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Kid in the Riot

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Posts posted by Kid in the Riot

  1. 4 hours ago, glastored said:

    I wonder if the same fate awaits them as happened to Rangers?

    That feels like a reasonable punishment. Should they face a punishment that relegates them from the Prem then the EFL don't have to accept them. 

    3 hours ago, Maltshoveller said:

    For me if a club can afford to spend money let them

    Fine to have that opinion.

    However Man City agreed with the rules, voted for them, and then broke them continuously. 

    That's deceitful and destroys the integrity and fairness of the game. 

  2. 18 minutes ago, GrahamC said:


    Not sure there’s a cigarette paper between them.

    Their money effectively came from Putin.

    In terms of where the money came from, yes. And to be fair Chelsea were (eventually) sanctioned for that. 

    Regards breaking financial rules though, City have (allegedly) taken it to another level. 

    • Like 2
  3. 58 minutes ago, Leveller said:

    Their forum is astonishing. A majority seem to think the club is rotten to the core and that the owners, manager and squad all need to go!

    I'd be surprised if they want the owners to go, given the history.

    But not surprised by the other two given they had the title sown up by January and are now on a horrendous run, fuelled in part by an alleged falling out between players and head coach.

    Plus, all season fans haven't been enamored with the style of play. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, transfer reader said:

    Probably going to go to Willand away on Monday now, because I spoke to Lashenko and he's happy for a minibus to be put on. (I don't drive)


    This season has a very similar feeling to 2 years ago when Farm made the playoffs with the 1 exception of this season being entirely in our hands, whereas 2 years ago it took a run of something stupid like 19 wins and 3 draws from 22 to sneak in the playoffs.

    But the similarities are so much that it looks like Frome away will be the semi final, just like in 2021-22

    I'll be coming back from south Cornwall Monday so tempted with Willand. 

    Still a way to go I think before they can start talking about the play offs.

  5. 40 minutes ago, transfer reader said:

    2-0 win for Farm. Big result and leaves them 4th for the time being.

    Screenshot_20240330_190807_Samsung Internet.jpg

    Horrible fans Evesham so very happy BMF won. An Evesham fan attacked BMF players a couple of years ago. Players responded and had to do police interviews. Ridiculous. 

    30 minutes ago, Lanterne Rouge said:

    I never appreciated how much travelling there was in that league. It`s obviously skewed by Mousehole being there but still Bideford to Malvern is a fair old hike!

    The FA are throwing a load of money at the Cornish teams to "level up". They want a Cornish team in the National League. But Mousehole are big beneficiaries, getting loads of money thrown at them. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 2 hours ago, petehinton said:

    There’s gonna be a lot of dual-regs going on all over the place now. With the amount of games that’s needed to be made up between now & end of season, clubs are gonna be scrambling for any extra players they can get to fill squads. 

    Play for Bridgy as your main club, play up two levels for Taunton whenever their games don’t clash. Nice little earner that for Jay!

    Exactly that. Taunton just need bodies atm.

    And they're not the only ones. 

    Was chatting to a BMF player the other day and he said they're desperate for a player or two for the run-in. 

    • Like 1
  7. 8 minutes ago, GrahamC said:

    Anyone think the club might have engaged Lynton Crosby? Famed right wing Aussie strategist who advised Boris Johnson amongst others on a “dead cat” strategy.

    This is where you announce something so totally random that no one then talks about the important thing, in Boris Johnson’s case his laziness causing thousands to die from Covid because he didn’t bother to read stuff properly.

    You mean like the right wing media fanning the flames of culture war non-issues like Nike designing a cross in different colours, whilst in the same week it being announced that the UK now has 12 million people in absolute poverty including 3.6 million children?

    You have to hand it to them, tragically it works....

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  8. 1 hour ago, Sir Geoff said:

    Whilst I normally agree with all your posts SD, surely the U18's farce and not filling the bench is a case in point. Pearson had no problem playing and using Yeboah, presumably against the wishes if Tinnion, bearing in mind their stated aim of winning the youth Cup.

    The minute Manning walks through the door Yeboah is nowhere near the first team. He and the other U18' involved at first team level, start training seperately and Yeboah is loaned out to prepare for the youth Cup.

    These decisions show to me that Manning is malleable and Pearson told them what to do with their youth Cup.

    Yes. And I strongly suspect things like this are just the tip of the iceberg.

  9. On 26/03/2024 at 13:12, CyderInACan said:

    Now this is great to see. One of Bristol's best kept secrets right here in BS3  

    Such a dreadful article though. They've just aggregated a load of TripAdvisor scores.

    To my knowledge Dave can't even cook paella there at the moment as he doesn't have an extraction system. Plus there's the small issue that the opening hours are "spontaneous" shall we say!

    • Haha 1
  10. 39 minutes ago, Silvio Dante said:

    I agree with virtually all of this but not this line:

    someone malleable they can control like Manning.

    Maybe someone malleable, but not someone like Manning. I’ve been as critical of Liam as anyone, but one thing I don’t think he is would be “controllable”. If you take his career path he’s both nakedly ambitious (not necessarily a bad thing) but as we’ve seen, is also very rigid and inflexible. He definitely isn’t a man to be controlled. His issue is more in not understanding when he’s wrong and needs to change.

    So I agree, they’d like someone malleable. But they didn’t choose someone of that nature this time.

    As you can imagine, I respectfully disagree - strongly.

    I think (know) a large part of the reason they got rid of Nige was his inflexibility and rigidity.

    They certainly don't have to worry about that with Manning. 

    It's back to Jon playing Championship Manager with his mates and Tinnion back as close as he'll ever get to the hot seat.


    • Like 6
  11. 14 minutes ago, IAmNick said:

    I'd really love to know what Jon actually wants to do regarding City himself.

    Maybe he loves being involved everywhere and has pushed for this from his dad for the last 20 years. If so he has a funny way of showing it and is really not doing a great job anywhere really.

    Maybe his passion is actually the Fever Pitch stuff, in which case as far as billionaire son's playthings go it's not the worst tbh. Just let him have his fun, it's not good but it's not that bad. If we were doing better on the pitch I don't think anyone would really care. The issue is (apart from the fact we're not doing well on the pitch) that when he's deciding what needs to be done, rather than just the raw execution imo (in most cases). As in, the videos, photos, all that isn't bad, but the designs and decisions (when do we/should we do the Zak Vyner clothes line) need someone at the club to push back.

    Maybe he can't be bothered with any of it, but he's there because of his dad and they're just in a holding pattern waiting for that outside investment, who would likely change stuff up regardless.

    I honestly have no idea?

    I think some probably underestimate just how much he (and friends) are involved in the day-to-day running of the club. And have been for 10+ years.

    He's certainly not doing it against his own will. 

    At the same time I'm sure he doesn't want to be front and centre as he pretty much is now (along with Tinnion).

    And this has long been the dilemma of the Lansdowns. How to retain absolute control without it appearing so...hence the constant chopping and changing in strategy and personnel. 

    They want someone like Nige with his experience and guile, but also someone malleable they can control like Manning.

    And the circus continues to circle... round and round we go. 

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  12. 5 minutes ago, aa_bcfc said:

    It might be on the market but they are not exactly queuing around the block to buy it. 
    Perhaps you’d happy to have ownership like the sags have got, I’d rather have the Lansdowns. 

    Not at the price Steve wants, no. Because guess what? He wants most, if not all, of his money back.

    I would rather new owners, yes. Even something like the Man U investment with help from the outside would be very welcome. 

    • Like 5
  13. 6 minutes ago, ExiledAjax said:

    But it doesn't sit well with me that one of our two directors, our chairman, our club's "custodian" in his own words, is clearly not totally focussed on our club and it's related companies.

    No, but I wouldn't even be that bothered about this either if he was very good at what he does. But there's a fair bit of evidence that he is way out of his depth. 

  14. 2 minutes ago, aa_bcfc said:

    Imagine if the Lansdowns took your advise and just packed their bags and said that’s us we’re off. WTF would we do then? Are we all going chip in to pay the £20 or £30 million debt every year?

    They don't need to take any of our advice. Steve has literally put the club up for sale. It's on the market. 

    • Like 1
  15. 15 minutes ago, Phileas Fogg said:

    What is quite telling is that this is almost definitely a JL project. He knows, or at least he should know, that fans aren’t happy. Therefore, it makes perfect sense to do yet another thing that will no doubt get disapproval and even ridicule.

    Whilst this (the clothing range) is obviously fairly insignificant - it does worry me how little he seems to understand the support.

    If they did something like this after a real high point people wouldn’t care. It’s just about the worst possible time to choose, especially as it’s been an international break without much City news to discuss.

    He doesn't understand, he doesn't care. 

    He's also not very good at fashion design, and whilst I'm always reluctant to get personal, let's be honest - it's hardly a surprise given the way he dresses. I mean he wears some truly awful items of clothing, most recently at the Liam Manning arrival presser.

    I mean WTF. 


    • Haha 2
  16. 48 minutes ago, GrahamC said:

    My recollection is having managed to get promotion with a strike force of free transfers (Jevons & Showunmi) we were shocked at the wage demand disparity with L1.

    We went for 2 strikers (it might well have been Leon Best & Luke Varney, but not 100%, it was a long time ago now) & other clubs blew us out of the water & so very late in the summer we signed Trundle who was already 30 (31 that October) & had never played at that level.

    He wasn’t quite good enough in truth & clearly his attitude wasn’t the best, but rather than a vanity signing I think we simply underestimated the gap.

    Sensational season though, his contribution to it was minor but I’ll never forget the Palace goal.

    His transfer fee probably paid itself back with that goal against Palace.

    He scored a good one up at Carrow Road too which I was right behind. 

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