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Everything posted by Superjack

  1. Because it wasn't fair that he was a nasty man and wouldn't do as he was told.
  2. I think that's true, but the first contact came from Pearson.
  3. I think he phoned Lansdown for the job. He may regret that, but I doubt it as he has fallen in love with North Somerset.
  4. You do realise that nurses do ****ing loads? Not just mental health? I think that you should have a word with yourself.
  5. He and I will both be dead by then.
  6. I can save them all the bother. Have a dad that is a football manager in a club where the owner loves him, ask your dad if you can play every week, then when your dad gets sacked keep sucking up to the owner, then get the most decent job you will ever get. Then write a book.
  7. Absolutely. I want everybody to stand against what is going on at the moment. But our circumstances are all different. You do what makes you happy.
  8. There ****ing should be vacancies from the top down.
  9. You are really not doing yourself any favours with your new buzzword.
  10. No. Because he questioned them. Not allowed. Not under a dictatorship.
  11. You would hope. I'm really not so sure.
  12. Go on then. We're all waiting...
  13. It was a joke. A joke that said nothing about mental health. Get over it.
  14. It is indeed. Just remember the numbers, but I obviously don't recall what they mean. Bit like Tinnion staring at his workload, I imagine.
  15. Wow!! Haven't had that since I first joined in 2010. Keep up, dear boy.
  16. Do you mean like playing a 45rpm vinyl record on 33rpm so it sounds like the Chipmunks?
  17. Not sure how to respond. But thanks for your intelligent input. Oh... wait... I have figured it out. **** off.
  18. It's nailed on. I'm convinced of it. Try selling up then, Lansdown. Best take the best offer you can now.
  19. We used to be able to. About six months ago.
  20. Perfectly sensible. And I live in a yellow ****ing submarine.
  21. You surely aren't surprised?
  22. Completely understandable. Let me give you another option. If you are worried about waning years, maybe find something more fulfilling until the club is run in a way that gives us all pleasure again. Just an option. I wish you happiness.
  23. She gets my vote. And I don't even know who she is.
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