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Everything posted by Sleepy1968

  1. Back in the day, 3rd kits were not a thing. I'm just waiting for an announcement that the 3rd kit has been promoted to our 2nd kit due to outstanding away form.
  2. I thought the radio commentary was so much better than RTV, even though it is geared to a different broadcast medium.
  3. People who are don't need to say it ...
  4. You're the first to mention it. everyone else loves our Ollie. Love Mrs Gloria Langford (Mother)
  5. @Davefevs --help --man should get us somewhere.
  6. I hope this does not prove prophetic.
  7. I read that as we can take a shit by ourselves. Something to aspire to my six fingered fiends?
  8. Those corners were the opposite of what we usually get. Magic. Got to get our centre backs on them.
  9. It's a good day when you can genuinely make a case for three or four players being the MOM.
  10. So, I've been wondering how much worse it'll get when VAR comes in. Unless they magic up some competent officials from somewhere. Do you fancy this ref doing the VAR? Jesus, I'd rather see Bonnie Langford doing it.
  11. Best this season apart from a couple of dodgy incidents at the back, and a bit of unfortunate finishing. Sam Bell great.
  12. I've been with the club since I was nine as well. And I'm still here at 55. Let's hope Zak is out before he's that old.
  13. Let's hope he doesn't fiddle with his woggle too much.
  14. To be fair, some of us probably are.
  15. Not beyond the realms of possibility. The first we'll hear about any of this is when the new owner gets revealed on the roof, wearing our new away kit ?
  16. How many suitors will there be? I think he'll sell up to the first potential buyer that comes close enough to his valuation. If any do ...
  17. I didn't see that, rather a team a bit thin on the ground, up against a better team. We were second best, but not through lack of effort.
  18. Don't worry, he'll be fine. Footballers are pragmatic. Although they will aim to maximise earnings and on field success, most of them realise that one is more easily obtained than the other. (Not that either are 'easily obtained' in its true sense.) If club success doesn't come, but you've done well personally, you might get a move further up the ladder in a couple of years. And around you go.
  19. ? everything not quoted. Personally, I'd agree re Scott: as a fan I'd clearly liked him to stay for the season. However, the club would be considering how desperate he was to leave in this window (I think he wanted to go), and the risk of his value decreasing over the season. In this case we'd likely have got 'value on the pitch' if we kept him provided he remained committed to us mentally.
  20. The irony is not lost on me, but to provide a counter-argument: - Fake shirts: maybe that's partly down to the official ones being of variable quality, their low availabily, and being vastly overpriced (ok, it's the going rate, but it'somly a bloody shirt). Personally I'd rather let my £5 retail voucher gather dust than support the current retail offerings, and look to someone like OTIB merch if I was desperate for something city related. Streaming games: I imagine quite a few of us back the club with STs and fly VPN Airways for away games only/home games we can't make. I would never pay the walk up prices, so I can't really complain when some people want to use RTV for home they could get to, however I draw the line at illegal streaming of your own teams game.
  21. You wouldn't necessarily need that. Maybe a memo from his reporting line could make disclosure a breach of contract, and keep him gagged. But if they wanted to try and put the frighteners on him they may have trouble getting him to agree to an NDA.
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