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Everything posted by spudski

  1. Anyone know how many goals we've conceded from crosses into the box? I've never seen a defence so weak at defending crosses. 22 goals conceded in 9 league games is shocking. It's so easy to score against us...just cross it in, and win your header easily. It's dire. For all the good work we do going forward and ' progressing' for the future, there is no point if you can't defend properly. It'll make it even harder to keep our younger players when others come calling if we continue in this vein. You can try and persuade the likes of HNM to sign and stay, and give him reasons to stay, but it's a lot harder when you are running your nuts off every game and being let down so often. Why stay? You can give all the reasons under the sun for giving NP a lot of leeway, but when it comes to defending crosses he needs to sort it...unforgivable at the moment...these players are capable of defending better than that imo.
  2. This '8 men had a dream' headline is absolute bollox imo. It's typical of how over the years, history and truth can be manipulated to make it seem completely different to how it actually was. Then everyone starts believing the new narrative.
  3. According to that calculator Klose isn't legible ?
  4. Interesting comments based on Government figures re increase in heart inflammation cases in the younger generation. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/health/medical/covid-vaccine-the-worrying-side-effect-that-could-lead-to-severe-heart-failure/ar-AATfvim?ocid=mailsignout&li=AAnZ9Ug
  5. Is that the girl that used to sit lower Williams stand, nearest Eastend? There was a blonde who regularly got her baps out there, back in the day.
  6. I think Kalas plays better when he has someone he can trust next to him. Often it looks like he gets in two minds, especially with Vyner is next to him. It's like he's trying to cover for two, and has in the past been caught between two minds and ends up in no man's land. To a degree this happened with their equaliser. Watch their forward make a run towards near post, even though he's covered, Kalas makes a step to follow him, stops...but by then it's too late. Attempts to win header but it's over his head. It's the little movements like that, that cost us. It's small...but massive in the great scheme of things.
  7. Do they still cook everything on an open fire there? Had some good food in the past... however the sourdough is always cremated from my experience.
  8. Both me and Harry criticised Kalas and Vyner for not marking their men properly in another thread. Both got caught ball watching, whilst the men they were defending created space for themselves by hanging back from going into the 18 yard box. Creating space and a better angle to receive. However...this isn't the first time with Vyner. For all the good he does in games, it's undone when he switches off...and it costs us. When defending crosses he's a liability. Weak...too casual, not assertive, doesn't command, no presence, and switches off. I get the impression he thinks he's showing composure...he's not...it's lackadaisical imo.
  9. It's clever play from Semenyo, it's what you do as a forward in that situation. Play it across the defenders path...they either have to pull out of the tackle, or do what's happened here. It's a penalty all day long. Semenyo was too strong and fast for him...
  10. All if's, but's and maybe's... hindsight is a wonderful thing. Like we agree on...players switched off after a poor decision by a youngster. That's why I don't blame Pring...you concentrate until the whistle. It was poor imo.
  11. I agree completely. Pring could have headed to the corner and still be dispossessed. You have to defend the same way, regardless of what minute the game is, not switch off. If that had happened in the 60th minute, everyone would be blaming Vyner and Kalas for switching off. Yes...Pring could have made a more experienced decision, but that still doesn't stop the poor defending at the back... completely switched off...which imo is worse, especially from more experienced players. So I'm with you in your observations Harry.
  12. Yes I agree...I just hope we have talented players that see the potential in this group, and that they could do well together. People remember it...it happens infrequently. But just look at the legends the Man Utd kids became having developed together. If only... Hopefully we have people telling them this daily. The potential is huge as a team. But not if the best leave. Rose tinted glasses maybe, and it's always easy to see it as an older person rather than a kid seeing the stardom at 'bigger' clubs. Unfortunately we don't live in a perfect world. However...if everything lined up perfectly in the next couple seasons, we have the talent that is developing quickly to do something.
  13. I'd like to think the club will do everything to keep our talented youngsters. If only...so disheartening when players shine then get sold on, and we have to start again. It would be nice if the players see the potential and that as a group they could go far as a team together...instead of making a move for the money and just being anybody in a squad...instead of a someone. This season, although disappointing results wise, is probably a blessing in disguise. Blood and develop the kids, get experience and learn from mistakes. Then kick on next season having learnt. Some really exciting potential coming through. If ever there was a season to keep players this is it...we don't need another scenario of Webster, Reid, Bryan going. Tough though if a player wants to go or a number is triggered in contract. As for NP...yes he may have limits and need good coaches around him, but imo, he fits our club and fan base. Fans warm to him as they relate and there is no bullshit. He sees and says everything fans do. He's relatable. Fingers crossed the hard work developing can be kept going as a unit.
  14. I was flabbergasted watching it match day... literally screaming in my head 'wtf...why are they defending like that...Luton will score here'...and they did. At the time I was surprised the forum wasn't in melt down talking about it...but nothing...all the blame going to Max.
  15. Thanks for posting the pics Dave, it just shows how bad we set up. Watching it in real time, it's even worse when watching the movement. I've been surprised on how little it's been spoken about on here tbh. It's glaringly obvious.
  16. As a Scout doing match reports for the opposition, you'd be pointing this weakness out. Weak at defending crosses and set pieces and defending balls into the channels. Get it out wide, cross it in and look for free kicks.
  17. The idea of a combination as above is far more effective imo. The zonal markers can concentrate on one thing...winning the ball. The markers, blocking, impeding run etc. The way we set up at the moment, gives no one the opportunity to simply concentrate on winning the ball. The majority as it stands, are purely looking at their man, symbolically marking him, with ineffective effort at blocking, impeding, or even trying to win a header. Looking at some of them when defending, not once do they look at the ball or delivery. Just their man. You simply can't defend effectively that way.
  18. Are we still using one? Like NP I was totally frustrated watching how easy it was to score against us from crosses/set pieces. Is it the players fault...or are they being asked to defend/set up like that? Yes...it's arguable that out GK could have done better for both...however, how do you expect to win a header when marking as they do? How we set up to mark for the second goal was so inept. Not one of our players gave themselves a chance to actually challenge and win the ball. All in a line on the 18 yard box, 18 yards of space for the cross to come into, and the opposition able to run into that space, nothing stopping them. Only have to concentrate on heading the ball goalwards under no pressure. We are lined up in-between them. Offering no blocks on runs, and having to defend with back to ball, facing goalwards, instead of away from goal. Giving yourself the hardest possible chance of defending the ball, winning it or clearing it. No one looking to attack the actual ball...just running back between the opposition, no real attempt to block runs or win the header. I've used this word before regarding defending...it's ' symbolic'. It's basic stuff. I really don't understand how professional footballers are making such basic mistakes.
  19. So glad that link shows exactly what myself and others have said about Vyners defending. Watch him from the start, not what Massengo's doing. Watching his man all the time, just has a slight look to see where the play is. Him and Kalas communicate, Vyner now defending against the man Kalas previously had, and Kalas moves to defend to man Vyner previously had. Just look at the difference. Kalas giving himself space to defend, watch the play and react accordingly. Now look at Vyner...just looking at his man, hasn't a clue that the ball is about to be crossed in. Opposition moves, you can see Vyner react to the movement, but hasn't got a clue the ball has been crossed in. Reaction time and movement way too late...because he hasn't got a clue where the ball is. It's those split seconds, that are killing us when defending crosses. It's really piss poor from Vyner...happens time and time again. He doesn't give himself any chance. Surely something the coaches should be acting on.
  20. ??it's like a bunch of 4 year olds, can barely speak, having a tantrum and singing nursery rhymes. The reality, in the cold light of day, grown men having a tantrum, and stood pointing at a woman singing nursery rhymes...whilst holding a phone filming it. ? Just plain odd. Do they actually watch it back and think it's normal? Mental health issues... something's gone wrong in their life. Actually feel sorry for them.
  21. It's been great watching this 'pillar' develop over the last few years. It's fantastic that these players are now coming through. It's an almost impossible task to develop youngsters from an academy set up into Championship level players. Playing very young players in age groups above, to speed up their physical development has been a great move. Loaning out and getting competitive games under their collar so to speak has also been paramount. The work Brian Tinnion has done can't be applauded enough. As well as the Academy coaches.
  22. Long may that continue. Hopefully not a one off.
  23. One of the technically best players we have. I really do hope he kicks on and goes back to the standard he has shown in the past. I still think he's better going forward than he is defensively, but hopefully he can still improve that side too. Thankfully outside distraction has moved on imo Fingers crossed he'll now kick on and prove his worth.
  24. First ever world cup gold medal by a Brit in ski racing. Did it in slalom racing at Kitzbuhel of all places. Considering the Brits invented slalom racing over 100 years ago, and never won at world cup level, this is a massive achievement. Dave is basically a one man band, 35 years old. Dedicated his life to the sport. Has a very small team behind him with very small budget. Compared to the budgets given to Alpine nations for racing, this is a massive result. An absolute epic performance.
  25. Just wow...what a result. Equivalent of FGRs winning the FA Cup
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