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Posts posted by Superjack

  1. 6 minutes ago, Malago said:

    The crux of the problem is Jon Lansdown.  Nepotism never works.  Lansdown senior needs to get his son out of there, appoint a top of the range CEO and let him run the club unfettered, including the appointment of an experienced Head of Football and possibly a new Head Coach, although I’d give Manning the benefit of the doubt with professional people around to support him.

    20 years + and still waiting....






    Sell up and **** off.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Fuber said:

    The problem with the point in bold, EH, is that if he empowered them - they would stay.

    Probert chose to follow Ashton to Ipswich - a division below at the time, rather than stay under Tinnion - rather than allow Probert to advance with us, he left to become Director of Football, as he was never getting that sort of offer here over and above Tinnion. Adding to that he seems to have gone from strength to strength, makes me think - at least on the evidence, that he was the main brains of the operation.
    I could be wrong, but I think Probert was a Gareth Jennings (?) appointment - who went onto return to Leicester as Academy Manager back in 2015 - was a Keith Burt appointment I think.

    Do you think?.... 🤣

  3. 3 minutes ago, ohhhshauntaylor said:

    Where has Ian “leaked” this. I see his tweets are protected again but haven’t seen what he said. 


    In relation to it, 8 games are pointless, we’ve seen 24 of them under LM to know what we’re getting/going to get- do it now IMO! 

    If it's Tinnion until the end of the season it makes no difference. 

    • Like 2
  4. 30 minutes ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

    Wasn't he asked to step aside after that game? 

    After Leeds by all accounts. 

    15 minutes ago, ralphindevon said:

    No I think it was after Cardiff a month later. 

    Asked to go after Leeds. Told them they would have to sack him. 

    Waited for the defeat to Cardiff. 

    Cowardly b******s.

    • Like 6
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  5. Just now, Feral Williams said:

    Mostly groaning rather than anything overly negative or positive for that matter, though I have to say I’ve had my moments of groaning quite loudly


    I didn't ask about your personal life though. 😉

    • Haha 4
  6. 2 minutes ago, REDOXO said:

    The club is pretty sophisticated in some ways, like most in the championship. 

    There are lists of players that are updated constantly. This I am informed applies to managers and coaches. 

    For the firing of Pearson his team and hiring of Manning to have taken place that quickly he must have been top of the list and obviously already identified. (I’ll brush over the scumbaggery that went along with it in which JL and BT were front and center)

    I just hope the new bloke is already identified and the laughably called board of directors are tapping him up as we speak!



    • Haha 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Bristol Oil Services said:

    Piercy said, the atmosphere down the ground is stopping the players from playing, and even stopping Manning from coaching how he wants to coach. So, it's our fault.

    What atmosphere?




    Is there an atmosphere nowadays?

    • Haha 1
  8. Just now, fgrsimon said:

    It would actually help if he (LM) actually explained specificall in plain English what he actually means when he says 'emotions', 'processes', 'chasing outcomes' etc. They're just nebulous words/phrases that could mean just about anything



    The only buzz about him.

  9. 20 minutes ago, Nogbad the Bad said:

     If the plan now is to get rid of the older more experienced fans, then I can see it being a remarkable success.

    I know that they have got rid of one.

  10. Just now, Wedontplayinblue said:

    "As we embark on our journey towards the Premier League, the unwavering support of our fans is paramount. Renewing season tickets not only fuels our ambitions but unites us as a club, forging a collective spirit essential for success on and off the pitch." - Liam Manning, Bristol City Manager

    Head Coach.

    • Thanks 1
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  11. 15 minutes ago, The Happy Farmer said:

    Just got my new s t ordered as I have said before I am a fan so I go and support my club fine if you do not but do not mock other fans for not being loyal

    As far as I am concerned, if you buy a season ticket, then you are facilitating the way that the club is being run. 

    Crying outrage and then lining the pockets of the perpetrators just doesn't correlate for me. 

    People who think that they have a greater right to complain because they are a season ticket holder, in this situation is in my opinion, bonkers.

    They are basically turkeys voting for Christmas.

    It's their perogative, though.

    Edit: Not necessarily referring to you, as I don't know your opinion of the situation.

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  12. Just now, The Coach said:

    Yes, knew someone at the time who was involved with City. Had the full details of what happened in the dressing room and what happened after…

    Well, this time they'll all be asleep.

    • Like 1
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  13. 1 minute ago, The Coach said:

    This is what I posted yesterday also. Woke up with the feeling he has two games to save his job. Lose both, I think he’s done after Plymouth. Much like Gary Johnson.

    Except without the fireworks.

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Mr Hankey said:

    Not fully sure how he is doing health-wise, pretty sure he was meant to be the guest for the Southampton game but he had to pull out and Euell stepped in instead? Expect it may be Euell again.

    I have heard on the grapevine that he's doing well.

    • Like 10
  15. 1 hour ago, Cole Not Gas said:

    Dont know what kind of world you live in; poor win ratio, leaves the club after 30 months without the ability to score goals, during his best season with W-S-M up front (none of whom he recruited) he coached us to concede 77 goals - that is seventy seven.

    Fans might sing; "you stole a wage, you stole a wage"

    Unbelievable. 🤦

    • Like 2
  16. 1 hour ago, LondonBristolian said:

    I do agree with this.  And it is worth noting that - up until the beginning of the season - I don’t recall anyone ‘in the know’ on here ever even hinting at problems between Tinnion and Pearson. But suddenly he seems to have become the prime mover behind Tinnion’s sacking and responsible for everything that has gone with the club, whilst it seems that everything positive he has been credited with since he returned to the club is a sham and an illusion.

    As with so many things, I suspect there are elements of truth and elements of interpretation.

    Certainly I think it fair to say that the current structure, and his role within it,  has some major problems. There is a lack of experience throughout the senior roles at the club and that is really showing. And there also seems to be a major lack of PR savvy and ability to read the room. 

    It is very obvious from the panicked hastily arranged interviews and multiple inconsistent explanations that followed Pearson’s sacking that the senior figures at the club did not anticipate the strength of fan reaction that followed Pearson’s sacking. 

    However what I find even more revealing was something said during the SotC interview last week - essentially that Tinnion wanted to come on to talk about the youth team but then got told by Radio Bristol that he would need to answer questions about the first team too. The whole idea that the Technical Director of a Championship genuinely believed in the first place that he  might be able to go on the radio and NOT be asked about the first team shows a massive lack of awareness of what the fans and media are want. 

    It is also fair to say that Tinnion’s first major recruitment has been a disaster and is not succeeding on the terms either the fans expected or the club set out.

    But ultimately any organisation needs to make sure the appointments they make - even at a senior level - have the support they need to succeed. Tinnion has been at the club long enough that the Chair, owner and board should know his strengths and weaknesses. And it seems like nothing has been put in place in the new structure to help him develop or offset his less strong points. 

    I suspect that Tinnion actually does have a skillset that is good for the long term future of the club. There has obviously been a degree of strategy and planning around youth development and long term continuity that he should be credited for. But it is also obvious that PR and press interviews are not his strength and the learning from Manning should be that, if he is trusted to recruit a manager again, he needs support at the very least to ensure that the manager he finds meets the expectations he has set out.

    But personally I don’t think the above is necessarily a reason to sack a long term employee before at least trying other solutions.

    The club urgently need to look at the top end structure and get some additional experience and knowledge in for sure. I do not think that necessarily means Tinnion has to be sacked but it does mean, as with any employee in any structure, the club need to find a way to utilise his strengths, offset his weaknesses and ensure he is not left exposed to become the scapegoat for every decision taken.

    If only.

  17. Just now, Kingswood Robin said:

    It's not sustainable though. They're getting egg on their face virtually every time we play. A heavy defeat against Leicester, or just a defeat followed by a poor result at Plymouth and he has to go, if not before.

    They deserve everything they get.

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