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Everything posted by spudski

  1. He does my head in...can't fault his ability to run all day, give his all etc. But he has a foot like a banjo... watching him trying to control a ball is painful..it's foot, shin, knee...freeking everywhere. It's never fully under control. Like a rubber ball tied to a piece of string. So frustrating to watch at this level. If we play him, I prefer him central and high. He's best when not dribbling or running into the corners. Keep him high and central. He can finish...just don't give him time on the ball. Better instinctive than when with time. Use his energy when defending, closing down. Keep him highest upfield and central when offensive. Would rather have kept Pato with similar work rate, but far better technically and can score. All imo of course.
  2. That night was what football should be all about more regularly. Building memories, full on entertainment, hope, dreams. That and Man City away will stick in my memory forever
  3. Yes...and when he was here, he spoke openly about how he had to adjust his man management skills to the youngsters, as when he played, it was different. That was my point...the times have changed very fast.
  4. Yep...I know...I was a professional coach in another sport, and dealt with the younger generation. So I know exactly what older coaches have to adapt to.
  5. No...but you can deploy these people if there was an overload in beds due to covid spikes
  6. ...I remember this lad, he had a lot of promise when I watched him play. From memory we released him. Sad to read he was killed this way. This is from when we signed him. https://bernews.com/2017/02/bristol-city-football-club-signs-osagi-bascome/
  7. Read it again...redeployed clinicians from other aspects of health care.
  8. 30 minutes apparently... https://www.imperial.ac.uk/news/196933/online-tool-quickly-trains-doctors-nurses/
  9. I totally agree with your sentiments.
  10. We are as a population all getting older and living with illnesses, kept alive by medication. Many have underlying health issues. If we are to continue with this, then yes, we need to invest in more hospitals, more staff, that are paid well and not taken for granted and overworked. One of the biggest investments is the pharmaceutical industry. An an industry that makes billions. Keeping people alive that that kept other industries going...fast food, smoking, alcohol. Then you get a virus come along and we are supposedly all screwed. How anyone can't see this is beyond me...it's totally about money. If this was about health...the mandate would be clean eating, keeping fit and healthy, building our immune system up and looking after ourselves. But there is no money in that. The system makes you I'll, then trys to keep you alive with drugs ?? He past away in the summer.
  11. Exactly...but the general public didn't even question this. Most just presume it's beds and staff...anyone.
  12. So it's all bollox as I said. Ask the general public and the way it's been reported and the majority will think the hospitals are bursting. It's simply not true. Certain wards may get to capacity...and we have a shortage of specialised staff. We've had two years to rectify this. How everything is reported to the public is complete and utter nonesence. But as I say...the majority haven't a clue as they rely on mainstream media for their info, and believe every the scientists and Government say...all for the greater good. It's a compete joke and incompetent.
  13. There is definitely talk that maybe the reason. There are too many hypocritical things in place that give me reason to think this is not about our health perse anymore. Too much of it doesn't make any sense. The fact we are two years down the line, with no change, same old excuses...and yet people fall for this shit every day.
  14. Tell me if I've misunderstood this...but this is bollox. We built at the beginning of covid temporary covid hospitals throughout the country. They all got dismantled and never used, as we were told there wasn't enough drs and nurses ' specialised' to deal with covid. During the height of covid this year, my father was in Southmead with Brain cancer. The hospital and wards were empty when I visited. Empty... literally. So it's not beds that are a problem...it's staff. Surely we should be building more hospitals and educating staff, and paying them a decent wage. That should be the foremost action, especially as it's been two bloody years now and not expected to stop. Two friggin years...that we've just accepted to live with and not change.
  15. Yes...I probably should have used another word, but I do find 'wokes', 'karens', overly/easily offended tend to go hand in hand. I do know what they mean. And I'm fine with social injustices being corrected. My point was more along the line of football being used as a platform and players being more aware and it prioritising their lives more. For any manager...living in a more 'woke' society, where social media rules and takes over, it must be harder to keep the players focussed to the job in hand. They don't live for football anymore. They have to think about everything else Clubs/football connects itself with. It's harder for a manager/ coach these days imo, to get players fully focussed to the job in hand, and it actually to mean something. NP has alluded to players not being focused/motivated. The world has changed quickly and the way people think and react is different. Anyone over 40 will think and react differently to a 20 yo. We got brought up differently. The older generation are constantly having to check themselves. Our views, what we can and can't say. How often do you hear the quote..' you can't say that anymore'. What we socially grew up with is ingrained. Being aware you can't ' be yourself' because someone will find fault or be offended. Managers of a certain age will be dealing with that. You've got to say something these days and you are put up before the media and judged. And that will happen in football in dealing with a different generation of players. Constantly having to be aware. Must be tiring. Look at the way NP interviews...it's painful. Constantly checking in his mind before he speaks, knowing every word can and will be used against him in needed. You just be 'you' anymore. You have to conform. It's a crazy hypocritical world we live in. This forum reflects that. Everything is analysed/ dissected about, club, players, social, political, what's right, what's wrong...but you only have to read the match day threads each week, or be at the stadium to hear/ see the reactions and what people say and expect. Everything said during the week goes out the window...it's laughable. I often look at the bigger picture. Everything is so symbolic these days, just ticking boxes. Right time for work ?
  16. Even at LJs age, youngish, it must be a nightmare man managing players in their 20s and younger. The world has changed so fast in recent years. Playing Professional football was like being in the Army...you went to war every game. And in going to war...you fought...and didn't think about offending anyone. It was full on. Take no prisoners, win, say whatever to get results. Now ..it's just woke central. I'm really not sure how you go about it these days. Didn't LJ say you had to put your arm around some to motivate and tell them how great they were, to get a result. Then others responded to a kick up the arse. How do you motivate multi millionaires, set up for life, to give a damn about kicking a ball.
  17. With respect, it's clearly not 'about' Carlisle. It's about rules put in place due to covid. My part in the conversation was pointing out that mask wearing inside the ground was mandatory but not in hospitality. Pointing out the hypocrisy of it. I don't think those points have ever been mentioned elsewhere....
  18. Serious question...is it mandatory to keep threads on topic? I've always viewed threads as conversations that meandor as in real life. Not being funny...just interested.
  19. As long as not massive hospitalisations I don't see the point of more restrictions. It's said to be more contagious, but less viscous. Fingers crossed it stays that way. Maybe getting it and having few symptoms, and gaining antibodies will be more effective.
  20. It's such bollox... government guidelines are bollox, as are the Club's statements above. What's the point of making face coverings mandatory outside and inside the ground...but not mandatory inside hospitality wtf ?? Seriously does anyone not question all these guidelines.
  21. No...I'm saying be cautious if you are vulnerable. As I said in my earlier post, all the restrictions in place, passport, pcr, mask do not prevent spreading. They are all easily manipulated. If you are going to restrict for health reasons, do it properly. It's so symbolic. The fact is...there are many old in society, many with underlying health issues, many just unhealthy due to their poor life choices. Vaccines just give a false sense of security. So do boosters. You either do it correctly or not...not symbolically. Are you happy for society to just keep on living like it is, with increasing vaccines, boosters, restrictions, years if it, ever increasing? Happy to accept that. Yet people less happy to accept changing their lifestyle to help themselves? The fact is, we have a huge amount of an elderly population, living with underlying health issues, relying on medication to keep alive. If it wasn't for medication keeping them alive...they wouldn't be. Often just sat or led all day. No life. Just surviving. Sat watching TV and eating and drinking. It's no life. That's what many do. Sad as it is. Popping pills. Sounds harsh...but it's true. And it will only get worse in the future. Living longer, with health issues, kept alive by drugs. So vulnerable to any virus in the future. Where does it end? It's a downward spiral. There is no short term fix for this...we need to think long term.
  22. Totally agree with your sentiments, and exactly how I feel. Especially when you look at all the other things being put in place in other countries. What annoys me most, is I really don't think this is about health. If it were, the regulations wouldn't be so easy to manipulate. What is the point of a vaccine pass...it means jack shit as to whether you have the virus or can spread it. What's the point of a mask if you've had the same one in your pocket for the past year. What's the point of showing a PCR test if you can lie as to whether it's negative or positive. What's the point of wearing a mask in the supermarket when I don't need one in the pub. Etc etc etc It's all symbolic.
  23. I'm perfectly fine mate...I've felt the same way for many years before covid and my recent situation. Everyone goes through it...not first, not last. Covid is here...fact. A society of unhealthy, overweight, unfit people is here. Covid wouldn't be so desperate, if we were healthier as a nation. I'd rather we looked long term, rather than short term. They've said there will be further mutations and most likely other viruses. So why not get healthier so that we can fight better. Shutting down society isn't the answer. Vaccine, jab, booster, wear mask, stay at home, work at home, don't travel, make travel harder, don't socialise, stay away from people, restrictions on who can see loved ones...within two years, people are willing to accept that as the new norm. For it to be an everyday normal event. Perhaps build more hospitals for an older society that lives longer with health issues. Perhaps pay nurses etc more. Perhaps educate children on exercise and how to cook and eat healthier. I could go on. Thanks for your concern...but I've always thought this.
  24. During and after the war, even with rations, people were healthier because they didn't eat shit. They ate natural food. You talk about Clifton brasserie...what's the fashionable food...peasant food. Food that the poor ate around the world. Food that was made at home from scraps. Food that was natural and grown. Picked, fished, killed. 70s came along...and shit food came along. Advertising telling us that's what we had to eat. It went downhill from then. Pot noodles etc Funny...all the people you side with have time to sit all day eating and drinking shit all day in spoons, but don't have time to cook at home ? Society has just followed advertising. Like lemmings. Yes it's a complex issue. But it's a very simple issue. People are easily led. Believe advertising, follow my leader. We live in a mental society, that will sit and watch, listen, reminisce about the better times?? when they could easily revert back to it, if they weren't so content to just keep watching ..and watching...and watching...until they are brainwashed. All in the name of some people getting very rich out of it. Have you seen how many of these rich 'stars', business people don't let their kids do social media or watch TV? There is a reason for that. They know the dangers that most of society has been swept up by and now think is normal.
  25. I don't...such is the state of this country, the post office has three people working on the tills...the queue outside goes past all these said places. I have to see and hear this lot at 10.30 in the morning. And yep...these buildings create a triangle. I have to endure these fat people in scooters, doing the same everyday. Funny you'll support people abusing their bodies needlessly with no control, but moan about people pointing it out. You're the ******* wierdo mate for thinking that way. ??
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