr Hitler did.


    I'm in favour of Britain's immediate withdrawal from the EU and criminal prosecutions brought against all our traitor Lib-Lab-Con politicians and business leaders that have signed us up to the EU with absolutely no democratic mandate to do so from the British people. They should bear in mind that the punishment for this type of treason was the death penalty by beheading.



    Other than that referendum in 1974 you mean, Gobbers.

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