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Everything posted by spudski

  1. I agree with you. Imo, at this level, fitness, strength and durability are far superior to a lot of players technical ability. The wages paid to many, don't really justify themselves. There are many who have been rejected by Prem teams, or relegated with them, then end up in this league, taking very good wages, knowing full well they aren't good enough for the Prem...yet expect silly money, or did. Hopefully times are changing. Your point about crossing is a prime example. Perfect pitches, perfect conditions, yet they still some can't find a man in the box. But even as an amateur footballer (Yate) everyone of us could cross, take a free kick, trap, pass, find a man, and shoot without scuffing it ( have you watched them shooting warming up? Never seen so many scuffed shots or missing the target) We didn't have the fitness, but we made up for it technically. Oddly....even back then, our least gifted player got more trials because of his speed and fitness. Nearly every sport has been taken over by fitness and technology. In the past technical ability, feel, touch, reading of game was far superior at this level and below. Football, Rugby, Cricket, Golf, Tennis to name a few...all had technically gifted people playing the game as pros. Touch and feel especially. Now it's more about, power, speed, strength, durability, fitness. I scratch my head as to why players at this level often can't control a ball properly... especially in such perfect conditions. Obviously the very top level have both...but at this level and below I think the standards have dropped.
  2. Sarcasm aside...he is a professional. Used to playing in stadiums with crowds. I would have been more lenient if it were a young en starting out in his first team career. There are many non professional players that have better technical ability. His other attributes at this level contribute. I seriously think as fans our expectations from professional footballers at this level has dropped. Fitness and athletism has taken over from technical ability. A couple touches to control then volley over a keeper into an empty net...seriously...wtf is so special about that at this level? His second goal is class...and why he's a pro, and not everyone can do it. His first...nahhhh
  3. Seriously...some of these pundits are complete morons. Best goal...the third one because he was fastest to react ????? it literally fell at his feet. Everyone else had to move to get to him. I'll be busy...but thanks for the acknowledgement. Carry on with your mud pies...? ?
  4. No...you know that's not the case. I want players that fit a system. Not players that would be Prem standard if it wasn't for certain weaknesses. Just for the sake of it. Prem left overs...that were bought with no system in mind. It's a ridiculous strategy and part of the reason we are where we are now.
  5. Then standards have seriously dropped. Kinnel...we are paying over £10k a week for that. Should be normal. Seriously Dave...I think we've got so used to seeing players being extremely fit and athletic, at the expense of technical ability. What he did was bread and butter in my day. Exactly what I've implied for a long time. Our ethos was to buy players that were extremely good at one thing, and average/ below average at other things. Kalas, DaSilva, Palmer, Weimann all came under that umbrella.
  6. Not really...as Red Colin pointed out...NP is happy to have him in the form he is at the moment. He wouldn't say that if it wasn't normal. He has his strengths, and his weaknesses. Today showed his strengths. If he could do what he did for his second goal consistently, he'd be another level.
  7. Annnnnnnnd your point is? My comment regarding the goal in that game is correct. Crikey...every manager has said he's not technically good...and you know what you get with him. Hence today's first goal wasn't technically hard. His second was a great goal.
  8. First touch and finish are exactly what I'd expect at this level. Cmon Dave...are you seriously saying you couldn't do that 9/10 when you played? It's not technically hard. Should be something they do daily in training in different circumstances. Simple at this level. Look at the context that was written in. You've taken something to back your view without context. I also wrote at the same time that he was best centrally and reactionary... exactly like his goals today. No time to think...just reactionary. When he's at his best. I stand by my statement in general for the rest of his game overall.
  9. That should be a bread and butter finish for this level...cmon guys...that isn't technically hard. I'd want that opportunity in a game, every week, when I played. Not hard to finish. If you can't raise the ball, first time over the keeper, into an empty net, from 25 yards centrally, you shouldn't be a pro footballer. Bread and butter touch.
  10. Then standards have obviously dropped. Kinnel...the ball has landed at his feet, controlled, steady, keeper off line, no one closing you down, lob into empty net. If a pro can't do that at this level then God help us. That was standard when I played. Not technically hard.
  11. It was...but standard for this level as a professional. Should be finishing that all day long. That's why they are paid massive wages...to do that and make I look easy. There are amateur footballers that would do the same, every time, but don't have his other attributes. Simple finish at this level imo...unless standards have dropped considerably.
  12. The ball arrived to him fortuatively. Had any other player been in that position, as a professional, I would expect them to score from that position. Keeper miles off his line and not under pressure.
  13. As NP said..he was in the right places at the right time. Today was a prime example of when he's most effective as a goal scorer. No time to think...just react. It's when he's best. Think his second goal was a proper strikers goal. And he anticipated and moved in a way I wish he'd do on a more regular basis. For everyone of these threads praising him, there will be two after other games doing the opposite. That's what you've got with Weimann. If he was technically better he'd be playing for Austria. He hasn't in years.
  14. Top 2 on an even playing field would take a miracle imo. Recruitment and coaching throughout the Club is more important imo. Wasting wages on journeymen pros, who go from club to club is more damaging.
  15. Does anyone else think the excuse of not being able to compete against teams in this division with parachute payments exaggerated? Granted some teams like WBA and Fulham seem to do well with it. But there are many others who struggle with parachute payments and even get relegated. Yes...we may never win the league, but I don't see how, like other teams, you can aim for top 6. I'd say this league is pretty even by the majority. So whilst it's great to have the money, you still have to buy and sell wisely, and get players motivated and well drilled/coached.
  16. Thank **** for that. At which point did people think having a mask as a fashion statement or showing support was normal or even acceptable? So many ' brands' taking people's money for a mask protecting lives. It's disgusting imo. Really low. And people have just gone along with it...like it's friggin normal ??
  17. Didn't I read recently that Bristol is the cocaine capital of the UK? Just stick it inside your Bristol City requested mask, and no one will know FFS ?????? ******* fashion accessory or support on a mask...yep...let's make it the new normal ????
  18. I still go...just not a season ticket holder anymore. It's a bit like falling in love, getting married, being blindly besotted and still caring, but the spark has gone, not feeling the same anymore, and rather than going through the motions deciding to take a break. I can change...but sadly the other half and infrastructure around it won't...just dieing slowly. I'd suggest most would stop going if they based it on being entertained. Most go out of habit, seeing mates, having a few beers etc. Everyone cares about the Club...they wouldn't be on here otherwise. Thing is...a great majority moan about how football is run ..but do very little about it. Just words. It won't change unless fans take action. Perhaps those that are willing to step away and want change, are actually better supporters long term, than those who blindly follow, moan, but do nothing physically about it. It'll never change if you keep supporting something that obviously isn't working...not the Club perse...but professional football in this country. We lose £412,000 a week, and have done weekly for 10 years. Why the hell would you support that. Think about it.
  19. Similar to me. It wasn't so much the money for me, just the ball ache of getting there, either by car or public transport. Plus...I was bored with it. It just wasn't entertainment. Regardless of results. I now watch my local team. Can decide 15 mins before to go, have a few pints, stand or sit anywhere around the ground, see mates etc....plus I find it more entertaining. It's been cathartic and feels like FREEDOM. All for a tenner and no hassles. What's not to like.
  20. The problem you have at this level is that many will never be Prem players and they know it. Too easy to go through the motions, picking up a decent wage without having to bust a gut....or have the desire. Going from Championship side to Championship side.
  21. I'd have no problem if professional football just imploded and it all had to start again. The only people that benefit from the business system as it is, are the players and Agents. Everyone else is out of pocket...owners and fans...and many who work within the game are on lower wages than they could get elsewhere. Bang for buck...the entertainment value these players at this level give are way out of proportion. Does anyone honestly believe the players we watch at our club are worth £20 k a week? It's mental as fans that we go along with it. If only everyone stopped paying for sky sports and season tickets for a year. Went to watch their local amateur side instead. Actions...that's what's needed...not words. Yep...it's ingrained. But if we want change...
  22. And what a fluke...that's what I mean, the runs he makes have to have a pin point accurate pass. He doesn't even control the ball on receiving it. Can't trap a bag of cement. Ends up with a goal, through fashion. Defender watching the ball rather than him. Poor defending. It worked on that occasion...but more often than not...it doesn't. I will agree he's more effective centrally. We need a video showing what happens every game rather than a one off ???
  23. I agree, as I said in an earlier post that he is more effective high and central. Pato worked harder with his brain and technique. He ran far less, but was more effective overall for the team imo. Watch Weimanns runs...I have over the years. Many aren't read well. He'll run into a space that is often behind a defender, where its impossible to receive the ball, as the ball route is blocked or into a dead end. I've looked again and again...thinking why has Weimann run there, not received the ball, and the ball has been recycled instead of going to him. On further views, it's because although he runs into space...it's the wrong space. Or poorly timed. Often ahead of the play. He simply doesn't give the passer the correct passing option. He's crap at angles. He'll run in a straight line behind a defender expecting the ball to be passed through the defender. Or if he does eventually create an angle it will be towards the corner flag. It's cool though...we can agree to disagree ??
  24. I watch other teams at our level and above, and more often than not they don't have players like Weimann. They are well drilled, read the game, cover one another, let the ball do the talking. They move when they have to...not running aimlessly. Understanding when to run, or cover, its far more effective than running for the sake of it. A lot of chasing and running is done to overcome mistakes in positioning and reading the game. A skilled player can move very little if he reads the game well. We have three energetic runners who imo don't read the game well. Weimann, Odowda and defensively Massengo. The latter reactionary and can be often seen hurtling back to cover where he hasn't read well. All three seen as ' busy'...but would all be far more effective if they read the game better. For me...both Weimann and Odowda are busy and energetic. Take that away from them, what are you left with? Not much at this level imo.
  25. I saw Patos energy and movement far better quality to Weimann. You can run all day, but if it's not quality movement, what's the point? I find Weimann has a lot of wasted energy. As alluded to...Weimann wastes more chances than he's given imo. He also runs into areas when there is no need. Read the game better, find space, create angles, let the ball do the work. Weimann could cut down on wasted movement and concentrate on better control and being on the same page as his team mates.
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