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Everything posted by Superjack

  1. It might be too good to be true, but I hope that I am right in finally sensing a groundswell. I think that the tide may at last be turning among the fanbase. About bloody time.
  2. He doesn't want competent people. He wants subservience. He needs to sell up and **** off.
  3. And on this we DO agree. I don't agree that they are atrocious. But otherwise this is correct. NP could see it. So set us up as a counter-attacking side. Pretty much home and away. Of course, if he had been kept on and backed in the transfer market, he could have changed that. It's no coincidence that Manning's only good results have come against teams that force us to play the way that NP drilled us to.
  4. Absolutely. Your opinion. No problem. This forum is for debate. I just happen to disagree.
  5. Well if they are technically atrocious, surely NP was doing a good job, no?
  6. Really? I think most would disagree. I can be though. Sometimes. Not in this instance.
  7. How many more times? He's a builder. He was building. He had layed the foundations that are now being dug up. This bloke couldn't build with ****ing Lego.
  8. Thanks. But nah... we're ****ed. From top to bottom. But especially the top.
  9. I'd go back to sleep mate...
  10. And the award for bullshit post of the night goes to....
  11. I think he absolutely would tell them to do one. And I would absolutely enjoy hearing about it.
  12. Even if he does, JL sure as shit won't be going anywhere.
  13. Superjack


    He really should be a Lansdown.
  14. Are we better in forward areas generally? Tonight, yes.
  15. Because we are forced to play the way the previous manager set us up?
  16. So with Conway it is due to Manning, but with Wells it's due to Wells... ...is that what you're saying?
  17. Superjack


    It certainly is. He's the opposite of a genius.
  18. Well that's not necessarily untrue. Hard to tell though. Conway is offering nothing under Manning either.
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