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Everything posted by Superjack

  1. 'apparently' meaning that you haven't got a ****ing clue.
  2. He doesn't like passion. Or emotion. They don't compute.
  3. You really are making yourself look the 'clown'.
  4. Our top six players, you mean?
  6. Fair enough. But they don't do it as often as your football club.
  7. Fair enough. But they don't do it as often as your football club.
  8. No problem. You are on 'ignore' Not a loss. You will be banned again shortly.
  9. Straight back in under thirty seconds. Troll or BS bot. Fair play if you're just a troll. Impressive levels of sadness.
  10. I think you might find that is incorrect, this time around. Hopefully, you are just a troll and not employed by 'BS'. Otherwise I think you may have a monumental shock coming.
  11. Agreed. Not personal abuse. Professional yes. Though, it is rather hard not to make it personal when it is his personality traits that are my biggest problem with him. I guess I should try and do better. And not be down at his level.
  12. I retract this. He isn't cunning enough to be a snake. He's more of a vindictive hamster.
  13. Not at all disagreeing with your well put post. But given the events of this season in particular, is this not a bit of Karma coming home to roost? (of course, it isn't, because it's just words on a forum)
  14. Exactly what we were crying out for three years ago. Oh...
  15. Indeed. But we are all 'plebs' in the Lansdown eyes. Young or old. Wouldn't it be nice if every old person could retire to tax-free Guernsey on a 'nest egg' ?
  16. It could be worse. Guess what? It SHOULD be better!
  17. Thanks. Unlikely. But I appreciate the offer.
  18. I bet that your really good seat isn't half as comfortable as your armchair/sofa at home. Completely get the social aspect though. I think that the most important thing in life is liberty. Everyone making their own decisions. My view is that continuing to fund this appalling hierarchy is condoning their appalling decisions and the self serving reasons behind them. But that's me. Not you. Best wishes, whatever you choose.
  19. Oh... I'm poor. Just been lucky.
  20. Well... ... I give you "It's my club". Defining 'light bulb' moment....
  21. Clifton. But I am also in the pub trade, so need some notice. The football gods seem to be spurning me.
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