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Everything posted by Superjack

  1. He won't back him. He doesn't speak any more. But he won't fire him. He'd have to clean his own backside.
  2. Imagine what else you could do with the money...
  3. Manning is an atrocious appointment. But I don't have anything against the bloke personally. He's far too boring to extract any such reaction. But he needs to go. Tinnion needs to go. But above and beyond all else, the Lansdowns need to go.
  4. Doesn't alter the fact that it's where we were before this utter cluster****. Jesus Christ. We had it all good to go! ****wits.
  5. I doubt it. They like subservience and cowtowing. They have that in spades with this ****. Why do you think he has been engineered into a place of such power?
  6. Their only sexual gratification through keyboard trolling is my bet.
  7. I know the question is not addressed to me, but I don't trust any of them to appoint anyone decent. But he could actually stick a pin in a list of names and that name would probably be a better fit. Make no mistake about it, there was no research or due diligence done on Manning. They just went for the first person doing well in League One who would take the job because they needed that nasty man Pearson out of the door. Absolute ****s.
  8. All that needed posting tbf.
  9. We don't attack. We huff and puff. Usually around the defence. The only time we consistently attack is when we are forced to revert to Pearson's tactics.
  10. Nah. He'll just slither down it. ****.
  11. I understand your sentiment, but this is where the solution lies.
  12. It will genuinely be one of the happiest days of my life when the last of the 'Three Dumb-egos' has finally left this club. If I am still alive.
  13. You think with the mood on here that there aren't some still about? I don't.
  14. It really is pathetic. I can't think of anything more pathetic. Apart from the 'organisation' (ironic term) that some of them work for.
  15. Last ****ing stand I would sit in. If I still went.
  16. I am so angry. I have been robbed of my football club by these cowardly b*******.
  17. So about where we were when they betrayed Pearson then...
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