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Posts posted by Superjack

  1. 5 hours ago, BS15_RED said:

    100% this, SL has used our club as an extension of his ego for years, crap decisions, wanting people who’re best for him and not the club. Massively over estimating his own knowledge of football and treating the clubs loyal fans as peasants who to him are contemptible.

    I’ve been worried about the club being bought by foreign investors who’d ruin it, but now I realise that SL and his “circle of trust” are doing a damn good job of that. People will point to his investment, but it’s his atrocious decisions that have led to him having to invest millions. 


    Quality post. 👏👏

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  2. 7 hours ago, TomThumb84 said:

    So whats everyone going to do then?

    Turn up every week, get excited by the odd win in three?

    Clap politely and be thankful for a really nice ground and a pleasant day out?

    Buy into our youngsters that are pushed on us like they are actually Championship ready?

    Laugh at some childish social media content?

    As a fanbase we are so tepid and passive its untrue.

    Its why these clowns are still in post and can afford to make these stupid decisions like the clubs core does not matter.

    We are part of the problem.


    Spot on!

    I have withdrawn my financial support for this club as long as the Lansdowns are in position. 

    But I am seriously starting to wonder if I even want to be part of this complicit fan base any more 

    • Like 2
  3. 6 hours ago, mason said:

    They didnt bring themselves here, the 2 at the top need to jog on and sell up; not going to happen anytime soon; clowns to the left of us jokers to the right and w`re stuck in the middle

    I think you will find that we are actually stuck at the bottom. 


    We are just plebs.


    But now, we have gone from the owners treating us like that, to Tinnion (whatever the **** his undeserved title is), and the robot arrogant 'head coach' doing it as well. 




    ... just rise up and get the lot of the ****holes out! 🙏🙏🙏

  4. 9 minutes ago, Ian M said:

    My Hail Mary is that SL’s increased visibility at the last two games is borne out of fear that Jon, Brian & Liam are seriously risking any potential sale price and having shown he doesn’t want to be hands on anymore, he employs competent professionals to protect his asset’s value. 

    He has never employed professionals for very long, because they will question him. 

    As the first half of your post, I hope that too. 

    But it really is like putting a light bulb in to dicourage a moth.

    • Like 3
  5. 5 minutes ago, RackCity said:

    I clearly remember the Sunday afternoon when I learned Pearson had been relieved of his duties - I felt in total shock was very angry.

    I, like many, had watched as Pearson kept a steady hand on the wheel, slowly turning our fortunes around with next to no budget. Building us up from the financial ruins left behind by Covid, LJ and Mark Ashton. He turned us from a team of no hopers to a team of plucky underdogs with the potential for so much more.

    Even given the injustice of Pearson's dismisal, I hoped, against all logical reason, that the board had got it right with Manning's appointment and reserved judgement until he'd been given a fair crack of the whip. However, it seems we've regressed beyond all recognition and those in power will be too stubborn to admit their mistake. 

    I really hope I'm wrong but I don't see this ending prettily. 

    And these are your key words.





    Any group of people that can be so absolutely ****witted to rip up all that Pearson was building after lifting them out of their own soiled nappy, just because he wouldn't tolerate their 'baby cries' clearly aren't capable of choosing the next babysitter.

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  6. 21 minutes ago, fgrsimon said:

    Yes in terms of making things worse I think you have to go back to Jimmy Lumsden to rival Liam Manning.

    Difference is, Lumsden got the job because a good manager decided to leave. 

    Manning has got the job because a good manager was 'engineered' out.

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  7. 2 minutes ago, Ian M said:

    I'm ok with him appointing experienced & competent CEO, DoF and Manager and leaving them to it in the absence of immediate buyers.

    So would I be. 

    But as he has just let all that be sacked off, just how likely do you think it is? 


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  8. 4 hours ago, Old Sodbury Red Evs said:

    At the game yes this was sung for a for a pretty long period along along with other songs taking piss out of the team. I saw Steve Lansdown going in to ground hopefully he heard it and has a word with junior and 🐍

    I wouldn't hold your breath...

    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, GrahamC said:

    Symptom of the problem, not the main problem.

    Lansdowns & Tinnion are far bigger problems.

    If they sell up no one in their right mind employs an illiterate Geordie in the position he currently occupies at any football league club.

    I’m not impressed by him but in my wish list he’d be third in line to leave.



    And Manning fourth.

    (But defacto first, because it's the only likely one any time soon).

    Edit: Actually it's not. 


    • Like 2
  10. 4 hours ago, red panda said:

    Have to agree.  Was really hoping he could turn the corner (in the right direction), and think appointing up and coming young managers is definitely worth a try.  But it just hasn't worked and we should cut our losses and get someone new in for the summer.

    With our ****wit hierarchy, it most certainly isn't. 

    Besides, we have already tried it.

  11. 2 hours ago, Slack Bladder said:

    Have you ever noticed, no other team comes knocking on Lansdown's door to try and poach one of our managers.

    Words you never hear in other boardrooms " **** me Bristol City have a great manager! Let's try and prise him away"

    Funny really. 

    They wouldn't say 'no'.

  12. It's amazing how someone so boring and bland that doesn't like emotion can instill such off the scale emotions in me. 

    Not as much as the people above him though....

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  13. 2 hours ago, Ashtongreight said:

    I’m pretty much with you, my concern is if we ditch him now who’s going to replace him?,  and more importantly that person is going to be chosen by the same people that chose Manning. It’s a horrible situation we’re in and I really can’t see a way out of it.

    You need to ask yourself if even they could choose anyone worse.


  14. 2 hours ago, joe jordans teeth said:

    Some people continue to say OTIB doesn’t speak for the majority of City fans which is true of course,but I speak to friends who are not on here and all feel the same,I expect you are in the minority but it doesn’t make you wrong 

    It does in a way, because it is a cross section. 

    The way they dress it up, everyone on here has one opinion, and the rest have a different one. 

    It really doesn't work that way.


  15. 2 hours ago, Mendip City said:

    Root cause of this is the Lansdowns…. However Manning is doing himself no favours. No rapport with the fans and not playing a brand of football us fans want or understand. He needs to change dramatically or we (fans) will win, eventually. 

    He has probably been told that we are just plebs.

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