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Everything posted by Lrrr

  1. I would imagine bet refunded as a free bet if you've placed it online at least, that way bookies 'give' money back but will most likely end up keeping 90% of it through lost bets with it then placed again
  2. Honestly don't see the Euros going ahead this summer, think they could be postponed to the 2021 off season
  3. So hypothetical situation if the league does get delayed for a few weeks, anyone have any ideas on whether the start of the next season would be pushed back a bit?
  4. So Man City vs Real Madrid in doubt because of their lockdown, Wolves were refused permission for their game to be postponed by UEFA lets see if they have the balls to say the same to Madrid, no reason their players couldn't be checked for the virus in a few days like Forest checked all their players/staff
  5. So you get a stream for buying a ticket? So if more than 1 person from the same household have a ticket you pay twice, three times much for a stream if you've already bought your tickets? Seems fair.....
  6. No idea of the legality but could they change it so burden of proof is on proving you've complied rather than being found to have broken? I'm sure clubs would act a hell of a lot quicker if there was a deadline for having to prove they've complied or the EFL can punish them based on what they accuse them of having done (ie exceeded FFP by x million over 3 years)
  7. If she 'has it' doesn't that mean Boris has to self isolate? Convenient for him so he can bury his head in sand for a while
  8. Sky just saying Roy Hodgson being 72, would he be banned from attending...
  9. Sky reporting it, government to meet with premier league and other governing bodies early next week
  10. What a absolute shambles, didn't realise both semi's were at the same ground so because of there being a second game they couldn't wait out the rain for the england game. Presumably the same has been organised for the men's tournament as well genius!
  11. Honestly wouldn't be surprised to see a lot of films delayed if there is a massive surge in cases over the next month, the studios won't want to miss out on hundreds of millions because of a virus
  12. Delayed until November 12th due to Coronavirus
  13. An ICC spokesperson said that allowing for any other reserve days "would have extended the length of the event, which is not feasible." "There is a clear and fair alternative should there be no play in the semi-finals," a spokesperson added. They play on the same day... no one gains an advantage by the games being a day later so how would it be unfair?
  14. Stupid organising to begin with
  15. Interesting note for the Olympics, they can be delayed to later this year but cannot be postponed until say next summer, Tokyo loses the right to host it if its not hosted this year, for a project thats taken 10 billion to complete thats a heck of a pressure situation. However the last time Tokyo hosted the Olympics they were hosted in October because of the temperature in the country.
  16. Indian fielder caught shouting 'two' while NZ batters were running, Richard Kettleborough scolded them big time for it
  17. Anyone been keeping up with the womens world cup? Any idea why they've tried turning Tammy Beaumont into a #6 finisher when she was seemingly one of the best openers in the womens game?
  18. Imagine Liverpool not winning the title due to coronavirus
  19. Mental to think there were questions just after the world cup of whether Morgan would continue at international level, dude is still just as dangerous as anyone at the level
  20. Incredible t20 series, each game was great
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