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Everything posted by Superjack

  1. Great. Another thread derailed by Robbored's pathetic Danny Wilson wind up. Getting sick of it now. Can't the mods just give him his own Troll section and have done with it?
  2. Thank you. Didn't want them getting too excited in case their board starts listening. ?
  3. I seem to recall this one causing a bit of an uproar. I had it, actually.
  4. If anyone wants a laugh, the 'Odds on Mowbray shortening by the hour' thread on the Sunderland forum is worth a go. ?
  5. Summed up brilliantly as usual by one of the most sensible posters on here.
  6. Not surprised. They might be the worst team in the league. ?
  7. I know what you mean, but that did make me laugh. ?
  8. Not sure he'd get in at the moment. Who'd have thought that?
  9. I'm a big fan of Nahki Wells and the last two games are examples of why. But what I really want to say is that I thought Vyner was excellent today. They were all excellent. Going to work very happy. ?
  10. How about charging the referee for instigation through incompetence?
  11. Yeah that's what I thought. ?
  12. This thread won't be complete until somebody says that they will never set foot in the Gate again if it happens. ?
  13. I think Naismith will be captain eventually when he's settled. Already touted as a leader. I don't agree with giving it to Wiemann. Not that he's not capable, I just don't really like forwards as captains because most of the play is behind them. Defenders have the play in front of them and midfielders are central to everyone. Maybe a simplistic view I suppose.
  14. Hanging On The Telephone - Blondie
  15. @Davefevs I was going to offer my sympathies, but I now realise that you were talking about the game. Edit: @RedRock beat me to it.
  16. https://www.facebook.com/639087909492017/posts/pfbid0NgkVpHtvW8nX279teRTNzMtLgVXYQgmZywHDMaU5SF8kyzKf5cjf71ELL6NpKtpHl/?sfnsn=scwspmo
  17. Superjack


    Spending money to be able to spend money... ? Are you throwing your hat in the ring for the future PM?
  18. Good luck to the guy. Not a particular loss to us at this moment in time, but always thought he showed a lot of promise. Wouldn't be surprised to see a good career in future seasons.
  19. You really are the most appalling WUM.
  20. I think it's called 'Selective Memory'.
  21. You may be correct. I can't speak for the whole fanbase. Only myself. ?
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