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Posts posted by glynriley

  1. Blimey that does surprise me. Perhaps there was an offer on.

    I do clearly remember my Dad chucking me a few quid and pointing me at the turnstiles. That would of been about 85-86 season when I first went regularly.

    I'd be surprised if it was that much as well. When I first started going with mates from school , about 81/82 I can remember paying 70p to get in the East End !!

    Edit - actually it may have been £1.70 , can anyone else remember ?

  2. Why should they?

    Your company is in trouble and they ask you to tear up your contract and leave for nothing would you? or would you as I suspect fight for every penny you are owed?

    If I was a millionaire and thought I could walk straight into a similar position on similar pay I would.

    Let's face it , if The AG8 had taken your view , we would not be here to have this conversation.

  3. I was at working in my restaurant one day when this Chinese customer told me "Your fries aren´t done".

    I told him, "If you think you can cook the chips any better, you´re welcome to try you cheeky ****."

    Then I burnt my knob on the stove.

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