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Everything posted by Superjack

  1. It's beyond time that the 'technical director' and the owners went. But that won't happen either.
  2. That is not really guessing. It's a fact that we will see. I think that you will see that you are wrong. But we will see.
  3. Yet another reason to hate Pulis. Because he is always held up as some sort of benchmark. "Nothing can be that bad, because Pulis was worse". I sat through the Pulis era, and it doesn't seem to me that this bloke is much better. Say what you like about Pulis, the football may have been as boring as what we have now, but the bloke certainly wasn't.
  4. One manager too late to argue that point, I'm afraid.
  5. At least one of them couldn't even spell it.
  6. Am I not allowed to express discontent unless I have? Talk about a dictatorship.
  7. I made a cake earlier, but I forgot to put the butter and sugar in. It was horrendous. I put some icing on the top, which made it look better. But I still had to chuck it in the ****ing bin.
  8. Yeah right. So the club can go to hell in a handcart with clueless and incompetent leadership and a head coach that's out of his depth, but it's all okay because we won today. Just how long do you think it will be before what you fear becomes reality?
  9. I've already stopped going. Until the Lansdowns leave.
  10. Not a choice that it looks likely they will have to make.
  11. Three points. Virtually confirming survival this year and relegation next.
  12. He's an idiot. Don't bite.
  13. If I wish for anyone else in key positions at the club, rather than what we have, do I still need to be careful? I think not.
  14. I think that if he was interested in the job when Cotterill went, and he had got it, we would have had PL football by now.
  15. I think that the original post was ironic. Yours, however. Are you actually GJ?
  16. Yeah... because new owners wouldn't replace them, would they? Talk about arguing for arguing's sake.
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